Friday, September 18, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Selamat Hari Malaysia!
Hello there! Selamat Hari Malaysia lovelies!
Hopefully everyone had a great day for the public holiday yesterday..heheh :)
Haze is getting better today i guess but its still really gloomy outside, even the laundry washed does not come crisp from the line. API still shows high number above 150 but the cloud gets much clear. I was down with tonsillitis fever on Tuesday and got an MC. I then begged hubs to not go to work on Wednesday (yes, he does public holidays as well) as i have no more energy to attend to the kids. Tuesday was really a mess, the boys school was closed (due to haze).
Hubs did all the housework on Malaysia day. The only chore i did was : cooking! Lunch and bihun for breakfast :) Lunch was quite simple too, but as hubs did all the work and it quite impressed me, i cooked for him ayam gulai and his favorite paru berlada. Yeah..a man with a happy stomach is a happy man indeed :)
I was about to make him his favorite bubur jagung (yeahh..see why hubs size changed in 5 yrs), when he suggested we go to Nilai 3 to find few things his mother asked us to get here in KL (read -Nilai3). So no bubur for today. and we had a quick bite after Maghrib in Nilai Mc Donalds to get those happy meals for the boys.
I havent start my write-up on Legoland yet. Yups! We had a blast! but legoland really calls for 2nd and 3rd visits as one day is not enough to cover all. sigh! I'll try to write something soon. Inshallah. Hmmm bilalah tu ek?
Have you read about this smart young guy named Ahmed who was caught at school for a digital clock he invented? amazingly he had really brought some new sights on racism and islamophobia, and great minds recognizes a budding great mind. Google, FB founder and even twitter founder asked him if he would be interested for some internship at their places. wow. thats a real wow!
Bravo ahmed! Bagus..great to hear that the charges were dropped already. Alhmdulillah. But surely the US goverment surely is keeping their eyes open at this young genius. In 10 years time, only Allah knows what he's capable of. Mashallah.
Have a great day ugaiz.
Love Zahra
Monday, September 14, 2015
Foodilicious Seksyen 7 Shah Alam
Cerita legoland nantilah yerr..weol had a great time in overall. Nanti kita cerita pendek and cerita pnjg bila sempat :)
Smlm mmg rs nk demam, telan panadol mmg pitam ptgnya.yalah maybe badan xtahan smlm nya berjalan seharian kat legoland, mlm sampai rumah unpack bags and buat laundry. flat lah mommy..buat macaroni grg for brakfast cum lunch utk the kids, mommy dok melepek dpn tv..rumah xberkemas, dapur xberasap mlm tu ajak daddynya keluar makan luar ajelah sesambil nk isi petrol for this week. So kita jalan jalan cari makan.
Jelajah Shah Alam sampai ke area seksyen 7 nun nk tgk apa yg best. Pusing2 sesambil google western food yg best keluar foodilicious kitchen ni. Letaknya dlm medan selera blkg unisel sebangunan dgn kedai mee ketam JDT tu.Klu nk tgk directions boleh tgk sini.
Boleh tahan jugalah sini. Saya bagi 3stars! Hubby kata my grilled lamb tastes better..auwww so sweet! ;) Pricewise saya bg 3.5stars. Recommended for western food on a budget :) Hubby mana kenyang mkn kentang kintub=ng aje.. He ordered set tomyam from the kedai around. Boleh tahan lah set rm15 ada tomyam, daging merah, sayur cmpur and telur dadar. Byk rupanya kedai di medan selera ni..cwgan D'Arab Cafe pun ado for Kabsah or Mandy lovers. Ada juga kedai sup merah ala johor and nasi kukus ayam berempah :)
The address ::
See ya!
Smlm mmg rs nk demam, telan panadol mmg pitam ptgnya.yalah maybe badan xtahan smlm nya berjalan seharian kat legoland, mlm sampai rumah unpack bags and buat laundry. flat lah mommy..buat macaroni grg for brakfast cum lunch utk the kids, mommy dok melepek dpn tv..rumah xberkemas, dapur xberasap mlm tu ajak daddynya keluar makan luar ajelah sesambil nk isi petrol for this week. So kita jalan jalan cari makan.
Jelajah Shah Alam sampai ke area seksyen 7 nun nk tgk apa yg best. Pusing2 sesambil google western food yg best keluar foodilicious kitchen ni. Letaknya dlm medan selera blkg unisel sebangunan dgn kedai mee ketam JDT tu.Klu nk tgk directions boleh tgk sini.
