Thursday, December 10, 2020

2020 kami

 Assalam semua! 

Dah December dah ni utk tahun yg 360 darjah terbalik kan rutin semua org. Tahun plg mencabar bagi org lain, tahun kita mengenal apa yg sebenarnya paling penting dlm hidup, tahun untuk kita tingkatkan kesabaran dgn apa yg kita terhalang untuk buat. Tahun anniversary ke 10 kami.

Walau apapun, byk benda yg kita rasakan dulu mustahil dan kita tak mampu, sebenarnya kita boleh lakukan. Tak pernah pun terfikir yg kami boleh membina kereta dari rumah, dan dtg ke pejabat hanya pabila perlu. Semua boleh dan mencabar, tapi byk benda boleh dicapai. 

Anak anak mungkin ketinggalan pelajaran, tp byk pelajaran hidup yg kita dpt ajarkan bila anak didepan mata. Akhlaq, belajar menjadi imam, belajar membuat kerja kerja rumah, belajar urus diri, baca buku buku yg tak sempat nk baca sebelum ini, belajar mengaji, belajar menanam bunga dan sayur bersama mommy, belajar bertukang, mahirkan berenang, belajar memasak..semuanya, kecuali belajar matapelajaran disekolah yg mommy susah nk ajarkan.

Mommy pun banyak benda yg dpt dibuat setelah lama sekian lama. Alhmdulillah thn ni dpt khatam alquran dlm masa sebulan di bulan ramadhan.dan sekali lg diluar bulan ramadhan. Dapat kenal seronoknya bertanam dan dapat bina kebun edible sendiri wpn ada pokok yg hidup dan ada juga yg mati. Dapat kenal diri sebenarnya boleh bahagi masa bekerja, menjadi ibu dan berhobi di rumah. Sebenarnya byk belajar untuk bersyukur dgn apa yg kadang kadang dh ada didepan mata tp kita tak manfaatkan, bila dlm kesempitan semua nya boleh dibuat.

Banyak juga sebnrnya, tahun ni adik ke 6 suami kawen bulan February lepas. Selamat semuanya, adik ke 5 saya pun selamat bertunang. Tahun ini juga setiap kesempatan selepas pkp, kami manfaatkan utk bercuti cuti, jadinya tidaklah begitu ralat dan stress bila ada pkp semula. Cuba jadikan segala norma baru sebagai kebiasaan, keluar dgn keadaan beringat dan menjaga sop. 

Tahun ni, wlaupun bulan puasa sebulan berpuasa dirumah dan wfh, beraya dirumah sendiri bersama mak dan arwah maklong..raya aidiladha kami berkesempatan pulang ke Kelantan beraya, alhmdulillah..cuti cuti pun di dlm Malaysia, begitulah..

Januari - The Grand Beach, PD

Februari - Swiss Garden Melaka.

March - Kelantan

June - Thistle, PD

July/August - Perlis, Penang Arte S Apartment, CH Heritage Hotel.

September - The Pines, Melaka

Kalau ikutkan, byk dah ni. Byk kena syukur dh ni. Tp sebab berjalan Perlis, Penang, CH aritu dh 10d rasa mcm puas betul bercuti cuti dan takdelah nk ralat. Betul lah kalau bercuti ni segala boleh refresh balik, dan tumpuan bekerja tu dtg dgn sendiri alhmdulillah.

Rasanya banyak dh cerita ni..nanti kita smbung lagi inshallah❤🧡💙💙💛🤎



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Visiting Zoo Melaka 2020

Assalam semua..

Major 3months throwback. Thank you Allah atas kekuatan memcoretkan juga cerita ini sebagai kenangan kita nanti. 

This was actually Mikhail's fourth birthday trip. We took a day's leave and headed to Melaka for a night stay in The Pines Melaka and went for food hunting of coz. As a special treat, we took the opportunity to revisit Zoo Melaka as Mikhail barely remembered the last time we were there. It was really worth every penny.

