Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A confession to make

I have some things i would like to jot down here.
I don't want to keep it anymore and make my heart bleed.

Sometimes things are too subtle and sensitive to be discussed outloud esp when it involves the in-laws. in-laws are ok.
but i have learnt that i have to set my limits.

And every time this happens- I love my own family ever more and am grateful they're always there. 
A thing i always took for granted before. I'm so regretting it now. 

My sisters are always my strength, people i could confide and expect to give me their all. 
My brothers, my protectors, my helping hands.
Eternal bonds.


All these happened recently.
During raya


Sometimes, a small token of tQ would be already great.
Your hantarans are made by hand.By great effort and time.
With two very small children around. With a big wound not yet healed a month after giving birth.
Tengok pun tak.Apatah lg nk appreciate.
Tahu mengarah shj.

Bygkan yer.
She announced the wedding by Apr.
I gave birth by May.Confinement ended by end July.
Ramadhan started by end July
Wedding was on 3rd of EidulFitri.

Bleh pulak bila minta dia dtg tlg2 potong ribbons.
Or if at least could look after the small babies dia bleh pulak kata;

" sape suruh setuju on the 1st place nak buatkan hantaran.boleh je cr org lain buatkan"

Mmg dasar perempuan jenis sialan.

Dunia ni berputar. I'm praying the worst for you for what you have said.
And forever you're not welcome to my house.

Serves you right when almost nobody was happy during your wedding.
It just ruined our eidulfitri celebration.
Org nak beraya.sibuk nak berkenduri.
Even mama was not happy, her own mom.Papa apatah lagi.
I don't have to be a mind reader to tell this-it shows.huhu~

I was so mad.I didn't even snapped any pictures of the hantarans i've made.not even a single one.


He maybe a  lil tyrant.But he'll be sweet when u layan him right.
Dahlah you jumpa dia pun setahun skali..or maybe dua.
Dok sebut budak tu buas..buas buas buas.
Tak reti dok diam.Pemusnah alam. Perosak majlis.
What??????In front of his mother pulak tu.mmg dasar.I may be smiling.but I am nvr malu to have a child like that.
Total morons.

He's a smart boy you fools.Pernah dgr tak if a small boy is full of ideas.maknanya apa?
Maknanya- he's creative and witty.And he's neurons are all working.Budak cerdik.
Kita tgk nanti.Inshallah~

Kata rindu sgt.konon2 nya rindu sgt lama tak jumpa.
When i sent him to go beraya with my parents masa kenduri kawin itu berlangsung-everybody was at relief.
A moron even said to me, "Ai mujurlah iman takde.ikut geypa dia.klu tak punah majlis"
Happy jelah bila not even 1 of the pictures of the wedding ada iman included inside.Not even 1 yerr.
Suka lah kan bila pemusnah majlis dh kena send back to my parents and sisters.
The ppl who adores and truely happy with his presence.

So-called anak sedara kesayangan.

Alhamdulillah juga lah dia ikut geypa dia beraya.
Balik umah the next day dptlah kutip RM100 rezeki.
Rezeki Iman.My sweet Iman.

Majlis kawin seterusnya me and my kids hereby declare mmg tak akan hadir.


If not because of my love and respect to you-hubby..
I would nver want to have any connections to these kind of ppl. 
Now i know why some ppl call them as out-laws.

I'm sorry.I am just human.I write what i feel.
To make me-self feel better.
Thank you for reading.

Ps-Kecik hati since raya tak habis lagi.klu abg nak balik raya haji ni,jom.saya isteri yang patuh dan taat.Tp I'm letting you know out-loud that i'll be far happier celebrating this coming eid here.where ppl appreciate small children and don't regard them as nuisance.where ppl even love you like their own son.


mrs.ibu said...

alahai..sedihnyer baca ur post. i totally understand on how u felt. i got a son,tua sket dr iman, and boys-dorg mmg xleh duk diam, but i'm always happy with him,ble dier aktif means dier sehat,tgh blajar a lot of things... sometimes we need to express what we felt, supaya others boleh faham and appreciate us. go go mom! i agreed with what u wrote!

dyanayusuf said...

takpe zara. ko tgk anak dia esok macam mana. nanti ko cakap la, "buas", perosak majlis, etc..

anonysnysmous said...

