Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Iman is 7mths today!~ Yeahhh~~~

Happy 7 months my sweetest son! :)
May Allah always bless you..and keep you safe and sound.

Lets see how He's supposed to be by now :)
Alhamdullilah baby Iman's doing great..start to sit by his own and start crawling by now..and achieve what he is supposed to do.



Iman, mommy is so proud of you..just can't wait to hear you call me 'mommy' instead your usual 'eyh' now :)

4 to 7 months
Your baby knows his name now and understands that you're speaking to him when you say it. He'll even respond by turning toward you. He's becoming more attuned to your tone of voice, too. When you sound happy, he'll react joyfully, and if you speak to him sharply he'll become distressed and may cry. He's also beginning to tell the difference between strangers and people he knows, and he may cry when you put him in the arms of someone he doesn't recognize.

8 to 12 months
Your baby's beginning to understand simple requests. Say "no" when he tries to touch an electrical outlet, for example, and he'll pause and look at your face — maybe even shake his head "no" in return.

He's also testing your responses to his behavior. He'll throw food on the floor just to see what you'll do, and then file your response in his memory bank. Later he'll test the waters again to see whether you react the same way.


Just a busy any other day
So just a short entry in memorandum of my dear sweet son :)

More updates in detail..sooon!~


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