Thursday, July 28, 2016

Raya raya weekend :) Syawal 10/11/12 and 18/19

Hello there! :)

July - Cerita raya tak habis lagi selagi belum 30 Syawal. Geng2 chassis pun sibuk buat deco raya utk pertandingan antara jabatan utk pengadilan 1 August (27syawal) nanti :) Mmg every weekend, rmai yg buat open house, rumah kiteww jer tak buat buat sb mommy xlarat uols. tumpang mak nye open house and makan makan umah my sister in Nilai Impian ajelah.

Btw- the two past weekends were full alhmdulillah with jemputan raya everything, raya chassis was on 12th Syawal. Mom's house was on 11th and the mommies RND raya was on the 10th. So penuhlah jumaat sabtu ahad tu dah.

Zakiyya with mom's spread : rendang daging, ketupat, spagetti, nasi tomato

Soto at mom's
Dad with 3 of his siblings, and spread of cousins belah bapak :)

The other weekend, 18/19th Syawal was with invitations from our neighbours and friends, and also a birthday celebration for my BIL in Sepang on that Sunday. Mlm tu mkn mkn at my sister's house in Nilai Impian. Mmg lama rsnya dapur xberasap ;p Rezeki semuanya kan, org yg dtg (mcm i) dpt rezeki mkn kenyang, yang menjemput..inshallah murah rezekinya menjamu org mkn :) Alhmdulillah. Iman n amsyar had no complains, makan sikit, lari je lebih, both boys suka je :)

Spread at my sister's in Nilai Impian. All favorites ni :)

Sekitar raya raya RnD mommies :)

This weekend pun ada lg jemputan, yay!

Haih, takpelah..rumah kita takdelah kot this Syawal around. Tgk bulan2 lain pula kita buat makan2. Aqiqah adik baby nanti ke..inshallah klu ada rezeki lebih :) Amin! Esok pun ada potluck kat umah one of the RnD mommies. Inshallah. Mommy zahra bwk perut je kot.hahaha.

Nanti kita share pictures siorg diorg deco deco raya RnD Proton. Pertandingan antara jabatan yg tgk agak meriah juga sb RnD bergabung as one entiti semua buat di lobi. yalah jgn tak tau RnD sahaja 1000 org kot (rsnya lah).and  they made raya food and whatnots siap kugiran band menyambut tetamu. the other depts at their places pun xkurang hebat juga.. takpelah.we ols join just for fun, isi masa in between tests, meetings and data drawings. kita enjoy jalah.

Selamat berhari raya dipenghujung syawal!



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jom terjah :)
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