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7-spice Grilled Lamb RM14.90 |
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The menu |
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BBQ grilled Chicken RM13.90 |
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Fish n Chips RM11.90 |
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Iman habis satu ni :) |
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Amsyar kata sedappp |
Boleh tahan jugalah sini. Saya bagi 3stars! Hubby kata my grilled lamb tastes better..auwww so sweet! ;) Pricewise saya bg 3.5stars. Recommended for western food on a budget :) Hubby mana kenyang mkn kentang kintub=ng aje.. He ordered set tomyam from the kedai around. Boleh tahan lah set rm15 ada tomyam, daging merah, sayur cmpur and telur dadar. Byk rupanya kedai di medan selera ni..cwgan D'Arab Cafe pun ado for Kabsah or Mandy lovers. Ada juga kedai sup merah ala johor and nasi kukus ayam berempah :)
The address ::
See ya!
Friday, September 11, 2015
We're going! Yeay!
Inshallah this weekend via company's trip! Yeay! mommy's as excited as the boys! Finally a holiday after all the drama at work. Thank you dear company. We love you for this hehehe
Doakan kami selamat pergi dan kembali!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Weekends at Home..
...are always the best!
There's always a domestic engineer inside of me, that gives me the serene feeling of just loving the weekend spent at home. Cooking and cleaning and reading and movie time. Sometimes just to cuddle and kiss my two munchkins. Time runs too fast. My babies will grow out of all the kissing and wet smooches and i like to savor them all now! :)
Sunday mornings at 7.30am. I wish i could wake up everyday like this :) Relax aje..duit masuk kaching kaching :p In your dreams la zahra :) Dreams worth dreaming with hopes worth hoping.

Weekends lah baru mommy sempat melayan nak makan apa.nak minum apa. buat bubur ayam pun cukup seronok dh masing2. mintak nak makan kokokrunch dgn susu dlm mangkuk tamau dlm plastik mcm bekal p skool. hehehe pagi2 selalu xsempat nk breakfast properly. semua on the go. Yalah mommy 7.30 dh kat opis. kita keep record attendence bersih supaya hati semua org senang. Buat apa yg kita boleh kawal. Tugasan kita yg diberi khas untuk kita buat kita buat dgn baik. jgn seleweng. Yang tak boleh kawal kita serah pada tuhan.
Makan-makan, main rehat, tunggu ultraman start. Itulah rutin weekend. Bila dah puas kita punggah buku. Memang boleh berjam jam mengadap buku buku mommy menelek satu persatu. Alhmdulillah. Mommy suka kalau macam tu. baca elok elok sama sama. pastu bercerita.

Sejuk hati mommy. Collection buku memang banyak. And mmg dh byk juga koyak rabak habes dh puas baca and tergunting katanya. takpelah, janji minat and baca. esok mommy belikan yang lain pula. The boys kalau time baik, mmg baik sgt berdua. kalau time berkungfu, kita biarkan diorg berlasak. janji xde patah riuk berdarah mana mana.
Dah besar dh dua dua. Haritu duduk cuddle seblah daddynya dpn tv, iman cakap " Ehh mommy peluk daddy ni nak kawen ke?" Hehehehe. amboi pandai yerr? :) Adiknya pun, tercakap nada kuat sikit dh tarik muka, berlakon merajuk. Siap tanya "Mommy tak kesian kat adik ke? adik tengah merajuk ni.." Hehehe..3 dgn 4 thn byk ragam dan celotehnya. Kadang2 xterjangkau akal soalan soalan yg ditanya, terkulat kulat mommy cari jawapan yg age appropriate :) Mcm "kenapa telur mommy xletak dlm freezer skali dgn ayam?" or "Allah pakai kereta apa pergi kerja?" or "kenapa mommy tak pakai tudung kat dlm rumah, masa daddy ada? " hehehe

Sesambil membaca novel kegemaran, kita bake sikit2 utk yg tersayang. apa apa pun kalau di bake, harum satu rumah itulah yg mendamaikan. I would love the boys to remember the fresh smell of the buns in the oven, and remind them of home. Biarlah cuma brownies kosong. Yang ini kegemaran amsyar, my little sweet tooth. sweet tooth like mommy ;) Inshallah, moga dua dua ingat kat mommy selalu. Apa yg kita buat sama sama masa kecil. dirumah kecil yg diorg dibesarkan ni.inshallah

