Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadhan Journey - Day 16

Ramadhan kali ni is full with Iftar invites from various vendors.
From KGSAAS, Thai restaurants, and hotel buffets..macam2 ada.
And for sure i'll tag along hubby and Iman.
Itu mesti.mana bleh tggal.
Nak belanja I, packagenya ialah 2seats.ok?

Inilah yg dinamakan rezeki.

For me, its not a sin to once in a while splurge on luxurious things.
As long as you don't go membazir and berlebih2an.
Everything needs to be in moderation.
So marila skali skala berbuka scr buffet di hotel.
Saja tukar angin.spend some time with your love ones.

Dalam byk2-Best buffet in town so far: Concorde Hotel.Melting pot Ramadhan Buffet.
Sedap smp menjilat jari. (hehe..promote habes habesan ni..)  :)
Food ranges from Nasi and lauk pauk such as gulai lemak nangka and udang sambal, salad bar, dessert bar, to Malay specialties such as lemang, rendang unta, sup gearbox,Gulai kawah daging rusa..Western roasted beef, cheese and grapes, oysters on ice and also Arabian food- nasi arab, prawns in yogurt, mandi and roti arab with kambing panggang..

In short, memang berbaloi.Wpn xyah bayar..vendor baik hati dh belanja.
Mmg berbaloi even if kna bayar sendiri :)
And most importantly sedap.Sebab byk buffet yg kita g..mostly xsedap.
choices byk tp rasa hampeh.

Jom2...skali skala berbuffet Ramadhan.
Jom g Concorde Shah Alam.

Selamat Berpuasa everyone!~
And selamat bercuti Nuzul Qur'an tomorrow.


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jom terjah :)
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