Friday, November 1, 2013

Come November :)

Its November already! Alhamdulillah :)
And it's already Friday to a long 4 days off here in Proton.
Double alhamdulillah :)
And the last Jumaat for the year 1434h :)


Too many things to do and to plan which sometimes left me in such an awkward position of running all things at the same time. Allah made women able to multitask with a reason isn't it? Planning is one thing. Execution is another. But failing to plan do means planning to fail kan? :)

There are some things yet left for 2013, but its no harm in looking forward for the future, ey?  We have'nt settle for Iman's school which i targeted before Nov ends but no worries, he's only 3 next yr. So lets play rather than school :)

November Yearly targets.

I'm one happy mommy coming across so many cute and FREE printables this morning for homeschooling lil tots so i just wanna share the link here in case ur interested :) I'm not really 100% into homeschooling yet but with just fun activities to fill in the loong weekends with the boys.

It's better that way kan?
Good things are nicer when shared kan? :)

Dinner. Simple. Mommy;s one happy woman :)

A bit of our story, homecooked meals and the boys, i think maybe 2014 will be the year to stand up and move on with my dreams. Maybe. May all the plans be in place and we find goodness (hikmah) in everything meant our way inshallah.

Boys. Growing so fast.
So panjang.Tinggi
So byk akal skrg (--")
Growing strong and great to be mommy's bodyguards, and lil qhalifahs :)

Mommy loves you both..mmmmuah mmmmuah!!

60 days left to 2014 guys!
Lets move full throttle by now!!!!!!
Fasten ur seat-belts boys!
Ah you too too!

Bear with mommy ok? 


Happy looooooooong weekends, guys!
It's gonna be an exciting fun wkend at home this time :)
Inshallah :)

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jom terjah :)
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