From i-city and ar-rawsha that night, the next morning we took a leave for Iman's overall check up in Hosp Selayang. As for age factor, iman's waiting time was only 30mins :) parking pun senang,murah rezeki Iman. Alhmdulillah dipermudahkan.
Dah sampai ke area utara KL tu, kita straight jelah ke Bukit Tinggi. Among Mommy's favourite spot. Last time time we were here was when.Iman was still 3mths old.
But this time, hujan lebat after we finished Colmar Tropicale. Bukan rezeki nak panjat Japanese Garden or Animal petting, sb mashallah hujan selebat lebatnya. Masih berupaya kereta tua 7yrs old ku daki sampai atas without overheating. Alhamdulillah. Adalah hikmahnya tu. Waktu lain masih ada ya? Despite of that we enjoyed the acrobatic show in the French Village, had some nice views around sightseeing with the thick fog surrounding because of cold/rainy weather.
For nature appreciators, We'll definitely come again. Inshallah!

Four years had thought me alot in appreciating what u already have and work hard for what u want.
Keep calm and enjoy the moment as rezeki had already been written by Allah ever since.
Kereta murah and lama tp teguh berkhidmat lbih bernilai dr kereta mahal tp kerap rosak. Rumah kecil tp tiada masalah dan mempunyai Jiran Jiran yg baik hati lbih tinggi nilainya dr rumah besar yg temboknya menghalang dr kenal Jiran sendiri. Terima pasangan seadanya, dialah rezeki kita. Rasa syg dia utk kiya adalah rezeki utk kita seadanya..
What is good for somebody else might not be good for you.
Dah sampai ke area utara KL tu, kita straight jelah ke Bukit Tinggi. Among Mommy's favourite spot. Last time time we were here was when.Iman was still 3mths old.
But this time, hujan lebat after we finished Colmar Tropicale. Bukan rezeki nak panjat Japanese Garden or Animal petting, sb mashallah hujan selebat lebatnya. Masih berupaya kereta tua 7yrs old ku daki sampai atas without overheating. Alhamdulillah. Adalah hikmahnya tu. Waktu lain masih ada ya? Despite of that we enjoyed the acrobatic show in the French Village, had some nice views around sightseeing with the thick fog surrounding because of cold/rainy weather.
For nature appreciators, We'll definitely come again. Inshallah!

Four years had thought me alot in appreciating what u already have and work hard for what u want.
Keep calm and enjoy the moment as rezeki had already been written by Allah ever since.
Kereta murah and lama tp teguh berkhidmat lbih bernilai dr kereta mahal tp kerap rosak. Rumah kecil tp tiada masalah dan mempunyai Jiran Jiran yg baik hati lbih tinggi nilainya dr rumah besar yg temboknya menghalang dr kenal Jiran sendiri. Terima pasangan seadanya, dialah rezeki kita. Rasa syg dia utk kiya adalah rezeki utk kita seadanya..
What is good for somebody else might not be good for you.
posted from Bloggeroid
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