Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Routines

Just feel like writing today. Luahan hati.

Sometimes i think life is quite harsh on me.But the more you think of it, the more its torturing.So i stopped thinking and daydream of all the luxuries and what other people are indulging in.And just move on. This is my life so i should shape it as i want it and just let be.I have a demanding cute 21mo hunny bunny and another exclusively breastfed 5 and a half mths old sugar donut to spend my time with at night. So sometimes i just let go of all the house chores and use my little time to play with my lil men :). 

And alhamdulillah ever since, i managed to cook our daily dinner every day by now. Let it be just one main course with plain rice, but we're happier. I try not to be angry at Iman at almost all times and let his curiousity develops. Main lah all mommies pots and pans. My tupperwares and tipuwares. My onions and garlics. Even my bag of colourful straws. He just loves to be at the kitchen with me. And i'm still trying to adjust to love his presence as well instead to be annoyed as before.  At his age, he imitates a lot. How i cook, how i wash my pots, how i cut my veges. I find it so cute tho. And at the end of the day when he's already asleep, i'll just keep back ALL the mess. Kadang2 bukan byk pun, but before- all the melarang, and keeping it back once he put it out then repeating the act every 10 mins just did left me much more exhausted. 

I tried to end my day early and start again the next morning earlier than i should.By 11pm, we tried to have all lights off already. Except on some days it always extend to 10 to 15 mins more. But why should i be so strict. Just follow with the flow and move on.

I'm still struggling with my milk supplies. Its just another 16 days to go for 6months full BF. For Amsyar to be 6mo. With all the ups and downs- my frozen stock thawed, my breast pump broke-down. Small issues actually but some how it did effected me and my motivation. With tight budget constraint-i think this happens to all small young families- buying a new pump is really not in our monthly budget unless the management surprisingly nak bg bonus or increase our pay. Payday is always another payday. Kira cukup blanja secukupnya. At least we don't want to be in debt with orang, Pinjam sana sini. Hutang tak terbayar. Sesak2 sket- at least we are eating and living on our own-takde nak berhutang2 uang. Eh, panjang pulak cerita..asalnya bab pam yg rosak aje. The pump had already served me well-dah cukup haul dh. And now I'm with spectra manual that happened to be my spare pump one time ago. Kecik but i love the suction. 10mins pump is already sufficient and its really a handy pump. Cuma jangan kena time berpenyakit 'M' la.. malas and mengada. Malas pump manually. Mmg xdapek nak tolong la kan?Another 16days zahra-then we could support with solid food :) And inshallah I think we could make this happen.The first stepping stone. Bila dh bleh start solid dh jatuhlah gelaran exclusive BF tu. Takpelah kan. Then we target further, for 1yr pula :)

Nights are really hectic for me as a working mommy and I'm still struggling to cope. My night routines. Just to put it here..cause maybe some time ahead- i'll not be having this routine again.

7pm-play, read to iman, mandi, solat sama sama, play some more, BF Amsyar while resting. Play some more with both.
8pm- start to cook while keeping the 8pm news on : sambil masak sambil 'dengar' berita heheh (bila ada berita menarik-lari2 ke depan tv tgk tv), clean house sket, run the washing machine, check the bottles while daddy put both babies to sleep.well, most of the time tak berjaya la..iman still playing, amsyar still wiggling.
9pm- dinner. jemur baju. kemas dapur. kemas rumah. clean iman yg makan dinner sepah sapu kuah ayam the whole baju and tumpahkan air :p
10pm- Finally, TV time. Lipat kain. Sedia kan bottles for next day supply.Some more playing if Iman's still awake, prepare the boys bag for tmrw. Pump another round if possible.
11pm- Brush teeth with Iman (still trying to do this). Pray.Sleep.

If time belajar - 11pm - start study/homework/coursework.
12 midnite- pengsan.

If you happen to be reading this. Thank you very much. This is just a diary of my routines, whereas i might be forgetting it one time soon and this entry will still be here to refresh my memories of how my days were when i was a young mother of two babies :)

Till then,
Have a nice wednesday peeps,
May our day today be much better than yesterday. Inshallah.


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jom terjah :)
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