Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bersalin czer di Hospital Putrajaya 😍

Tajuk mcm karangan 😝

Well just to share my experience in Putrajaya Hospital, bersalin czer. This is my 3rd experience bersalin di putrajaya. And all 3 were different experiences all together.

1st baby : 21.02.2011 Boy 3.75kg
2nd baby : 23.05.2012 Boy 3.18kg
3rd baby : 30.09.2016 Boy 3.67kg

Heroes semuanya 😎 Alhmdulillah

Kita cerita yg paling latest lah. 7months ago punya cerita. Utk general info, putrajaya hospital ni one of hospital kerajaan yg menawarkan 100% class 1 ward di hospitalnya. Hospitalnya xseberapa besar, tp cukup peralatannya inshallah. Kali ke 3 bersalin kos bersalin totalnya cuma RM1200 termasuk seminggu warded sebelum bersalin dan 3hari selepas. Saya duduk bilik 4bedded ms tu sb mmg full wardnya. Tp saya suka 4bedded sebab xdelah sunyi sgt mlm2. Mikhail ditahan ward nicu slama 2mlm kena caj asing. Masa tu kalut nak call micares utk coverage.. Bila tanya bill brp sekali rm15 sahaja. Allah 😂😂

Di putrajaya, meals mmg according to your needs. Pre and post natal lain menunya. Kalau diabetic lain menunya, so bab makanan post csect mmg x perlu risau. Lps czer, hospital hidangkan bubur nasi dgn lauk lauk pantang mcm sawi tumis air and ikan tenggiri singgang. Buah orange mmg setiap kali makan dpt sebiji.yums 🍊🍊🍊

Kalau bab bf friendly and gentlebirthing, sy mmg puji hpj. Satu, sb wlpun sy bersalin czer, doc benarkan skin to skin dgn baby immediately selepas baby keluar, and dpt terus mulakan penyusuan ms tu. Cord clamping pun doc benarkan delay smpai habis pulse. Yang tu mmg saya suka 😍 Dlm ward pun mmg ada lactation nurses yg mengajar correct latching position one to one, so sgtlah membantu mana mana ibu yg ada masalah pelekapan esp first time moms. Tp kalau ada masalah susu x ada and dah lebih 24jam kelahiran masih x ada susu barulah hospital akan support dgn susu formula yg diberikan dgn sipping cup.

Oklah nanti kita sambung bab 2. Mcm panjang sgt dah ni kan? K mommies.. Moga apa dikongsikan bermanfaat.

Bye 😘

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I wish..

I wish i could update at least once a week here actually. Maybe just a few lines. As long as im updating. Lets take baby at a time. 😎

Actually im still adjusting life as a mom of 3. Putting things where it belongs, try to balance career life and family..doing things to make sure i dont screw up people's life 😝 kalau di ikutkan mmg byk sgt benda nak kena buat. Smpai dh tak boleh nk organized kan diri. Kalau mmg org ocd of coz dh stressed up to the max sb x dpt nk organize kan everything. I mmg ada ocd. Sikit. So, boleh lah handle lagi. Mmg kna sikit sikit selit sini sana.

Talking about me, post 3rd csect ni, amazingly i feel a little bit great about myself. This i would like to thanks my op doc yang maybe membetulkan a lot of things inside, post 2nd csect i cannot even rukuk lama lama sebab rs diagframe collapse, xtahulah nak cerita rs mcm tulah. Pastu rs mcm sesak nafas. This time around alhmdulillah, rasa sakit mmg dah boleh expect for first few days. Then, that's it. I cuma berpantang makan and sejuk badan saja. Urut2 tungku semua i xbuat until mikhail is 6months old. Makan mmg jaga sikit and try to keep the plate colourful. Eat ikut suku suku separuh within 6meals a day. Alhmdulillah after pantang. Im back to healthy me 😉😉😊😊😊😊 yang penting socks and minyak minyak panas mmg sentiasa sapu. And keep the body always heated up.

Ok lah.gtg. i'll try to update time to time! 😂

One photo for the school friends gath earlier this month. Love them all! 😍 duduk sembang 4jam xsedar (1-5pm!) Sampai kna seru balik by hubsy... Hehehehe

Should do this more often.

Love 😘

Mommy Z

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Zulhayqal Mikhail is already 6!

Not so much into blogging these days. Poor mika, xbyklah jadinya updates ttg dia. So here we are. Already 6months+. Already started solids sikit sikit. Mommy nak try baby led weaning method this time. Pernah dgr? Dia mcm bg baby try real chunky food (soft la tp) for the real food taste and not pureed type, just minus the sugar n salt.


Mommy Z


Once pernah ambil one pic of amsyar in this pose 😍


To the long weekends ahead!!! Salut!

Seronok beriadah dgn family kan? I pray for many many more long weekends ahead! May is approaching guys! A special month for us - birthday mommy, birthday daddy, amsyar, our anniversary... And of course ramadhan 😍 plan nk g short getaway.. Tp tetiba bateri kong plak end of last week. Kereta pun byk nak kena upgrade. This October dh last payment dah for our super black.. Yiihuuuu... Terima kasih sebab behave sesangat all these years. Tgk lah mcmana... Ye tak?

Bye bye for now 😘😘😘


jom terjah :)
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