Thursday, April 1, 2021

Stay sane and #visitselangor

Assalam semua! Apa khabar? Kami sekeluarga alhmdulillah sihat sejahtera and masih dilindungi-Nya. Kita cuba bersederhana dan embrace norma baru, whilst keeping our mental health at a good pace. 

Its April already alhmdulillah and Ramadhan is approaching soon. Seminggu ni pun cuti sekolah after 4weeks of physical school. Work is also already going for 100% WIO as the cases are already circa 1000cases/day.. Well still a lot, and our job nature allows us to WFH so why not? 

So, i took a 7days leave just to settle few things to welcome Ramadhan, we had our Ikea trip, did some home improvements (yeah thats an ongoing project never settle with one deco!) and the highlight was our 10+ year old washing machine went caput! That was nearly 1000RM worth to spend on a new one! Tapi dh smpai masanya dah jangka hayat dia sampai situ je..sobs!

 So before we start working again we had one roadtrip to kuala selangor! Maybe we'll have that covered in another blog share. The reason I'm still blogging is that this is actually for my own future reading. Like a mini diary and stories kept for my kids. Iman had still not discovered this blog until now but i guess one day he'll surely appreciate it Inshallah!

 Back to our Kuala Selangor story - we tried the road not taken (no tolls) from BSP to Kg Bukit Cheeding (via Rimbayu) to Telok Panglima Garang. Then Klang- Meru- Kapar - Jeram and Bukit Melawati. It took us 1 hour and 40mins! haha. On the way back waze took us via the new WCE highway back to BSP in 50mins (from Jeram) with a total of RM 5++ toll. It was my first time to Kuala Selangor (well for all of us) and we went up north until Sekinchan and had 1hour pit stop at Pantai Redang. On the way back we had our first try at Aroma Ikan Bakar Jeram- this will also need a blog on its own!

So yeahhh..i guess i need to have this in few parts so that we can enjoy small snippets of stories rather than 1 long haul of all, betul tak? Happy Avril all of you! Enjoy your last bits of Syaaban and welcome Ramadhan! The 4 month i actually know dates of each and every day - Rejab, Syaaban, Ramadhan and Syawal! Still gotta work on that ..haha Well, better that not knowing at all!

Till then peeps,

Mommy Z


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