Assalam all,
I just would like to pen down this for the memory lane. I had just gathered up half of my inner strength to build up again and conquer my fears from what had happened in our workplace.
Yups guys, we were the kluster auto. Covid 19 spread in the workplace is really scary guys. From one person it can be the whole department in within hours. So this was our tragedy October, but the team was really strong and we kept secrets quit tightly that no names were public. And against all odds, our new baby x50 was launched in the middle of the crisis.
Our gloomy days started with a mass swab on the 16th of October. We were in long lines for the drive tru in MSUMC for our first swab. This itself was so scary and the total of people going for this swab was more than 500 people🥲
And the waiting game began. Its the one call saying either you are negative. Or there will be an ambulance from kkm picking you up as soon as possible. We were all really down at the moment, on the phone all the time chatting with each other giving hopes and doas and trying to comfort each other. I really felt that in people do become closer in such situations.
And then one by one our friends,bosses and colleagues called in to announce that they were positive. We listed down each and every one of us who were positive until we were on our knees to emosional to know that more than 50 of us were positive. It was so surreal! My colleagues in front, my bosses, my good team member were all positive. I cried for them. Tears came out but confused whether it was because i was sad for them or i was afraid im next. But the number was increasing.
Me and hubs upgraded from P3 to P2(direct contact) within 24hours. Our rsults came in so late as MSU was retesting it again. It was so stressful and a matter of whether youre still a P2 or upgraded to P1(positive).
Finally the first swab came negative for both of us. Alhmdulillah! I cried of anything was possible at that time!
And then came the 14days home quarantine. We swabbed at a private hospital, so there were no gelang pink or gelang white on us to say that we need to stay home. But, its just unsaid that uou have to be a responsible person and self quarantine. We even has groceries sent to our house during the quarantine period, and the car battery died off due to long period of stagnancy. And during thw 14 days, all who were with any symptoms went to re-swab, and most were positive leading the number of kluster auto to a heap of 100+. I lost track of who was positive and who wasnt by day the numbers were too many. Syukur there were no cases in the manufacturing line. And many were asymptomatic so they were labelled as level 1 (mild) and were discharged as early as 3days.
Happy faces after 2nd negative. With frontliners in PJ screening |
Our 14 days quarantine then ended with another covid mass screening by kkm in PJ. This time we did the RT antigen blood test which was way not scary than the previous swab test. Both of us were negative. Alhmdulillah.
Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal. May all the covid survivors stay strong and get well soon. We are still a team and alhmdulillah our good teamwork had make us survive this very critical moment in our workplace. All the measures and lesson learnt are now implemented as this deadly virus can contract anyone at anytime, with or without symptoms. This, although not a very pleasant memory, will be cherished as how we stay as one and really cared for each other was really what matters.
Stay safe guys. Stay alert.
Duduk rumah and remind our love ones to be safe.
Kita masih belum menang.
Love Zahra.
Ps- Im still WFH eversince this kluster happened. Too traumatic and still adjusting.