Thursday, August 9, 2012

20days Ramadhan Breastfeeding Journey-so far~

Hi mommies!
How is your Ramadhan so far?

Sedar tak sedar dh hari ke-20 berpuasa. And dah hari masuk 3weeks start bekerja and hantar Amsyar ke rumah pengasuh. Sekejap je pula rasa. And sejak dr hari pertama berpuasa jugalah mmg agak terasa keletihan pam susu/nursing bila berpuasa. Bukan nak mengeluh tp mmg terasa lapar nya esp bila Amsyar menyusu direct on weekends. Dahaga mmg xyah nak cerita lah~ Bila direct feed mmg tahu yg Amsyar enjoy the feed and minum lbh dr sewaktu bottle fed. nampak Amsyar lbh selesa. Memang la..kan? Tapi with all amsyar's coos and smiles kekenyangan..all the dahaga and lapar seakan hilang. seakan lah..heheheh~

Alhamdulillah juga lah supply susu agak consistent in every pumping session. Tapi mmg kena discipline and tekad sb mmg brain dh function to supply whenever there is demand. So for every session, though taklah meriah mcm org lain but still could feed Amsyar daily needs. Basically Amsyar will drink 6x4oz bottles during the day and breastfeed on demand at night. So I should religiously pump to meet that demand while in the same time pump in weekends for stock. Thats the routine for now, so not like other mommies yg over supply bleh buat stock ratus ratus bottles, my stock is very minimal. Alhamdulillah so far. If we could keep on this way, we should be able to win this game, Amsyar. But we should keep our target small and take baby steps to it :) 

Just to share my pumping sessions :

6am (after sahur) : 5oz
9.30am in the office : 6-7oz
1.30pm in the office : 5 oz 
4.50pm in the office : akan diusahakan to get at least 4oz! (oh my!)
11pm (1hr after amsyar sleeps) : 5-6oz

So hasil tuaian sehari adalah dlm average 25oz. Not much but is sufficient :)
Which will be used habes the next day! :p
Mmg jarang yang amat to get to save even 1oz weekdays. (--")

So far so good. Tengoklah klu mommy dh xbrapa rajin..huhu~ Me need very high motivation! So far mr hubby berbesar hati tlg cuci bottles, kemas bag pump mlm2 and keep on the stock tick together -kadang kadang la. At least la, dr xambil pot langsung kan? And I'm grateful he's willing to carry the pump to and fro the parking lot and office daily so far. Love you dear. Best motivator is your own partner sebenarnya :) Once, sb terlalu letih nak pam at night, i told him that if he pays me upah rm1 for every time i pump i could already be quite rich when the months ends. yelah satu hari 5 kali. satu bulan?ha..ok la bleh lepas beli sandal. Haha..good idea juga kan? Klu nak lagi kejam rm1 for every oz. (^.^)V

We have a looong way to go more. Yang penting keazaman mommy :) 
Chaiyok Zahra! Dlm CV sendiri kemain tulis segala good traits- self motivated la, easy learner la, enthuthiast la..bila on field kenalah buktikan, kan? Breastfeeding is really a journey. I'm grateful enough that Amsyar direct feeds properly. Mmg betul la each and every child is unique, even if they're your own. Masing2 ada rezeki sendiri, masing2 ada kelebihan sendiri..yang penting ibunya senantiasa berdoa xputus2 utk anak2 nya yang dikasihi. Acehwah ayat..! :)

Ok then..

Ramadhan Mubarak uolls!
Dah malam 7likur dh ni..dh bleh nyala pelita.
Dah mlm-mlm terakhir. Malam2 mencari lailatulqadar.

I just wonder is breastfeeding and mengasuh anak, pahalanya setanding bersolat terawih?Cause on some nights, I really could not even open my eyes to pray due to fatigue.

Just wondering.

Till then,


ps-Kalau daddy setuju kita upgrade fridge kita, lagi lagi la mommy bersemangat nk buat stok!Hehehehe..


Cerita bonda said...

bagusnye zara...chaiyok!

Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

thanks sarah :)


jom terjah :)
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