Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weddings :: Kelantanese Style :)

Salam peeps :)
Most blogs are now full with raya entries-well let's keep the raya entry 1st and do wedding entry instead.Excited about weddings?Let me share what I've found in Kelantanese weddings :)

This time around our raya was not really wholly raya as we have a wedding on.Our raya this time was sparked up with the event of my SIL's wedding. Her akad nikah was on the 3rd of Syawal and the reception was on the 4th so most of our Raya this time was focused on the wedding.The wedding went OK as any wedding should. She chose peach and purple to be her wedding day theme which turned out to be lovely :) I love the most their dais. Cantik!~

Nice :)

Everything went as scheduled and the lovebirds are already off to their honeymoon destination. Well, I'm not here to share what happened, but just to share some odd things i found only in kelantanese weddings :) I'm grateful to be married to a kampung boy whose family still retains the traditionalism values especially in weddings. I really love to learn new things and modern weddings are much too familiar to me-self as my own mother is not that so into traditional adats and Malay customs :)

The Love-birds : Congrats kakngah!!~

So here i list down few things I found to be only and exclusively in Kelantanese weddings (haha..gila lah tradisi melayu sendiri pun i xtahu!!).Jom terjah!!~  :

1. Adat "Madah Bese" [madah kpd besan].

 This is when the mother of the bride calls the mother of the groom to invite to come to the reception. Pretty odd for me as obviously the mother of the groom should know when the wedding will be hold, but this is tradition.*roll eyes*

2. Adat "Ngele"

This one -I like. This is when the mother and father of the bride gets to collect money from all his/her guest during the reception. Mind you, in kelantan the reception starts as early as 9am and considered to end at midnite. So flow of guest coming is the whole day. The receival of money is not restricted during the reception only-this will be before the majlis and continuous until 2-3 days after the reception. This money will be theirs fyi (the parents money) :) We down south also have this as well, and we call this salam kawup :)

3. Beza Majlis pada namanya.

We down south call weddings 'majlis perkahwinan' but in kelantan they have either- 'majlis kesyukuran' or 'majlis perkahwinan' which indicates a lot in terms of people coming. If they announce the wedding as 'majlis kesyukuran' or 'aruah', usually the adat ngele does not applies. Meaning that ppl coming do not have to give out money to the bride family. Instead they come giving grocery items like eggs, susu pekat manis, sugar and even rice/pulut. This custom for me is really rare. I never ever see ppl coming to weddings bringing these here in KL :)  Different with 'majlis perkahwinan', where 'duit ngele' is given and in exchange, the guest usually gets a small packet of doorgift they name as 'seesa'. Usually 'majlis perkahwinan' is done in the bride's house and in groom's house they only have the down-to earth 'majlis kesyukuran' :)

4. Adat "Ngenal"

"Ngenal" is actually an adat when the family of the groom meets the bride at the dais to get to know the bride at the reception in the bride's house. Each family member will bring a partial amount from the agreed sum and usually gets more than that. They need to pay a sum of agreed money as toll before getting to meet the bride, and gets a bunga telur in return. The sum has already been agreed during either the meminang or bertunang ceremony and the bride herself will prepare a small box to keep the money next to her on the dais.This money is hers of course :)

5. Sewa kerusi, tak payah meja. Buffet -free style!

This one i like.Cost down idea..hahaha. Usually in very small kampungs and usually during the reception on the groom's side. Just like open houses here in KL.But for me, this is really not really appropriate for a wedding tho.

6. Weddings held in Syawal are normal and often :) for me ;p

7. Hantarans are usually given in same number and must have pulut kuning with bunga telur as the 'head' of the pelamins :) Here we have sireh junjung as head.usually.

8. If the majlis is not a ngele majlis [see number 2] usually a kesyukuran majlis [see no.3]- friends, family and neighbours will come with presents like sugar, rice, susu pekat manis, lychee in tins etc and the usual presents people give in weddings as well. :)

Other than that, i only learn out recently that kelantanese called the dais or in Malay Pelamin -> "Pengajonge". And as mentioned before, doorgifts are also called "seesa" Hehe..pernah dengar ke?
Me-first time.Saya org KL..hahhaha ;p

All in all-weddings mana2 pun is a happy-ning. A happy event :)
As long as the akad is sah, the others are just a mix of culture.
Traditions that colors us to be who we are. Reminding us of our roots and heritage.

Noor Bainizam & Taufiq -3rd Syawal 1433h

Selamat Pengantin Baru Kakngah!
All best wishes from kaklong and family :)
Be happy. Make babies :)




dyanayusuf said...

ambo ore klate tapi gak tok rajin sebut lagi 'pengajonge'?? what is that?? hehe..aku panggil pelamin jerrr. and aku tak sebut 'seesa' tapi 'sanggo'..

Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

ni org klate hard core nyer..ko tu KB.mane main.hahaha

style ckp masa aku br kawen, aku xfaham sebutir hapah.hahahahhaa

serius diorg sebut pengajonge.aku kelip kelip xphm menatang hape tu..kekekekeke

eug|ena said...

betui2.. pengajonge tu mmg biasa je org guna esp mak2 kite la.. kite nye generation guna pelamin jah :)


jom terjah :)
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