Salam 16th Ramadhan!! V(^.^)v
Hopefully everythings going on fine and great!
How's the weekends? The Worldcup finals? The shopping? And not forgetting the tadarus, tarawih and qiyam? 15 days to go inshallah.
We had a nice durian-ey weekend w iftar at mom's, some shopping and also some baking as well. Sebalang dahlia susu dah siap! Yeay! Lets do choc chips pula next! *clap-clap* semangat betul! Cuma sedih je pabila semangat itu xdpt du carry forward utk ke ofis arini.lemau je rasa..mayb sb esok cuti and semua dok ternanti2 bonus! Yeahh bonus! Utk peg kerajaan dh konfirm esok kan? Utk kita ni belum tentu :)
15days to go peeps!
Ayooooohhh berjuang!
Mommy z

Salam 16th Ramadhan!! V(^.^)v
Hopefully everythings going on fine and great!
How's the weekends? The Worldcup finals? The shopping? And not forgetting the tadarus, tarawih and qiyam? 15 days to go inshallah.
We had a nice durian-ey weekend w iftar at mom's, some shopping and also some baking as well. Sebalang dahlia susu dah siap! Yeay! Lets do choc chips pula next! *clap-clap* semangat betul! Cuma sedih je pabila semangat itu xdpt du carry forward utk ke ofis arini.lemau je rasa..mayb sb esok cuti and semua dok ternanti2 bonus! Yeahh bonus! Utk peg kerajaan dh konfirm esok kan? Utk kita ni belum tentu :)
15days to go peeps!
Ayooooohhh berjuang!
Mommy z

posted from Bloggeroid
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