OMG! she said that to you?? kalau aku mmg aku hamput habis le. komfem terus buat tunjuk perasaan mengadu kat hubby bagi hubby bahasakan sikit sape y sakitkan hati wife die. anyway, kate sgt la anak orang. tgk la anak die nnt cane. anak aku pun ligat gak. tp kalau patuh sangat diam semacam mmg something wrong la... xde la nak mengata anak org. tp kalau aku org dah mengata anak aku gitu mmg siap la. hehe. aku pun teremotional baca post ko.

Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

Doc Anem - Hmm..biarlah aku tulis.lega skit rasa.

hantaran tu lagilah- bila dh siap, xde pun nk dtg amek bwk blk ke..hubby aku plak kna g hantar ke kwn dia, yg nak tlg bwk blk kg.

and aku buat FOC ok.ada ke org gubah hantaran FOC zaman skrg.

payah.pasni siaplah.jgn harap lah aku nk tlg pape lg.

mmg dasarrrr.

Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

mrs ibu & dyana - sedih tau..wpn aku takdelah nk tunjuk dpn2.malas la.pas ni jgn harap la aku nk hantar2 or galakkan iman blk kg.kesian my lil boy..he's just being a toddler.

anonysnysmous said...

la.... aku ingat ko buat hantaran mase kat kampung. woit. mahal tau beli barang nak gubah hantaran. mane boleh FOC. cet!

Lina Rahim said...

aku pun ingat ko buat kat kampung..
FOC- ko memang kakak ipar yang extreme baik (dan kaya)...wakakaka!kalau aku sorry la..sebab masa aku kawen dulu pun sorang adik beradik dia buat tak tahu, si ropi upah makcik dia buat hantaran..

aku rasa tak sedap hati pula mengomen dan membaca di sini, takut husband kau kecik hati..nanti dia ingat kawan2 kau mengapikan kau orang berdua pulak..dia busy mcm kau kan? dia tak baca komen2 ni kan? hahaha..cuak pulak..

Lina Rahim said...
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Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

Afni-aku buat kat umah.buat sikit2 sb kekangan masa.11dulang+5dulang hadiah besan masa smbut menantu..byk tuh!!~

tp xper..i've learned by lesson.

Nurul Huda said...

What kind of sis in law is that?.... Gila monster! Walaupun tak kenal dan tak pernah jumpa, rasa tak nak jumpa langsung pompuan macam ni.. Self-centred, selfish, childish, ugly in the insides. Your husband don't know me, so I don't mind saying these. Plus, bukan nak mengapikan, but just staing the obvious facts. I totally understand your feelings, orang kan duduk dgn in laws lagi, so manis masam masin pahit, semua dah rasa :) anyway zahra, maybe you could have striked off part 'senyap mcm angel patuh sgala ckp baik sangat tu nti jd apa'. I know you are just venting out sebab their harsh words, tapi it might hurt other mothers who read it and feel that their child falls into that category.. Just my two cents.. *wink*

P.S. You should write more about experiences with in laws kot, so i can join in hahahahaha :p

eug|ena said...

oh mak aih.. 11 dulang + 5 tu byk giler ok! sungguh baik hati kakak ipar nih..

org yg belum ada anak, mmg xpaham perasaan kite.. tp xpe zahra, tgk la anak dia nanti mcm mane..
ape dia ckp? perosak majlis?? what the heck? iman ada runtuh kan pelamin ke?
mmg xsayang mulut betul.. ur husband tau tak bout that? ape dia ckp?

serious baca ur post ni rasa emotional je.. eee, geram lah

sabar lah ye zahra.. dgn org mcm ni, kite better jauhkan diri sket.. huhu


jom terjah :)
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