Tuesday, January 8, 2013

AdeQ AMSYAR sayang....

Not feeling well today with a flu.
But still need to accomplish few tasks in the office.
Just looking at Amsyar's Photos just gave me some strength to make my day :)


I will have jeans without holes in my knees from crawling around after my kiddos,
I will do the dishes more often and not let them sit in the sink for days,
My floors won't be covered with apple juice and squished raisins and sticky fruit snacks,
My car won't have crushed cheerios and moldy sippy cups hiding under the seats,
I won't step on Legos every time I walk across my son's room to check on him in the middle of the night,
My living room will have a comfy couch and stylish curtains instead of a big rug and loads of baskets of toys,
and I will be wearing something other than workout clothes with my hair in a ponytail at school drop off.

But for now...

I will take the cuddles in our cozy nook while I read Brown Bear, Brown Bear for the tenth time of the day,
I will love that doing chores takes twice as long because it is more fun to watch little ones run through piles of folded clothes than it is to put them right away,
I will relish our afternoon runs at 4pm to the park and the exercise I get climbing to the top of the play structure and doing choo choo trains down the slide with both kids in tow,
I will smile every time that my son turns on our piano and teaches his sister how to dance and twirl around the living room and do somersaults,
I will giggle when we arrive at the park and I've forgotten that my son is still wearing his underwear over his pants from when he was pretending to be a superhero,
I will enjoy the extra food that I get to eat when I've made two different meals and my kids decide they don't like any of them,
and I will cherish every toothbrushing battle than ends with a sweet little bedtime prayer and a big tuba kiss on my cheek.

Taken from : http://www.toddlerapproved.com/2012/04/super-mom-debunked.html.

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jom terjah :)
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