Weekends yang panjang :) Sgt best dan membahagiakan orang2 yg suka duduk dirumah mcm saya ;)
Weekends CNY ni takdelah duduk dirumah sgt sbnrnya. Byk activity luar sb ada wedding. Ada kenduri aqiqah, tapi syg xsempat nk pergi.
To all my Chinese friends out there :: Happy Chinese Neighhh Year :)
Tahun kuda tahun ni yerr. Tak kiralah chinese christian ke buddha ke muslim ke, semua sambut kan CNY?
May all of us have a prosperous positive year ahead :)
So mcmana cuti CNY korang? Bila dh cuti, bolehlah masak lama and bermutu sikit. Mlm mkn besar, kita masak ala kampung. Sup tetel dgn daging goreng. Yang ni mmg laku, kena pulak dgn nasi panas2 :) Sambal belacan adabi pun boleh tahan sedap juga. Cubalah :) Ok lah utk yg simply pedas berasa.
Zahra, biasalah cerita lompat lompat semua nk cerita ;p Ni cerita sticker, baru dpt Jumaat lepas juga.
Ada buat tempahan sticker utk iman pada seorang blogger ni. Harga reasonable :)
Boleh tempah kalau berminat.Yang mcm iman ni 2cm x 5cm kalau x silap. RM15 utk 100pcs. Yang ni color chrome, dia ada byk kaler boleh pilih. Murah je kan?
Yang kecik lagi pn ada. Lagi murah. Serendah rm5 for every 100pcs sahaja. Comel comel shj.
Boleh lah lekat pd semua barang Iman.
Kes sbnrnya ialah Iman tertukar botol susu dgn kwn sekelas, so knalah naming kan semua bende. Mujurlah xdibenarkan bwk pencilbox, kalau tak habis tertukar :p
Utk tempahan boleh checkout blog dia Pn Fiszah. Promo free je ni :)
Ptg Jumaat baru bergegas ke Sg Buaya utk Majlis Akad nikah sepupu belah ayah, Suhaila. Cantik manis je pengantin in pink dgn pelamin DIY. Creative jugalah. Muda lagi sepupu yg ini. Rasanya br 22 kot. Baguslah kahwin muda. :) Alhamdulillah dgn dua kali lafaz settle jadi isteri org.
Moga berkat hidup kalian, aman damai bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.
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Mak with my aunties, maksu,cikmah, maklang and aunty belah maklang |
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The younger cousins. Aliyya yg hujung. |
Jammed jalan dr Shah Alam mmg toksah ckp lah, semua nk blk berayalah katakan. The boys smp habis semua lagu nyanyi, taksampai lagi Sg Buaya ;p
And by last...
...tertido berdua dlm kereta.
Saturday was a new day.
Mmg plan nk keluar since awal pagi sebab byk agenda, tp biasalah. Hehehe..
Takpalah, kita tak rushing mana, and even my parents pesan suruh dtg lewat-lewat sikit takut the boys kebosanan kat kenduri nanti. Baik mak :)
Went to Saujana Rawang, to meet this new chek mek klate :)
Baby Izz Hana Nafeesa
Baby of Nordiana Yusuf my ex-proton colleague. Alhmdulillah, wpn dah tak semajikan (is this even a word? ;p), the friendship is still there :) Congrats dyana for the new bundle of joy. She has 3babies altogether now, tp mamanya kecik molek je mcm student form 5 ;p
Babies smell awesome! I wish i have one too.
Amsyar is too big by now :p
Is that a sign, daddy? Probably..hehehe
Then off to the wedding of Suhaila.
The reception :)
Alhamdulillah it was a lovely sunny day.
Sesuai utk kenduri kendara :)
Let the pictures do the talking la.
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Newly-weds |
Many loves and congratulations to both of you :)
Sunday was a day at home.
I finished my morning bath to this (--")
And had to learn to smile
Oh boys.. You're really my anger managements angels.
Have no idea what's this? Well, its the contents of the vacuum bag. See the brown vacuum paper bag?
I have no heart to take the picture of the carpet tho. Might ruin most of you appetite.
Oh boys! *cry*
Then it was cleaning as usual.
And a lil bit homeschool projects.
This will be blogged soon. Inshallah
And we had some of Iman's weekend's favorites!
I wanted to try churros, but felt like doing donuts instead. Mcm dh lama tak buat. Next time ya churros durros..hehehehe
So how was your long weekends?
Best tak?
Mommy Z
youre supermom zara. anyway daging tetel tu part yg bhgn mana eh?
oh no. not a supermom sarah! klu supermom xtukar jd hulk bila jmp vacuum nye isi atas lantai and carpet and bilik tamu mcm seolah olah ada jerebu buatan (--")
tetel rsnya..yg bahagian lemak2 sket, klu xrebus lama dia keras.yeke?main blasah je kata tetel sbnrnya.. :P
Mmg biar je reneh atas dapur 1hr++.
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