Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Assalam all, Ramadhan AlMubarak! 

Today is already our 15th day for Ramadhan and I just would like to save some of the memories of WIO in pandemic time here so that we could all relate back on how difficult it was then and still is. So yeahhh, our plant location is in the middle of the red zone and now most bosses in our office are from China and they had been vaccined so no problem for them. Travel interstate is still not allowed so to travel to Tg Malim needs permit and legal letters. We were also divided by zones but due to the long duration and unstrict enforcement some really brave the situation by just not complying to all. Our production still runs day and night and i am just grateful that we dont have foreign workers in our factories so the spread caused by foreign workers is quite controlled here. Just syukur alhmdulillah that though all unfortunate events happening inside the company (kluster and all) we are still protected by Allah. We lost few good people, so this pandemic is real guys. 

May Allah keep on pretecting all of us and we pray to Allah to give us chances to work as a team for the coming years.



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jom terjah :)
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