Monday, May 26, 2014

Kisah Mata Iman 5/5-26/5 2014

Iman was diagnosed with :: pseudomembrane conjunctivitis w epithelial defect, sever anterior uveitis and hypopyon in anterior chamber.

A rare conjunctivitis that usually happens only among adults. Alhmdulillah as of today, iman survived.

It started as normal as any conjunctivitis. We treated it with eye drops from our local clinic and kept iman away from school. Then the antibiotics finished and the redness subsidued, but unfortunately after awhile, the upper eyelids suddenly flared. The eyes were swollen, and red. And Iman was really in pain at that time. The same clinic we went earlier referred us directly to DEMC. The meds from the clinic contained steroids.That should work on normal conjunctivitis. But when this happened, somethibg was wrong.

DEMC immediately admitted iman. Alhmdulillah, as we were covered by 45k, no deposites were needed. Alhmdulillah.Thnx proton as well for the coverage.

Two specialists attended Iman, Dr Fadzillah (paeds) and Dr Haida (ophthal) for the whole 3days as Iman was also feverish.

The 2nd day Dr Haida examined Iman's eye and saw an epithelial defect in his eye (Mata hitam). His eyes were hazy and she found there was also hypopyon in his anterior chamber. (nanah). She gave Iman a 12hrs challenge with one antibiotics that was shot into his eyes every hour. We didn't sleep throughout the night that night as the nurse came once in every hour for the antibiotics. Coming 7am, iman was started on a special antibiotics every 15mins.

By 8.30am we were sent back down to Dr Haida's clinic for examination.

Surprisingly, the antibiotics didn't work and the defect was getting worse. Dr Haida was really worried that we might lose Iman's eye if the bacteria had gone worse eating his nerves in the back of his eyes. I was devastated with the news and couldn't hold my tears. She said its ok as the eye could be replaced by a rock eye. Rock eye???? Gila! This is my baby we're talking about here.

DEMC as a small hospital doesnt have the equipment to scan the back of Iman's eye to see the nerves. She recommended her 'tokguru' for paeds ophtal in Selayang Hospital. She told us that the best ophthalmologists and facilities are in Selayang Hospital. She wanted us to go by ambulance, but I refused.We'll go by ourselves.

DEMC discharged us with referal letters to Selayang Hospital. Fortunately we arrived at selayang at 3.30pm upon all clearance with DEMC and was immediately rushed to the specialist there. Iman was again examined and scanned and was admitted. The ophthalmologist there said that this was a very rare case among little children and opted for another antibiotic challenge that night.
Lightheaded from the one each hour course last night mommy was a little furious when the nurse refused to give us a one bedded room, I challanged the medical officer why private servants are not allowed to have one bedded room? By last, boleh je sbnrnya..but needed some staff nurse approval. Lorr..

We were given another antibiotics to be dropped into iman's eye every 15mins for the said challenge from 5pm to 8pm. At 8pm the specialist came again for viewing.

Alhmdulillah..the verdict for that night was : Iman had an allergy reaction with the DEMC antibiotics. His scan results came out clear that night. We were really lucky that we were fast enough or else Iman might lost his right eye sight permanently :'( The Doc gave simple instructions on how to monitor iman throughout the night. The head of ophthalmology dept would like to view iman 1st thing tomorrow.

We were left 1hr with nobody attending to us afterwards. I decided to flee back home, taking Iman and all. Bkn susah was so easy there.hehehe.

Once arrived home, the hospital called saying they're sending out police after us for fleeing. Urm.

We decided just to sleep and went back first thing the next morning.What the heck!

Gila lah mcm drama.

The next morning, we were waited by Dr Fariza the ophthal dept head for Iman's check up. We apologized and she further said she understands. We were then being put under her wings. iman's conditions were showing improvement we were given 2days conditional rest and the choice of either being warded or just discharged but have to come back on Sunday morning.

We chose to go back home.Of course!

Maka blk la..

On Sunday, Doctor Aziah, on of the ophtal specialist attended to us.

Maybe kita cerita part 2 pulak..boleh?
Tak settle lg sbnrnya..nk kna g Putrajaya hosp for follow fact this is the 8th time kena dtg for daily check up.

So bg iolls g dlu ya?

Bubbye!!! be cont..

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Caught Iman singing last time..

" nenek nenek si bontot tiga.."

Omg!! Iman! No no.. Si bongkok tiga!!

Si bontot 3?????!!!!
Pls help mommy not to sing this in public.

Well happy Monday peeps!
Munfane sket for everybody I guess coz the Thomas cup was abducted by the Ultromenss. Bummer!
We're on day 7 for Putrajaya Ophtal Clinic this eve.

Have a nice day!!!

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Amsyar turns 2!!!


