Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby menu : Macaroni soup with Cabbage, Carrot and Chicken

Alhamdulillah, today Iman gets his home-cooked meal. I admit, I cook for him only once in a bluemoon..hehehe.bad mommy.And most of all he loves it to bits..

So jom share the simplest recipe ever.Maybe some of you dah kebuntuan ideas on making potato purees every day bleh try this recipe. I'm not sure for solid food beginners, tp Iman dh start lean meat and veggies since 7.5mths ++.Tgk dia boleh terus kan :)

Jom kita masak!~


1cup macaroni
Matchbox size chicken breast-diced
Handful of cabbage cut small
Handful of carrot diced
1 egg.
Half an onion sliced thinly
Small dash of garlic-pounded
Small dash of ginger-pounded
Salt to taste

How to prepare? Easy peasy :)

Sautee onion, garlic and ginger till caramelized.
Add chicken. Add egg. Stir to cook.
Add carrots and water. Wait to boil.
Then add the pasta.

When pasta is cooked, add the cabbage, small amount of salt just to taste..and voila!~
Ready to enjoy.

Prep time : 15mins  Q : 3-4servings for Iman.

Iman suka sangat sampai hirup2 kuah..hehehehe.
I just figure out that Iman s a picky eater..maybe since he could distinguish tastes of different foodies, dia prefer sweet food over savoury, so kna ikut selera dia.
All times favorite harusla bananas and oranges..

Suka anak mommy makan e?, though due to only two teeth available, mommy kna mash2 kan sket dulu apa2 pn. klu oranges-dia suck directly on pulp cut in wedges :)

It's just nice if every Monday's a holiday.. :)
Mommy bleh rest and lepak2 dgn Iman at home masak memasak..yeay!
Jgn jd picky eater tau healthy and grow healthy ok??

Till then,



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