How was your day so far?
Hopefully everything is much better than before.
Throughout the whole 10 months of this year, to be honest, i have gone through miraculous phases of change that i thought to be so drastic.We bought a house, moved in, struggled with parenting, realized we were pregnant again, gave birth, parenting two babies (oh my!~), raya, weddings, work challenges, tukar management, friends leaving the company and i'm still here.. et cetera et cetera..
In short, i have gone through a lot of stress.
And time management.
Life management to be exact.
I dropped out of school even cause i am not able to handle another segment in my life.
Maybe i was too unrealistic then.
But allah always has his own ways of telling and showing me the best for me. For my family.
Alhamdulillah, so far what i wished, whatever terlintas dihati.
I got the answer almost immediately.
Once when i was heavily pregnant, and don't have the energy to walk to attend a meeting so far from the office province. i called a colleague to tell her that i'm not coming.i'm too tired to come.she was mocking me and told everyone that i was too tired.i was quiet embarrassed that time that i prayed that one time she'll understand my feelings at that time.her time will for sure come as well.she was single,slim and practically dancing at all times. that time.
Today-she is heavily pregnant and could not really even move from sitting to standing.
Mmm..merasa lah kan?
But i'm not all cruel la.
I hope that her delivery would be smooth, tho. and both mommy and baby would be healthy. Hope my doa this time is answered as well.
She got her part already.
Once another friend was mocking that c-zer mommies are not as tough as normal SVD mommies.Babies delivered c-sects are much prone to diseases, et cetera et cetera (like i care to remember kan?).
Tup tup..for her next kena c-zer now talk to the hand la kawan. (No shidah-this is not you..jgn terasa pula). This was her 3rd child.
kata dulang paku serpih :p
This one got hers too..
Baru sedar yg ibu mengandung sgt makbul doanya.Sgt2 bahaya!~
Amsyar even have dimples.
One of the sebab must be because i prayed almost everyday to have a baby with dimples and big eyes! p
Amsyar even have dimples.
One of the sebab must be because i prayed almost everyday to have a baby with dimples and big eyes! p
Hmm..oklah kembali ke tajuk asal.
Dah menyimpang plak.
I have learnt my part in being a good parent to a small children is really a tough job. i wonder how my mom does it, seriuosly. But i have now the keys to my toddler handling tips..
1. Be nice and patient to your tod.
2. Be extremely nice to your tod.
3. Be extemely patient to your tod.
And i guess it works.
I got two weeks in row not turning into green hulk handling Iman and Amsyar (personal achievement!!)
And this weekend was really a bonus for me when i could whip up some cream puffs even for dear hubby :)
And not to forget make some home-made milk dadih for Iman (and daddy as well - a secret in solving calcium intake deprivation in daddy!!).
Got a clean house, clean sheets and even wiped the whole house with my bare hands (ok-batang mop reput and asyiklah tak ingat nak beli bila ke kedai : so we were mop-less this weekend!).
Got to play with both Iman and amsyar. read them books out loud.
prayed together. baked together. washed together. jemur kain pun together.
I guess house-chores are quite amusing for his age as well.
When i was working with the dough, i gave a piece of flour+water dough mixture for Iman and it worked wonders. He was playing with his dough all the time and didn't bother me. It was a lil messy..but as long as it kept him occupied it was ok for. Lil Amsyar was too a lil cranky..but after i but him in his own seat to have the VIP view (yes on the work table!) of me cooking, he was all fine. He coo-ed and babbled along my singings of ABC to Iman.
I even attempted to bake Iman's dia tak bg lah plak.
I even attempted to bake Iman's dia tak bg lah plak.
Takpelah..maybe he's not yet reached the idea of getting the dough into the oven will turn it to eatable items.
Next time.
Only one word to express my gratitude : Alhamdullilah!!
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From the oven |
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End product: made with love :) |
I guess all in all : a happy mommy is the backbone of a happy family.
If Im stressed, it's effect everybody in my small family and make things worst!
I'm still struggling on time management, juggling with my two boys and learnt the hard way that a clean and tidy home doesn't really picture a true happy family. Let boys be boys.
Let it be. Let iman enjoy his oreo..and just clean up after him.
The tired of forbidding him is equal to the tire-some of cleeaning up.
So why would you want both.
So far my KPI target is to cook a home dinner every day.
Let it be simple.
As long as it is home-cooked.
So far alhamdulillah-2 weeks have gone with a breeze.
Menus include : Ayam bakar, Ayam kicap, Ayam goreng kentucky style, ikan sweet sour, daging goreng, soup campur, ayam percik t'ganu, daging petai pedas.
Hehe..kurangkan masakan berlemak :p
And maybe sometimes hubby might not like it. But he has to know that mommy has her own tastes too.
Sharing and compromising is always a part of the marriage itself.
You are one super-mommy! Rumah ni pun sama jek bersepah ujung minggu baru kemas. hehe
Aku byk peralatan yg membantu aku mencuci. hehe. pemalas kan aku nih.
Tia-minat dgn ko nyer cordless vacuum :)Macam sgt best!
I'm no super-mommy trying to be cool instead of being green hulk which at the end upsets both me and iman.
being 2yo is only once.trying best to just celebrate it ;)
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