Happy birthday dear sweet Amsyar!
Be strong my lil one, be nice and humble and never give up!
Seek up knowledge all you can!

Explore the world and seek experience.
Look at things with your heart, and try to learn in every step.
You'll be a great man one day. Inshallah!

Mommy loves you no matter what.
Because I am your mother.

**my 2nd scar turns two today.alhmdulillah no babies conceived yet. Which will allow my scar to heal. And pray this will be my last scar inshallah,.and two more babies to come! ameen.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

WW - Happy birthday my love!


Posted one day late. Well, what the heck!

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Hello there!!

Im back!!! After 12 days of absence from the many things to many things happened I don't know where to begin.perhaps my wish last time to be at stay at home mom was granted temporarily..mashaAllah.

A lot of madness around.

Well let's straighten up things gor now.Ramadhan is just around the corner.

Welcoming our latest edition to the family :: Baby Zaid Harithah!! Far far away born 20.05.2014 in Egypt!! Bila lah mommylong nk jmp ni..aduhai.

Till then uols!

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Discharged to be admitted in Selayang

3days 2nights in demc, we're being referred to Selayang Hosp as the best paed ophthalmologist is in Selayang Hosp and all equipments are only in Selayang.

Pray for my baby.temporarIly blind/one sighted now due to bacterial infection in his inner cornea. T_T

We hoped we could reach selayang on time.if only.

Mommy's jeans pun dh longgau ni on maggi cup diet je these days.

Syafakallah anakku.
Moga boleh lg diselamatkan mata kanan Iman dr dibuang.sobs sobs.

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Iman and doa makan :)'re so big now Iman! :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Counting days to Mother's day!! :)

Nanti jap mommy! ;p

It's Friday.
On some days i just wish i am a stay-at-home mother.
That would be just nice.

Making donuts, scones, some milo dinosaurs.
Playing and homeschooling.
The boys playing around the house while i do some laundry airing.
Or just winding off a day with a cup of tea in front the house watching these two.

O i just wish.

Well as long as the boys are happy, and healthy.
And everything is Ok then.

Mother's day is approaching this coming Sunday. One of the special days we have in May :)
Well, we have plans. Will be out of office until Wednesday. Inshallah. Some projects in between
May Allah grant us with the best.
Inshallah :)

Video of Iman reciting Al Fatihah.

He missed his exam/assessment due to conjunctivitis this week. But its ok.
Mommy doesn't mind. 

I love you just the way you are :)

Happy mother's day to all mothers out there!



Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sup Pakngah Puchong - Now in Bandar Saujana Putra!

Thank you Mr Google 

Puchong's branch is now closed.
(Tempat lama : Depan masjid Kg Kenangan Puchong Batu 13)

Their new branch is now in Bandar Saujana Putra!
(Gerai tepi tasik apartment sri saujana)

Yippee yay yay! As this is my favorite!

Biskut Dahlia 3 bahan :)


125g butter
125g susu pekat manis (I used gold coin)
230g tepung jagung

Method :

Gaul susu n butter. Pukul sikit sampai sebati. No need to use a mixer.
Masuk tepung perlahan lahan. Gaul sebati.
Pipe atas baking paper.

Bake 12-15mins dlm 170degC

Makes around 50-60pcs depending on piped size.

Biskut tak kembang. Cuma mengeras skit when cooked. Sejukkan and simpan in an air tight container immediately to avoid jadi lemau. Saya x pandai pipe..dahlia tukar spesis.. :p

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Syukur pada apa yang ada

Salam lovelies :)

Alhmdulillah, back in the office today. Was on EL yesterday as Iman was down w conjunctivitis on mommy's birthday. Sobs! So I took one day off to take care of him esp in terms of food as being adviced by the doctor. Only one day la kot..coz he seems to be progressing well alhmdulillah. And of course we did the old wives tales suggestions - a drop of mommy's milk ;) Effective tau.try it.ikhtiar.

Sleeping in...sebab CUTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!

Food restrictions was the norm -no so called itch/allergy provoking food like eggs, chicken, prawns, only meat, and fishes with scales. So, we had shell pasta with Arabian sauce.hehe..Arabian la sgt..I just substituted oregano w cumin.and the rest was as usual, tomato paste, carrots, ground beef. The boys loved it!! :)

Then, I was really thinking hard for a tea tine snack that doesn't incorporate eggs in its recipe well, instead of donuts. So I tried this simple dahlia cookies resipe I got from the net. 3ingredients sahaja. Nice!
Well, my nozzles were limited so the dahlia's came out to be roses-like. least still in flower category oklah kan?kehkehkeh. And it tasted sort of meringue-like melts in the mouth style cookies. A little bit like kuih bangkit but minus the santan taste.