Melaka post covid, was not as its usual. As main income generation was tourism, we saw everything was not as glory as its old days. All museums were closed, rides were not available and most places thay were open, were with spiking high ticket prices due to the sop they have to cover such as sanitizers, and to sanitize each time people were in and out every trip. Begitulahh..

For the zoo tickets : 

Dewasa RM25. Kanak Kanak RM15.

Birthday Boy Zulhayqal Mikhail


Ice cream stop

Birthday boy was the happiest. We were all happy. alhmdulillah ala kulli hal. All the quarantine and stay at home really had its toll on us. And all in all there is always the silver lining behind each cloud.

Till then



Sunday, December 6, 2020

Kisah Cuti Cuti 2020 dlm kalut covid19 kita selit juga

Assalam semua.

Banyak kisah pending 2020 ni..bukan lah semua yg tak sedap sahaja. Kita pun dh boleh start new year countdown dh ni lagi 24 days saja nk habis kan 2020 dan mula buku baru. 

Tahun ni kalau ikutkan ada je senggang waktu dibenarkan rentas negeri kita beres lalu gerak. Bukan nak kata apa kalau betul jaga SOP inshallah tak dak apa apa, and kita perlulah menjaga juga kesihatan mental kita..jangan jadi terlalu takut, terlalu risau dan akhirnya membuatkan mental kita alami depresi. 

Kenangan di Penang Hill 2020

Makan makan di muara sg duyung

So nak cerita bulan 8 haritu kita ke Perlis, Penang and CH. Bulan 9 kita dah ke Melaka cuti cuti, lawat zoo melaka, mkn mkn seafood di muara duyung..tapi begitulah musim musim covid ni berjalan pun tak syok sebab byk tmpat tutup and kita pun kena sentiasa waspada tmpat tmpat yg 3s ni..sempit, sesak and sembang..tmpat kunjungan pun limited lah..zoo buka tp muzium semua tutup. Kalau di penang tempohari, semua kedai dan aktiviti limited to 10pm shj. Lepas 10pm habis semua tutup. Begitulah.

Bawa tokma jalan melaka 26.09.2020

Must singgah spot. Syukur rezeki kami last yg dpt rasa..before sold out. 

Our couple selfie konolah adooo

Kita pun redha dan use the time wisely. Masa di Bukit Bendera lah paling seronok.rezeki kami agaknya, mmg lengang takdak org, sampai kami kena pi tnya, tutup ka? Rupanya tak..buka seperti biasa, tp takdak org mana. Jadi mmg syoklah..tggu naik tren ke atas pun 15mins sja.. Kalau yg tahu dan biasa ke Penang Hill tahulah betapa ramai unat manusia tggu naik tren pun 2jam ada kot.

Ok lah cerita sikit sikit saja.nanti kita sambung lagi.semua pun kenangan.utk di ingat di masa akan dtg🥰 Doakan ada masa lebih kita coret one by one especially Homestay di Penang yg mmg i tersangat sgt sebab level 45 and sgt luas dan cantik fit for all 15 of us dgn selesa for 3d2n..

Till then..



Monday, November 23, 2020

Kluster Auto

 Assalam all,

I just would like to pen down this for the memory lane. I had just gathered up half of my inner strength to build up again and conquer my fears from what had happened in our workplace. 

Yups guys, we were the kluster auto. Covid 19 spread in the workplace is really scary guys. From one person it can be the whole department in within hours. So this was our tragedy October, but the team was really strong and we kept secrets quit tightly that no names were public. And against all odds, our new baby x50 was launched in the middle of the crisis. 

Our gloomy days started with a mass swab on the 16th of October. We were in long lines for the drive tru in MSUMC for our first swab. This itself was so scary and the total of people going for this swab was more than 500 people🥲

And the waiting game began. Its the one call saying either you are negative. Or there will be an ambulance from kkm picking you up as soon as possible. We were all really down at the moment, on the phone all the time chatting with each other giving hopes and doas and trying to comfort each other. I really felt that in people do become closer in such situations.

