Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ramadhan 14 : Allahyarhamah Mek in Memory

Pejam celik mata kejap je dah 14 ramadhan. May pun dah hampir melabuhkan tirainya.
We lost our beloved grandmother, mek - 6 days ago. Alhmdulillah mek pergi dgn tenang dibulan yang mulia ini setelah lama menderita strok dan sakit tua since 2011. I couldnt be more grateful that she went in the holy month.

I just came back to work today after a 6day off (incl sat sun) to her funeral and tahlil in hubsy's hometown pasirmas kelantan. The tahlil went well alhmdulillah we a splurge of food as people came to donate money was quite plentiful, so they decided to give back through the tahlil iftar food. Alhmdulillah. We had mek's delicacies a tribute in remembering her. The ayam percik putih and nasi minyak, the tomyam campur, the sup keting and the gulai udang. Homecooked of course. May Allah bless her, and place her soul among the righteous. Amin!

So far ramadhan is good. The boys kept to their puasa although the heat of the scorching hot weather in Kelantan was really testing everyone including mommy. I gulped a good 3 full mugs of water each time berbuka..and that was it. Nasi and everything else dah tak penting. Dekat dekat pukul 9 baru meragau cari nasi.

Tp itulah, sebab baru ada kematian, makanya selama 6 hari tu TV kita tutup. No TV at all! Rasa pelik pada mulanya.But then baru terasa hari makin panjang. Ada byk masa buat itu ini. Rupanya hidup tanpa TV ni bagus juga ya..boleh lah dipikirpikirin kan utk unsubscribe astro yang dh berkurun subscribe tapi masih lg major/main saluran utama yg ditonton masih lagi TV3.kikiki

Alamak byk pula tulis.nanti kita tulis lg
Ok then. Nanti smbung lagi~


1 comment:

Unknown said...

innalillah hiwainna ilaihirojiun
al fatihah utk mainumah bt Abdullah/sepiah
I always miss u mek


jom terjah :)
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