Happy back to work peeps! :)
Hopefully semangat kembali as usual..and start all the pending work all again.
Boleh my boss xtahu yg I applied for annual leave last monday..huhu..blame the system, not me :)
Happily announcing that today marks my 24th week of pregnancy :)
Makanya lagi dlm 100hari plus2 Iman akan jd abg! Woohoo!~
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Source : Google |
Sekejap je rasa pregnancy kali ni..alhamdulillah- Allah lebih permudahkan perjalanan bila kita redha dgn rezeki dan kurniaan-Nya pd kita. Before test pun dh boleh agak dh conceived kali ni..sb rs letih yg lain macam aje.Even felt sad last time when the doc couldn't detect the baby..remember?
Maybe juga sebab dh boleh expect byk from the previous one :)
Buat yg kali ni..I'm really redha and bersedia on which delivery method we'll go for.
Kata doc, if my tummy condition is OK and BP level is OK then we'll try for normal.Klu x, kita c-sect. For me, semuanya ada hikmah disebaliknya. Maybe Allah knows best that the pain of episiotomy is not endurable for a person like me, or if the c-sect wound gives me more reasons to love my own mother, I don't know. All in all, I'm just very grateful for this new baby and the rezeki I believe she/he'll bring to our small family :)
But true tau, rezeki-wise :: alhamdulillah-with this little one inside --> Daddy dpt rezeki mcm2.
In recent penilaian- daddy dpt 'terpuji'- Alhamdullilah..
And got appointed for DCCU (documentations control unit something..) unit controller, I think due to his teliti traits and also of being so well organized (opposite of me!~) . Main task :: Documentation and ISO control for his department (oh ini sungguh leceh!~)
And alhamdulillah last week their dept went through ISO audit without any major NCR. :)
Next yr boss kna bg cemerlang and naik grade la yer..jgn buat2 lupa pula.huhu~
Some comments yg kata need to undergo c-sect again..and can only have another baby..so what if i only have 3 or 4.Itukan juga rezeki? :) Biarlah kita bersyukur dgn apa yg ada and dh tentu ada and pray for the best. Klu dh mmg dlm ketentuan ini dua jelah anak kita, kita syukur. Even klu skali pun normal pun, tiada jaminan you'll be conceiving again.betul kan?
Cukup-cukuplah dulu..besarkan yg mana ada dulu biar jd org.biar jd independent..susah wo nk besarkan anak.esp anak lelaki..That's why i salute mother's yg ada 4-5 org anak jantan.boleh byg havoc nya rumah bila budak2 ni start bergomol in the middle of the living room.OMG!~
Remember last time, the tilam kekabu i bought in Rantau panjang? Today baru nak post a pic of that tilam. Cosy-home-made-like look kan?Even my friend commented on FB tny i jahit sendiri ke? T_T
Tak apalah..comel juga kan?hehehe..
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Old fashioned.So what? :) |
Ok, tomorrow we'll go for 6th month's check-up and scan. Xsabar kali ni sb need to confirm on baby's gender to top-up the excitement..so starting from today, kna minum baaaaaaanyak air masak and avoid all salty food (for BP level).Hehe..nk bg record check-up cantek.ngelat sket.. :)
Ok then. Selamat bekerja y'alls!!
And try to tingkatkan prestasi kerja sb dkat nk KPI..klu dulu masa blajar management it's called something like cummulated effect or something..whereas kerja2 yg recent dan dekat2 dgn KPI slalunya lbh di appreciate oleh superior kita..yg dh settle one yr ago..slalu nya dia dh lupa..hehehehhe.
Nak buat cmne, boss kan manusia juga :)
So best wishes.
Have a nice wednesday!
cepatnyer masa zahra........... dah 6 mos yek?
kalau csect org kata 3-4 anak je kan boleh.. xpe2, kita aim to get quality children other than quantity ek ;)
Dh 6mths Dora!!~
Cepat join the club w me & sya :)
Mizah :: tulah yg kita diberitahu. Jaga anak bujang sorg ni pun dh cukup tgn,energy and masa dh rsnya..hehe.Tgh berfikir2 cmne nk juggle time bila ada 2 pula nanti :)
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