And then one by one our friends,bosses and colleagues called in to announce that they were positive. We listed down each and every one of us who were positive until we were on our knees to emosional to know that more than 50 of us were positive. It was so surreal! My colleagues in front, my bosses, my good team member were all positive. I cried for them. Tears came out but confused whether it was because i was sad for them or i was afraid im next. But the number was increasing.

Me and hubs upgraded from P3 to P2(direct contact) within 24hours. Our rsults came in so late as MSU was retesting it again. It was so stressful and a matter of whether youre still a P2 or upgraded to P1(positive). 

Finally the first swab came negative for both of us. Alhmdulillah! I cried of anything was possible at that time! 

And then came the 14days home quarantine. We swabbed at a private hospital, so there were no gelang pink or gelang white on us to say that we need to stay home. But, its just unsaid that uou have to be a responsible person and self quarantine. We even has groceries sent to our house during the quarantine period, and the car battery died off due to long period of stagnancy. And during thw 14 days, all who were with any symptoms went to re-swab, and most were positive leading the number of kluster auto to a heap of 100+. I lost track of who was positive and who wasnt by day the numbers were too many. Syukur there were no cases in the manufacturing line. And many were asymptomatic so they were labelled as level 1 (mild) and were discharged as early as 3days.

Happy faces after 2nd negative. With frontliners in PJ screening

Our 14 days quarantine then ended with another covid mass screening by kkm in PJ. This time we did the RT antigen blood test which was way not scary than the previous swab test. Both of us were negative. Alhmdulillah.

Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal. May all the covid survivors stay strong and get well soon. We are still a team and alhmdulillah our good teamwork had make us survive this very critical moment in our workplace. All the measures and lesson learnt are now implemented as this deadly virus can contract anyone at anytime, with or without symptoms. This, although not a very pleasant memory, will be cherished as how we stay as one and really cared for each other was really what matters.

Stay safe guys. Stay alert.
Duduk rumah and remind our love ones to be safe.

Kita masih belum menang.

Love Zahra.

Ps- Im still WFH eversince this kluster happened. Too traumatic and still adjusting.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Cuti cuti ke Penang Pasca Covid MCO

Assalam sayang sayang semua. Lama tak betul betul menulis, sayang pula rasanya kenangan kenangan ni kalau tak diabadikan disini. Tak pasti lah berapa lama lagi medium ni akan bertahan tp selagi ada, kita akan terus menulis.

Sebenarnya, seronok kami ke Penang bulan lalu beramai ramai dgn keluarga belah suami. Alhamdulillah berkesempatan membawa mama berjalan juga, mama sangat sangat jarang dpt keluar kelantan, berbeza dgn mak. Mama kalau berjalan pun, mesti karena ada acara. Kali ini atas urusan menghantar adik bongsu kami smua ke Matrikulasi Perlis, kami ambil kesempatan utk kembara ke Perlis, Penang dan Cameron Highlands. Seronok mama, sakit kaki berjalan bila tiba malam tp riak wajah dia cukup gembira.

Saya bukan lah menantu yang sangat baik, takpernah terlintas untuk menjadi menantu kesayangan tapi saya suka bila mama, cinta pertama suami saya gembira, saya pun gembira. Sedangkan org yg bukan darah daging pun kita seronok gembirakan, inikan pula keluarga sendiri. Saya sentiasa pesankan pada suami, jgn risau duit yg kita guna untuk keluarga, Allah ganti balik berlipat ganda.

Trip kali ni seronok sebab yg pergi 3 kereta semuanya..11 adults dan 8kids. And was a long jourmey from Kelantan-Gerik-Kedah-Perlis-Penang- CH for 5d4n!

Day 1- Perlis Indera Kayangan

We spent one night in Arau before sending off baby brother Zarif to Kolej Matrikulasi Arau. The Airbnb we chose was really confortable. Selesa, luas m, bersih..rezeki kami lah masa tu. 

Tapi di perlis tak brapa lama, sempat pekena sarapan di Alsagoff corner dan berjalan sebenrar di Pasar Padang Besar sahaja. Jalan pun hanya pusing dari dlm kereta menikmati pemandangan ladang tebu lama dan ladang mangga yg pada masa itu baru saja habis musim nya.nanti kita pi cari lagi nah. Berjalan dimusim covid ni macam ni lah tak boleh nk beria mana, apa pun sop dan keselamatan no 1.

