Selamat hari khamis everybody.
Ok.Iman dah OK.Smlm dh discharged at 10am :)
Cerita keluar hospital masuk hospital ajelah skrg ni kan :P
So kita cerita hospital lagi.Time ni turn cerita mommy pulak :)
And on the final mth of pregnancy - mmg check-up akan jd every week.
So today's check-up was the first in Putrajaya Hospital.
Appointment dpt last week to come at 9am today. So there i was. 8.30 sharp.30mins before appointment.
And was surprisingly it was very short!! 1hr dh siap semua. Came at 8.30 - siap check-up 9.30-ish cmtu.
And yet, I'm not under FPP yer..
Last year..minimum waiting hours would be 2.5 hrs tau.
And I got everything la..detailed scanning.
Jumpa Dr Hamidah the specialist there.
And the payment? RM5. hehehe~
Congrats KKM for the improvement :) Thank you for the improvement! You definitely made my day.
No more long waiting hours as per last year. And yet, today is Thursday.
Where Tuesdays and Thursdays are normal O&G clinic days :)
Orang ramai doctors pun ramai.
Baguslah tu.balance.
And for me :
Berat turun 1kg. Pelik juga. Hmm..maybe penat jaga Iman.
Baby dh 3.2kg. nmpak peha2 nya yg tembam tu.
BP- 130/80 tinggi sket.
Urine clear.
...kena admit hospital juga this monday kalau xbersalin lagi by weekend. OMG!!~
Sebab -
(i) baby dh besar and engaged.If tunggu another 2wks.Baby could reach 4kg. Yeke??
(ii) too lil spacing gap between baby 1 and 2.Hi risk for scar dehiscence <-- new word for me today!!
(iii) history of late onset PIH. wpn yg kali ni xde hi BP.
Most probably will undergo another LSCS. Hmm..
Tp sy redha dgn ketentuan tuhan.
Anything for my babies. As long as they are born healthy and strong.
Or should i seek for a second opinion?
Bleh je I opt for no-show on this Monday.
tggu smp nak bersalin baru nk munculkan diri kat labour room. Ada berani tanggung risk??
Tp what if dh week 41 tp baby xde langsung tanda2 nk kua.tup tup check heart beat dh xde.Nauzubillah. Menangis air mata darah skali pun time tu dh xguna kan?
Or another situation, contraction kuat sgt smp scar dehiscence tu berlaku kat umah. Or uterine rupture tu berlaku dlm kereta menuju ke hospital. Patut buka kat bwhm tp buka kat tempat belahan pertama plaks. Eh, bleh ke cmtu?
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My clerk's wifey dh ikat pn still boleh conceive. She was one of the lucky ones in the 1% of conceiving possibilities bila dh ikat fallopian tube. Bila Allah kata kun fa ya kun apa pun bleh jadi. Tiada yg mustahil kan? dilemma now. Dahlah monday ni birthday hubby and 28th ni our annivrsary..xdapek lah nk smbut meriah meriah. dlm hospital aje la jawapnyerr..
Memandai mandai je kan..? OK lah, sy akan serahkan pada yg pakar.
Ikutkan ajer.
And on the same time-pray bersalin before 21st (Monday) ni for a normal delivery.
Second option yg mudah. If only God wills.
Mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan segala urusan ku.Permudahkan aku bersalin kan putera ku kali ini.
Pray for me friends :)
Tak sabar sebenarnya nk jumpe si adik ni..
good luck zahra... doa byk2 ye.. mintak Allah mudah kan ye.. AMIN!
good luck mommy imaaaan... harap2 boleh normal and baby sehat walafiat... celebrate jer kat hospital, no MIA on Monday k..
Thanx dora and mizah :)
Berdebar la plak nk masuk hospital wpn ni dh 2nd baby..doa2kan la yer dipermudahkan mudah2an.
Bagus juga kna admit awal (awal ker?). Xya g kerja dh :p hehehe~
good luck zahra..harap selamat semuanya..berdebar ni
tqvm sarah :)
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