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Baby @ 30 weeks (td scan exactly mcm my baby's position!~) Ok-baby's doing great!~ |
Well, finally dh smpai week 30!~
10 weeks more to go!~
10 weeks more to go!~
The first few mths was really a mental and physical challenge for me..
Esp masa kna antar g UK for 2wks at week 7 and week 8 of pregnancy. Dgn bau mat salleh yg pelik2, very bad food and testing lab condition.
Macam nk pengsan hari2.
dh la time tu br kawen. honeymoon mode still hot (T_T)...huhu~
but what to do..dh smp sana,baru confirm kn pregnancy. Masa pergi tu xmabuk apa lg.
ok la..
tp the 13hrs flight trip back tu, mcm masuk dlm torture chamber.
dgn food yg alahai..org yg sesak.
on flight toilet yg . . .xmampu nk cerita.
taubat xmo g mana2 klu pregnant atau supected pregnant lg after this.
xpe la..anta la org lain.
sy dok mesia terima report aje pn dh cukup!~
Kira ok la tu~ :)
And the 'mabuk' time continues smp dh masuk 4mth++
Bgn2 je dr tido muntah. Nak tido pn muntah. dh la time tu ramadhan.
So byk la juga terkorban puasa ramadhan i.
Mabuk pulak jenis yg xbleh langsung bau apa2 wangi.so tukarla sume bende jd odorless.
yg mcm org pkai nak g haji tu.
dr shower foam, ke shampu, ke bedak, ke deoderant.
sume tukar~
Even sabun basuh kain pn tukar~
Sian hubby time tu - pkai bj bau neutral.
Spray umah ambi pure pn off.simpan.xbleh bau.
Mujur masak xde masalah.bleh je bau bwg, tumis2 sume. dptla juga hubby yg berbaju kerja odorless (minyak wangi pn xleh pakai ok?) makan home cooked meal :)
at least..hehe
dlm week 18 br subsides~
And week itu jugala 1wk before raya! Mcm tahu2 jer~
Bleh la enjoy time raya!
Org kata, org lain lain pengalaman mabuk dia.
And alhamdulillah->mine berkubur after week 18!
Masuk second trimester : dh kembali mcm biasa.
Cuma mkn, aduhai...mmg ikut time.7x sehari..xbleh miss.
breakfast, tea, lunch, tea, dinner, supper...and late supper. hehe~
lengkap mcm klu g kursus kat hotel.hehe~
perut mkin besar. tp jalan still laju.
naik tgga 3tingkat.mmg xde hal la..jalan dr RND, g HNT workshop (dh dkt 750m kot)-> patah blk...
g plak mtg kat bangunan planning dlm 750m lg. OK. still maintain.
Tp tu masa tu la.. dlm early 5mths++ ke 6mths. wk 20, 21,22, 23,24,........
Baby active tendang pn jalan stil laju.hehehe~
Suatu masa dulu.
Skrg tidak lg..
Masuk week 28. Balik kelate :)
Mak mertua ku nk buat doa selamat & lenggang perut. Yelah..cucu pertama, cicit pertama -> harusla dia and the whole family sgt2 excited.
Perut pn dh mkin besar + jalan pn agak slow dh. Perjalanan amik masa dlm 9hrs juga la.
Hubby bwk agak laju, tp disebabkan wife kesayangan asyik nk ke toilet, terpaksa la kitorg berenti maybe ever 30mins..nk buat cmne.nature calls.hehehe~
Pantang nmpk stesen minyak. Itulah pitstop F1 kami..hehe~
Sampai2 je Pasir Mas tu..tuhan sj la yg tahu sakit pinggang ni cmne..patutnya co-pilot yg urut driver bila smp.
Tp ni terbalik. terima kaseh abg krn sgt2 baik hati mengurut blkg syg ~
Kaki pn agak bangkak sb duduk lama..water retention kata doctor.
Tp xde la bengkak teruk sgt..alhamdulillah
Mmg agak cepat letih bila dh masuk trimester ke-3 ni.
Now at week 30, looking back- mcm miracle je nk tempoh semua tu semula.
Tp ni baru yg first. Xtahu la brapa kali utk yg akan dtg sanggup nk face all this again. Whhooops!~
To my beatiful baby : Harap bersabar duduk dlm tu till full term ya. Xperlula nk cepat2 sgt keluar dr perut mummy ni. Byk sgt bende2 xelok kat dunia ni berbanding yg elok.huhu~
And all i know for nw is that I'm very2 happy with this baby in my tummy :)
eh..eh..lahirlah 16 mac..sama ngan Syasya..hehe..due bila?
due 5 Mac.Insyallah.
Klu awal sket-end Feb lg bgus..hehehe~
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