Friday, January 29, 2021

We hit 5k!


Hanya kepada-Mu kami berserah. Lindungilah anak anak kami, ibu bapa kami yg telah tua dan diri kami sendiri. Moga kita kuat mental dan fizikal untuk melawan musuh yang tidak ternampakkan ini. 


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Welcoming 2021

 Alhmdulillah ...its 2021.

I have so much to share but with too little time. We had oour new year celebrations with swimming and staying over at Putrajaya. We did some cooking and celebrated mak's birthday. School started already on the 20th online, well this is another long story requires some ranting..hehe..

PKP2.0, WFH, online schooling and a whole new garden project - lets just rock it guys!!

I'll be back..Inshallah!


jom terjah :)
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