Friday, May 24, 2019

Resipi Ayam Percik Putih Kelantan

Ramadhan ke 17 haritu kita try buat ayam percik sb teringin sgt nk makan tapi di bazaar mahal betul. Rupa pun mcm tak kena dgb selera kita je..sobs.byk sgt komplen kan, kita cuba buat sendiri!Jadi sedap molek licin alhmdulillah..hehehe. Sbnrnya cedok cedok ingat ingat lupa Adik ipar kita n nenek hubby pernah ajar dulu dulu.Tp yelah takdelah nk salon resipi ke apa.

Sebab husband kita luluskan resipi ni..kita simpan di blog ya utk rujukan masa hadapan..dan kongsikan utk kwn kwn yg nak try.


Bahan bahan

Setengah ekor ayam di potong dua (quarter x2) dibersihkan.kulit tak perlu buang
3/4 kotak santan (dalam 150ml)
Seinci Halia*
1biji bwg besar*
3-4 ulas bwg putih*

2 btg serai diketuk
1 keping asam keping
Garam dan gula secukupnya.

Cara membuatnya :

Blend halus semua bahan bertanda (*). Masuk kan kedalam kuali bersama sama ayam dan tambahkan air hingga menutupi ayam. Tambahkan sedikit garam,serai yg telah diketuk dan rebus sehingga ayam separuh masak.

Keluarkan ayam.

Teruskan  memanaskan kuah air rebusan ayam tadi. Masukkan santan, asam keping dan gula. Masak kuah sehingga agak pekat dgn api yg perlahan.

Sementara itu, bakar ayam (saya guna pemanggang ajaib shj) sambil menuangkan kuah yg kita masak td sedikit sedikit diatas ayam yg sedang dibakar.Proses inilah yg kita panggil percik.

Mcm ni..heheh

Ulang proses sehingga ayam betul betul masak.Boleh dihidang dgn dituangkan lebihan kuah td diatas ayam.

Inshallah bahan sedikit tp rasanya sedap. Terutamanya dijadikan juadah berbuka.

Selamat mencuba!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

From #dapurzahra for Ramadhan 1440

Tahun ni konsepnya masak laju laju mudah mudah tapi sedap. Alhmdulillah walaupun sampai rumah hari hari 645 650 tapi diberi kekuatan dan kesempatan siapkan hidangan ringkas ringkas.

Salam Nuzul Quran

Resipi Ayam Goreng Berempah Simple

Kita letak sini sebab boleh rujuk masa cari ilham akan akan dtg.
Utk share juga sebab resipi ni mudah tau.

Resipi Ayam Goreng Berempah ala Zahra

Bahan bahan :

Setengah ekor ayam

Satu labu bwg Putih *
1inci halia *
Satu biji kecil bwg merah*
3 btg serai *

1 sdb ketumbar biji
1sdk serbuk kunyit
1sdb serbuk jintan Manis
2 sdb cili boh
1 sdb gula
Garam secukup rasa

Cara membuatnya :

1. Blend semua bahan bertanda (*) sehingga lumat
2 . Gaulkan dgn ayam bahan bahan yg telah diblend
3. Masuk kan serbuk kunyit, jintan, cili boh, gula dan garam. Gaul sekata.
4. Perapkan ayam untuk 30-60min
5. Gorengkan didalam minyak yang byk sehingga garing!Gorengkan juga lebihan rempah rempahnya..sedaptu buat makan krup krap.
6.Setelah masak toskan dan hidangkan panas panas.

Yummy ni kalau makan panas panas. Kena pula dgn nasi lemak..fuhhhh

Selamat mencuba!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

12th year here and counting

My beautiful colleagues. makan mee goreng bwh pokok dpn petronas USJ. Picture by big boss.

Ramadhan 10. Let us write up a lil bit about whats happening around. 

One colleague resigned with a 24hours notice. Its time to move on. That was my colleague's response when i asked her, why her boss resigned. He gave all his emotions, tears and sweat in for all these 15 years. and now its finally time to move on. In the conversation i was told that he would occasionally review his career steps after a certain period of time. What achievements that he has unlocked, where is he currently is, income target and so on. He chosed 5 years which is very reasonable in my view. Bravo bro. Congrats for your new offer. May Allah ease everything for you. 

I am still happy here. Happy just to get to go home on time and workloads is still under my radar. Occasionally stress environment, but still the positive vibes still lingers around. Alhmdulillah. I would like to quote something i read in my Igs feed which i feel like very interesting :

"There is no perfect job in this imperfect world. Critical success factors are actually your attitude, and your mindset on how to make the best out of it. All the Time"

Mashallah. Jazakallah for those profoundly beautiful arranged thoughts.
So there you are. Im proudly surviving my 12th year here. Alhmdulillah. Cheers to the more years to come, more new challenges..Inshallah. 


Well, speaking of moving on.
It has been awhile for us to be back to hubby's hometown in Kelantan. The kids missed their kampung. The daddy of course too. We'll see how lah anak anak for this coming raya or maybe just August raya haji. I planned for an Anniversary trip in August nanti, to cover back our 9th anniversary which falls in Ramadhan (28th May uols!) All those sweat,laughters and tears all these nine years. Alhmdulillah. We embrace all the challenges and here we are

The boys happily running after the lokching hawker in our hometown, Pasirmas.

