Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday.Blues, Greens, Reds and Yellows.

Already week 3, but still on Monday Blues mode rindukan anak at work syndrome.
Mmm..pagi2 lagi la..mcm xmau lepaskan dia ke tgn pengasuh.just hoping he's in good hands and Allah will always protect him from marabahaya and khianat manusia. I thing that's the most common doa all Mom's will wish for their young.

Speaking of which, yesterday was Mother's day!
I had a good time at home with my mom. and being a mom for Iman at the same time~
Alhamdulillah.Life's now more complete with Iman.
How was yours?

Just to note that the vitamins from Shaklee I've bought the previous week seems to be working great! Alhamdulillah.Keep on pumping Zahra!Chaiyok2!~ But on the same time I have to admit that I'm now in the comfortable zone to exclusive pumping, that I even stopped trying to offer direct feeding to Iman. OMG! not a good thing. But I'd tried, and only people who are in the same boat understand how it feels when your baby faces 'keliru puting' problem. I know exclusively expressing is much more highly determined and demands higher patience.But ada people/dedicated mom's yg berjaya nurse their babies till 2 yrs. A new challenge for me la mcm ni. Aish~

ok.waktu rehat dh habis.
jomm bekerja semula dgn monday blues mode.
esok bleh tuesday blues plak.
gila down motivasi bekerja.isk3..
teruk btul!~

Sila jgn mencontohi saya.

Yg benar,


ilyramli said...

zahra, ko pny brt bdn byk turun x?

Ummu Iman Amsyar said...

alhamdulillah..turun agak byk la bt masa ni.
tp ni mcm nk naik blk je.mkn byk lepas pam susu.


jom terjah :)
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