Have a nice day ahead uguys. Kerja menimbun kat opis taktaulah kenapa. Hati mmg selalu kat rumah saja. Nak buat itu ini dirumah. Sekarang pun masak masak utk keluarga rs seronok sgt usai habis kerja kerja di ofis yg memenatkan. Seronok sgt suami dan anak anak makan berselera. Yalah semua pun tegur, mana tak nya suami sy yg 6 thn lps pakai size 29 skrg sudah 36 size seluarnya. semua maju kehadapan . kikikik
Have a nice september. Bulan byk perkara ni 15days countdown to SIL wedding! 2days countdown to our trip to JB! This time a lil special sebab nak ikut rombongan 10 bas ke JB! And it'll be iman and amsyar's first bus trip ever :) Mommy pun dh bertahun tak naik express bus.Doakan semuanya baik2 sahaja inshallah :)
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Aylan Kurdi
This photo was an eye-opener of what's happening in Syria. Sadly enough. Let us pray this do not happen again. May Allah ease everything. May our earth become a safer place for all of us. Sobs.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Resipi Ayam Goreng Ala KFC homemade
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Pic from wikihow |
Holaaa uols :)
Dah lama menghilang tetiba tempek gambar ayam goreng from wikihow :) Sebenarnya smlm buat ayam goreng ala original kfc ni. Tp habis xsempat ambil pic and nak simpan resipi kat sini sebab hubby iosls suka resipi ni :) Jom kita share sebab resipi ni sumpah senang.. i used drummets for my ayam goreng. Drummets ni kecil comel sesuai utk yg ahli keluarga yg kenit kenit ni :) well iman makan 3 of these... *clapclap* for mommy!
So boleh guna resipi senang :) dapat 5* smlm :)
2ulas bwg putih ditumbuk lumat*
2sudu kecil serbuk kari babas*
1 sudu kecil garam*
sebiji telur
5sudu besar tepung gandum
1sudu besar serbuk kari babas
sedikit serbuk lada putih
1 sudu kecil garam mengikut rasa
1. Perap ayam dgn bahan2 bertanda (*) selama 10-15mins.
2. Panaskan minyak dgn api perlahan. Gunakan minyak yg byk utk deep fry kan ayam.
3. Dlm mangkuk yg kering gaulkan tepung, serbuk kari, garam dan lada putih.
4. Pukul telur dlm satu mangkuk yg lain
5. Celupkan ayam satu persatu dlm urutan berikut : tepung - telur-tepung. Ulang sampai habis ayamnya
6. Goreng! Mesti digoreng dlm api perlahan dan lama (20-30mins)
7. Siap!
Memang sedap! Dah takyah beli tepung goreng segera.
And yang biasa masak with aji boleh tmbah aji sesedap rs pd ayam td. Kami mmg xpkai cik aji :)
Selamat Mencuba!!!!!!! :)
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Post Merdeka Celebration! - Port Dickson Picnic!
The long weekends was really a nice one for us. My sister Aliyya and brother Ali were home and so as hubs youngest brother Zakwan. Our small house was a tumbled one that weekend but i just liked it with family at home. All i do is cook and voila habis! Im one happy mommy indeed.
Astro gave free channels for merdeka so they were glued onto the couch with movies back to back la. So on Monday we planned for a picnic nearby instead. Hubs suggested Ulu Bendol. Tapi i said takmolah as it was quite far from us. 30mins from home we have PD. So yeay! Beach picnic!
I cooked nasi lemak sambal udang and some beehun, and off we went! Yeay! It was a sunny day and the boys of course enjoyed it. Everybody was sunburnt including mommy. I had some nap under the trees just relaxing my mind. It is just nice to have all of that once in a while. Takyahlah nk travel jejauh sgt..nanti cuti panjang kita p travel
Hubby suggested for a barbecue. Tp it was quite tedious with all the charcoal and whatnots, we just had the hotdogs grilled earlier and just have them on the beach. Next time perhaps kan? :) Nice beach nice view. Mashallah.
My brother even had the kite flying. it was hot and windy and nice. I dozed off in no time. Penat masak nasi lomak pagi td tu.hahaha. Well, everybody had fun :) Petang tu hantar Aliyya to Seremban, Zakwan to Kajang and back we went home! Esok sekolah! :)
Next trip in 9 days! Yeay! Cant wait! It'll be Iman and Amsyar's first bus trip! I really do enjoy life now without small babies. Lets have some fun ya boys? The new baby can wait :)
See u!