The leisure time back in the Kampung Life : Just lazing and makan!

We'll be back inshallah. Soon

Enjoy your Ramadhan sisthur!



Sunday, May 12, 2019

Warna warni Zulhayqal Mikhail 2019

Growing so strong and smart alhmdulillah. 
My Survivor baby. My Strength. My Happy Baby!

My cheeky Mikhail, 2.5 years old!

Weehooo @ Mitsui Outlet Sepang, January 2019

With daddy and Abg

Pantai Cahaya Bulan, KB January 2019

Lunch @ Dwiputra Putrajaya, February 2019

Gold Coast Morib, March 2019

Cheeky @ Mesamall Nilai March 2019

With Mr Planes, One City USJ

Jumaat Prayers, April 2019

Balloon fest, Putrajaya

Friday, May 10, 2019

How's your ramadhan so far?

Assalamualaykum wbt..
Salam 5th of Ramadhan!

So, hows ramadhan's going on so far? On track or agak mis aligned from the plan made for this ramadhan?  I have a few ramadhan free printables that i would like to share. Hope that the creator/writer for the printables get the desired good deeds (pahala in BM) for their thoughtfulness and pure hearts in making these documents.

For us alhmdulillah, so far so good. Sahoor on track with simple dishes. Iftar on track with simple home cooked meals that i tried to prepare after work. Sebenarnya sangat sangat bersyukur Allah bagi kekuatan juga untuk siapkan iftar untuk keluarga, untuk suami dan anak2 khususnya. Mmg ramadhan kali ni kami diuji dgn kesesakan jalanraya yang amat di perumahan kami. Pagi nk keluar ke tempat kerja, petang sekali lg nak balik kerumah. Sesak yang mashallah..mmg mengundang marah dan tahap kesabaran yang tinggi. Beruntunglah ibu ibu yang tidak bekerja dpt siapkan hidangan lengkap. Beruntunglah ibu ibu yang flexi hour boleh pulang jam 3. Cuma bekalan kekuatan dari Allah sahaja yang dpt membantu kami kami yang 6.45 baru nak menanak nasi ni. Setiap ptg tekan ON rice cooker sambil berdoa, harap harap sempat masak nasinya sebelum azan Maghrib berkumandang. 

Iman dan Amsyar, alhmdulillah masih berpuasa. Dipaksa juga telan nasinya pagi pagi. Saya risau dua hero ini tidak dapat nutrisi yang lengkap, jadi apa saja mereka inginkan atau terlintas kita sebagai ibu sedaya upaya layan kan. Yelah bulan puasa bukan selalu, kalau bukan sekarang nak mengajar bila lagi. Entah kan berjumpa entahkan tidak ramadhan tahun hadapan. Tiada siapa tahu. Tahun ini berayah beribu, tahun depan Allah suratkan sudah bergelar anak yatim. Sayu pula memikirkan hal hal macam ni. jadi kita make use of the present. The past is for reflection, and the future is for all the wishes and plans we look forward into.

Ok sayang sayang semua.Kita tulis pendek pendek je skrg, janji ber update.
Ramadhan masih berbaki 24 hari. 
Marilah kita manfaatkan bersama yukk!


Mommy Zahra 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ahlan wa Sahlan ya Ramadhan!

Turned 35 today.
Alhmdulillah. On the eve of Ramadhan. 

Ramadhan Mubarak.Ramadhan Kareem everyone!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reunion Gundalerz 2019! Gold Coast Morib Trip

Hi guys!!

This all happened early March around 2 months ago.. it took me like forever to update it here, but i guess this event should be remembered by us all and pinned here for the family momento! So here it is. I think its best to do less of writing and more pictures talking for themselves. 

We of course had a blast! The kids aka my waterbabies..really enjoyed any trips involving waterparks! Ah yes..they're growing up too soon that they need new bathing suits by now.. Me, alhmdulillah it was such a bliss to have the people i knew since i was 13 around me. Everybody seems not to age.really..except yours truly..haha

Pictures are not in correct order of events..Nevertheless -Enjoy!


The brave Mikhail!

Battery recharging mode!

Night activity after the reunion dinner. It was a short dinner. We continued our membawang session in the house spa

Waterbabies in action!

Almost everybody!

Spa session 11.30pm-3am!

Mommies on the loose! These are people who i felt knew me all my life!

Mrs lawyer Fabu with the Official banner

The dads during the morning beach sukaneka

Balloon blasted!!!!!!!!

The one in yellow who's bursting all the balloons!!!! hahahaha

Gundalers second generation

This year only 6 of us were present mewakili Puteris (Dr Rashidah i'll photoshop u in between me and fab ya!)

Thank you to the organizing team. Congrats and JZKK for all the efforts and commitment shown. I have not much to complaint or the venue and itenery as all works are voluntarily and May Allah bless all of us for the silaturraheem mended from events like this. Amin!

Gundalerz Grand Reunion 2019 - After 18years!

Creating more memories with these buddies!
To more reunions to come!

Maybe after 10 years?

