Sunday, February 21, 2021

10 years a mommy!

21.02.2011 till 21.02.2021

Alhmdulillah my once baby Iman had grew up to be the superboy Zulhadzrey Iman!!
Syukur Illahi for a small family celebration during this PKP era. We had some cakes and Laksa Johor and that's it, but the love and fabulousness of the company says it all, 

To the many many more years and birthdays to come Inshallah. Most importantly, you must never say never to gaining knowledge in whatever you do sayang, and always be aware of showing the bestest of Akhlaq!. And may Allah always grant you with rizq and barakah all your life neverending like the flows of Zamzam -amin-

Some of the prezzies for Iman this year. As mommy dah belikan basikal earlier so we had a Saidina game (Monopoly Malaysian style) instead. Auntichik sent over some games and chocolates too. And a few days later, aunty Cikde sent him a watch. Alhmdulillah for all the love and concerns showered to my precious lil boy Zulhadzrey Iman💓💓💓💓


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jom terjah :)
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