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Mommy's Favorite 2 :)
Port Dickson : 31.08.2015
We arrived around 10am and the tide was still high.
By 12 it started to go low.
Iman : Mommy kenapa air makin tak ada?
Mommy : Sebab fenomena pasang surut.
Iman : Pasang surut tu apa?
Mommy : Hmm..masa air byk namanya pasang. Air sikit namanya surut.
Iman : Ooo..air tu pergi mana?
Mommy: Dia pergi ke tempat lain kat bumi.
Iman : Ooooo...sampai ke Zaid tak? (Zaid my nephew in the UK)
Mommy : Dia boleh je sampai.
Iman : uuuu...terernya
Mommy : terer? (--")
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Hello September! Something to ponder ;)
BEAUTY defined!
The whole idea of beauty has been tarnished by media, magazines and their promotion of fake beauty.METHING They have removed the simplicity of beauty, the acceptance of you for who you are.
Today a simple face will not attract many. A bare face will not be considered beautiful. But in order for that very same person to be considered 'beautiful' she will have to parade around bare figured.
This is society's idea of beauty. And if not, then it is a face plastered in make up. Society isn't sufficed by dressing up occasionally, no, the society we live in requires that you mask yourself everyday.
See this mask is worn, but behind it is a broken female. A female who has been bent by the demands of society, so much so that she has broken in to a hundred pieces. And now she no longer recognises herself without all the make up and glam. She doesn't see herself for who she truly is. All she sees is red lips and extended lashes. Nothing more. She no longer knows herself. She has submitted herself to the whims of society and in the process lost her real self.
Just know one thing. That this beauty which appears on the face, is deteriorating with time. Look at our aged mothers, and ask them why our fathers love them so much. Do they adorn themselves with lipstick and heels? No. But it was their souls which captured hearts. Their loyalty and sacrifice. And that's why they survived decades together. That's why they stuck together, firmly.
Look to a person's character. If it's bitter, no matter how physically beautiful they are, they won't capture every heart. If their character is beautiful, even if they don't live up to society's standards, they will still tug at the hearts of many.
You need to love yourself. Love your bare face. Love your naked eyes. Love your simple smile. Love you. Because people do. Even if your reflection tells you otherwise, you're beautiful. Beautiful in the eyes of many. So when they tell you, believe them. Because they may have fallen in love with your soul, and the beautiful traits of your soul have emerged on to your face. That's beauty.
And that's guaranteed because Allah did not error in creating you perfectly for those who are meant to love you.
~ Gems of Jannah
The whole idea of beauty has been tarnished by media, magazines and their promotion of fake beauty.METHING They have removed the simplicity of beauty, the acceptance of you for who you are.
Today a simple face will not attract many. A bare face will not be considered beautiful. But in order for that very same person to be considered 'beautiful' she will have to parade around bare figured.
This is society's idea of beauty. And if not, then it is a face plastered in make up. Society isn't sufficed by dressing up occasionally, no, the society we live in requires that you mask yourself everyday.
See this mask is worn, but behind it is a broken female. A female who has been bent by the demands of society, so much so that she has broken in to a hundred pieces. And now she no longer recognises herself without all the make up and glam. She doesn't see herself for who she truly is. All she sees is red lips and extended lashes. Nothing more. She no longer knows herself. She has submitted herself to the whims of society and in the process lost her real self.
Just know one thing. That this beauty which appears on the face, is deteriorating with time. Look at our aged mothers, and ask them why our fathers love them so much. Do they adorn themselves with lipstick and heels? No. But it was their souls which captured hearts. Their loyalty and sacrifice. And that's why they survived decades together. That's why they stuck together, firmly.
Look to a person's character. If it's bitter, no matter how physically beautiful they are, they won't capture every heart. If their character is beautiful, even if they don't live up to society's standards, they will still tug at the hearts of many.
You need to love yourself. Love your bare face. Love your naked eyes. Love your simple smile. Love you. Because people do. Even if your reflection tells you otherwise, you're beautiful. Beautiful in the eyes of many. So when they tell you, believe them. Because they may have fallen in love with your soul, and the beautiful traits of your soul have emerged on to your face. That's beauty.
And that's guaranteed because Allah did not error in creating you perfectly for those who are meant to love you.
~ Gems of Jannah
posted from Bloggeroid
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