Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Zulhadzrey Iman's TT journey!

I need to record this!

Today 25th of Sept 2013, at 2yrs and 7mths lil Mr.Zulhadzrey Iman had finally made it! I have tried toilet training Iman for quite some time and finally Iman had been diaperless for 2 consecutive days during day time. So big yeay for Iman!!!

He was the one who wanted to be diaperless.
Dah tak selesa agaknya.

The toughest for mommy was to ask him whether he needs a go every 15mins. And trying not to be angry if he misses the call..arggghhhh! Ok Ok..take a deep breath a keep calm..and move on of course ;)

Thank you to kakwan, Iman's babysitter for all the support ;)
I will need a board of achievements and star stickers for this, just to emphasize on his achievements and to encourage him more!

Mommy will be shopping small boys underwear this wkend of course!

Wish me luck on this mommies out there.
It's day 3..and i hope it'll be smooth sailing as well.

May Iman be diaperless to school next yr inshallah :)


Mommy Z

1 comment:

eug|ena said...

wah! congrats mommy!!

syok la iman xyah pakai diaper dah.. xselesakan esp bila berpeluh ehehe


jom terjah :)
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