Friday, March 14, 2014

Stories from us.

Assalamualaikum :)
Salam Jumaat everybody :)

Just noticed that i haven't posted a lot of pictures lately as we were quite occupied and still puzzled with the disappearance of flight Mh370. And also the haze and not to forget the water supply shortage we were just overwhelmed with too many issues lately. Hopefully all these could make us turn back to our Creator more and love or loved ones lend to us temporarily more often.

So these are picture of us, our stories :)

Iman's school monthly celebration was last week, so mommy bought this ultraman cake. Personally i think the banning of ultraman is just a case of mis interpreting the book from Japanese to Malay. Salah tafsir. ( If you know about this issue) So stop with that. 

Iman was so happy with the cake and as  usual so spirited to go to school. Alhamdulillah so happy, it melted my heart each morning after being dressed up by daddy he will run to me doing some ironing screaming out:. Dah siap!!! :)

So happy birthday celebration Iman! Hopefully the celebration was a blast :) I'm still waiting for the pictures from Arif Minda's fb :)

Taugeh 'tree' planted by Iman in one of his school's project :)
Siap suruh mommy letak air, supaya besar and keluar buah :p Buah apa iman nak? Macam macam buah boleh tumbuh only if you believe it will my young man ;)

Ni plak kisah lain, kisah tag mommy. Yang lama dah kena digantikan dgn yang baru sejajar peredaran syarikat. Sedar tak sedar dh tahun ke-7 disini. Sudah 6tahun+ memakai tag ini. Alhamdulillah. ketembaman dlm tag pun terserlah diantara 7thn itu adalah 2org anak dan 20kg..hahah. Kalau dikira dari training, 2007 dh masuk tahun ke-8. Kalau dr zaman anak skolar 2004, sudah 10tahun dlm keluarga besar ini. Banyak pahit manis disini. Bertemu jodoh pun disini. Alhamdulillah, disinilah punca rezeki mommy. 

Kesempatan dihujung minggu lepas juga dapatlah menjenguk menghirup udara di tmn botani putrajaya. Minggu ni tak dapatlah.catatan ipu sgt menyedihkan. Sudah tahap bahaya. Anak anak tidak puas nak bermain. Lain kali ya anak2 kita bawak roti byk byk utk ikan makan :) W/pn roti pun dh mahal skrg.
Dulu ada roti buku rm1.00. skrg mana ada lagi ;'(

Kesayangan ambo..hehe ;p

Boys. Biarlah melasak.

Gambar wajib ada :P

Gazebo walkway yang cantik :)

Binaan menyerupai binaan cantik di turki kot..hanya di Taman botani

Memang susah diajak bergambar..ada sahaja karenahnya :p

Usai berjalan, esoknya haruslah dirumah sahaja bermalas malas berehat rehat. Ini mmg nyaman dan mommy suka ;p Bolehlah mommy buat DIY projects dan menguli donut skali skala :P

Amsyar pun berehat rehat sahaja. Sudah pukul 10pagi pn masih tak mahu mandi ;p

Main dilaman rumah yang sekangkang kera tapi cukuplah buat kami.alhamdulillah.. Pagi pagi meneman mommy menyidai segala baju,seluar, towel, selimut, cadar, bantal dan karpet juga (eheh..byk plak disidai yer..) . Aktiviti wajib hujung minggu ni tak boleh lah.minggu ni jerebu teruk

Pokok pokok pun mati cuaca panas yang amat :'(

U can make anything into anything you want, u just have to believe :)

Recently mommy got them these gears. One for each :) and of course both suka :) Kemain happy diorg. But still cannot be fully utilized yet. Jerebu oi. Nak main kat luar mcm mana! Sad.

XS satu.. S satu.. nanti kita upgrade ya..

Doa doalah hujan wknds ni. Supaya jerebu ok sket. Sedih. Biar hujan smp krisis air takde lagi. Pagi tadi adik ofis siap smp kul 9.30pg gara gara terpaksa g mandi kat R&R. Alhamdulillah rumah kita air tak dicatu. Mungkin belum lagi. Siapa tahu.

Happiness doesnt mean a lot of money or a big house, it is you and the people you loved in it that makes a happy home, a happy home :)

I will have to work tomorrow, however. :Leaving my loved ones to daddy. My first experience interviewing for an engineer post. Wish me luck and good guidance to pick the people to join our team from the 350 called to come are those who are really talented . 

And to judge people with kindness and not to have prejudice in my heart. 

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jom terjah :)
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