Al Sagoff corner ni syok juga.nasi lemak, mee kari mmg A lah kita bg. Byk kuih muih dan char kuey teow pun ado. Tepuk dada tnya selero.

Kids di hentian titiwangsa on the way from kelantan. We took more than 7hours to reach perlis. Byk pitstop.

Padang besar ni tak jauh beza dgn rantau panjang, pasarnya, barang nya, suasananya. Barang barang pun byk yg dari Thailand sb kedudukannya yg betul betul di sempadan.

Rasanya cukup dulu first part ni. Nanti kita cerita lagi.inshallah

Friday, October 2, 2020

Zulhayqal Mikhail Turns 4

Sekitar celebration birthday Zulhayqal Mikhail turns 4.
 Phase 1 with tokma, chengoh, maklang and ayahmie. Phase 2 with mommy n daddy. Then phase 3 with taspro friends.

Happy birthday sayang mommy Zulhayqal Mikhail. Anak soleh, anak budiman, anak baikbudi dan berbakti. Mommy sayang sgt adik❤❤❤


Four years already. My calm baby. My gentle csect birth baby who was born ensac. No matter what, forever my love.
as the name goes, anak pembawa rezeki sokmo untuk mommy and daddy. Rezeki yg tak terjangka jangka. Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal

2020 A great challenge for all

 Assalam all.

Actually i dont know where to start or what to start with. I was under quite a lot of pressure throughout the mco and after leaving me very vulnerable and feeling almost miserable everyday. Workload was piling up. The management was expecting you to work harder due to the 'luxury' of not having to travel to work, we really worked our asses out each day which was totally not ok. The anxiety, the worry and all. I prayed hard everyday and tried to keep myself in a piece to appear strong but God knows what inside. Ramadhan was 100% wfh this year and alhmdulillah in my first time since forever i finished the whole Quran in a month. My husband finished twice.alhmdulillah.

We were really keeping it strong between each other, just to find comfort in each other, and alhmdulillah we found peace and me time privacy for each other keeping ourselves occupied with home improvement projects, garden projects and what ever kept our minds off the pandemiv crisis.

We even had our first time celebrating Eid in our own house. And hosted for our close family a small gathering in our home, all under strict sop of course.i was so paranoid.

In July when the goverment allowed us to cross borders we went back to Kelantan. It has been awhile actually, alhmdulillah for the decrease in new cases. Kelantan was only for few days, then we went on a roadtrip all 17 of us sending off my lil BIL to Matrix Perlis. It was a short trip to Perlis, Penang and Cemeron and we had a blast. Im really grateful for the chance as just right after the Sivagangga case outnumbered everything and the statistics once again became haywired. I guess i need to write more about this trip. Inshallah next time when i feel like writing. Keep strong everyone. Hold on in there


Till then



Friday, April 3, 2020

WFH day17

Assalam all, hows the MCO going on so far?

I miss the office.
I miss the routine. The hectic mornings and the fatigue nights. The adrenaline of car testing and results viewing. And the heart fainting challenges.
But ill enjoy every second of be able to be with the kiddos and cook 245 times a day. And to do house projects. We finished dozens yay! Just to live life and breathe the evening breeze and take a moment to realize there's flowers blooming in the lawn.

Let me just post some pictures of our daily #dapurzahra ideas. Just to remind all of us in the future..we tried to stay safe, keep cooped in our homes and played our parts inshallah..

Stay strong everyone. Stay happy to be mentally strong as well.

Till then


Monday, March 23, 2020

Rezeki Allah

Ya Allah..terima kasih atas nikmat ini.All the hard work. After 10years to gain the trust. Its not easy i tell you for a girl in a guys world.

Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal.

One for the album. Ig and Fb is too mainstream..

Friday, March 20, 2020

House Project 2020

Work in Progress.

Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal..