Its 1.30pm and i'm already in no mood for work ;p
Lotsa plans for tomorrow perhaps..leaving me enthusiastic to wait for tmrw.
But still, if daddy can't take half day tmrw-plans will just remain as plans.
Tak boleh execute.
But mommy always have plan B handy tho..hehe~
So lets do blogging.
Last night my ex-student head was on TV. Suzardi Maulan.
Aired on my ex-teacher's show : Ust Wan Akashah & Ustzh Bahiyah. on Tv9
Was intending to watch, but fell asleep in the middle of the show.
After cooking and all the cleaning..tertido dpn tv sambil susukan baby Amsyar.
And when i woke up...wallaaahh-rumah dh siap berkemas,kain berlipat, lantai bersapu.
Amsyar's bottles were also already cleaned and line-up!~
Buka mata..nampak semua mcm bersinar2..sebnrnya berpinar sb still ngantuk.
Thank you, hubby!
I love you for that..I love you always :)
Just to share this actually today.
I have stumbled across a nice website..a good one for me at this moment too.
Basically it has all you would like to know to plan to play and to handle toddlers.
And help to get them creative too..
Owh i like!!
Ok iman..mommy ada plan baik punya dgn kamu :)
Ok weekend plan no.1 revealed already :)
I remembered playing pudding on aluminum foils with my own mom when i was little.We write and draw using pudding..and when we were tired already we ate the pudding stuck at our fingers. Messy yet fun!~
And how we glued on crayon nye abuks (sharp the crayons with a shrpener to get these lovely abukss) to make a collage of our own.
My pre-school homeschooling sessions with mak were always fun as i could remember.
Yups it was.
Mom was still at school by that time (mak was 19 when she got me :)), and could not afford pre-school.
So i was home-schooled. I could read and write in dual languages at age 3 and could count to any number at 4.
Thank you mom.i love you~~
My mom was trully a good handler with kids.
I wished i could be like her,tho...
I jenih tak sabar.*sigh*
Congrats to my BIL Hani Ludin (Zaynab's hubby) for his masters convo tomorrow!
Dah convo dh. M.Eng-Pure mechanical plak tu.ahhhh..
Jeles mode!
OK-weekend plan no.2 revealed.
So UIA, here we come!! Nice to be back on grass we have always been playing on.
When would be mine plak?hmmmmm..
Other agenda's planned as well :
Acheh..plan mesti baik kan??
Nak buat this :)
First keeping my fingers crossed.
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Cream Puff pics yg di google ;) |
and also attending my old friend's wedding.ini antara dlm senarai wajib pergi saya nih ...
plans mesti baik punya kan??
pdhal weekends itu adalah hanya dua hari.
Have a lovely weekend darlings!~
ps-ada plan juga nak power-pumping weekends ni..nk selit tang mana pulak tu.huhu (--")
Sabarnya mak ko ajar anak mbaca at 3yrs. Kagum! Myb sbb anak pompuan, mudah dgr kata. Anak lelaki sokmo ikut kata hati sendiri. Haha
sbnrnya aku yg genius..hahahahha.
xde lah.aku rs byk factor juga.mak aku dulu 24-7 dgn aku sb tgh belajar lg.and juga sb dia mmg minat bab mngajar kanak2 ni.nama pun cikgu.
anak lelaki mmg mencabar.serius.
cuba ko ajar arissa.aku rs surely dia cepat tgkap.
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