Let me share it later for all :) Sedap and senang. Totally will be in my resipe list. I really would like to have a family resipe scrap book. That would be nice kan? For all the recipe's in my kitchen that had 'worked' the way I like it would. This will totally be in my to-do list soon.2014 project kan? Handwritten la kan? A pure classic. Berangan! :p

Lama tak membebel lama.weekends was full with cookings and laughter in the house.and also mommy's pre birthday celebration daddy blanja sate kajang at kajang..yeahh.. Thank u daddy darling. Love you! One of our fav place. Classic need hi end restaurants, we love simplicity :)

Tukang belanja

Enough for now.kita update sikit2. Saje as kenangan, once in a while saja2 nak buka balik dan baca. Kongsi apa yg kita suka, apa yg berlaku, ilmu skali skala. Tujuan berblog dgn ertikata sbnr
Betul lah kata kata seorg kwn, klu tulis tp taknak org baca..tulis aje dlm word.simpan dlm hard disk :p

Till then,

Ps- got a call already from CIMB admitting internal problems in their Cimbclicks online clickers out there hati hati kalau ada yg pelik :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Big Three Oh!

Assalamualaykum wbt.

Happy Monday lovelies!
Starting off my day with some lovely wishes from my sweet heart, family and friends. Really thank you for all the lovely thoughts. *terharu*

Alhmdulillah, today i'm stepping one step further.Hoping New hopes,dreaming New dreams, wishing New wishes with the people I forever would cherish :)

Most of my wishes, my targets,my dreams I have achieved by today.some I dismissed in the middle, but with no regrets. Some I chose, I endured with all the love in the world.some are the roads not taken but actually are the best for me.

Thank u Allah, for never leaving me, when I feel so down.Always with me when I need to turnaround. And never letting me quit when things not meet my round.

Thank you for a loving mother, a devoting father, and for all the sisters and brothers you let me grew up with.

Thank you for the dearest husband ro through thick and thin.To love and to be with from here within. To share dreams and thoughts and to inspire each other. For Iman and amsyar and many more babies to come.Thank you Allah for all the rizq you brought to us together :)

Syukur ya allah
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Friday, May 2, 2014

The Chocolate Muzium Kota Damansara. A lovely visit :)

Last Saturday, we had a short trip to the Chocolate Muzium Kota Damansara. Excited as always to go anywhere, we joined daddy's office club to have a look of what is there so near yet never known to exist Museum. hehehe.

Frankly I was shocked to hear that there is a chocolate museum nearby..lorrrrrrrrrr..

Situated in KD the place was a industrial park building right behind Super Ceramic Damansara building if you're from Sg Buloh/Subang. Let me share the map..urm well later :)

The trip started with a breakfast at a breakfast stop in Alam Megah. We had some laksam and nasi kerabu that filled us all beyond lunch. Nice choice of breakfast stop. Sedapp! :) Then all convoi-ed to KD which consisted of 5 or 6 cars (Hehehe..tak ingat den dah tua) lead by hubby's colleague.

We arrived at the Museum at 10-ish am, and waited for all other families to arrive.
Upon arrival. there was already 2 buses filled with kindergarden kids already there. allamakkk.. Layankan i have two pre-schoolers myself, so it was interesting for them.

The building from outside

Well, the musuem was really not that big and consisted of a chocolate shop, the museum, an open kitchen for chocolate making demo and also last but not least - the cafetaria which sells treats like chocolate muffins, coffee and cakes. Outside was a garden planted with several cocoa trees which are great for knowledge for the younger ones. We tried the nice chocolate muffin and a cherry cheese mousse. Thumbs up for the mousse. Nyum nyum!

The museum was displaying mostly of the history of the cocoa itself, forms of cocoa-cocoa fat, cocoa liquor, etc etc, and there was also an interactive body mapping display which shows what cocoa does to ur body. Surprisingly,one says its good for losing weight..hahaha.. yalah tu..ok then i'll take the word..kehkehkeh..

Then we joined the kindy group for the chocolate demo, inside a kitchen seperated from the audience by a glass window. Whilst iman was more interested playing with the cocoa antique grinder. The children were then allowed to taste some of the chocolates made, hehehe. Nice experience for them. Around the demo kitchen were several display sculptors crafted with chocolate that was amusing. 

Outside, in the cafetaria area was a sculptor of KLCC towering i guess twice my height. magnificento! Daddy says its only coated so its nothing to be amazed at. Yakin jer tau. Well, what if its not? Kannn? Tentulah kagum kan? ;p

Man reading a book to children sculptor
Dragon Sculptor

Well. we ended the visit with of course some shopping at the chocolate shop. A lot of choices of imported brands. We bought some milka chocs, which are one of my favorites, but of course duty free rantau panjang lagi murah..hehehe. I wanted to buy some hershey's reese peanut butter cups, tapi the smallest pack was RM40. No no lah, if i buy RM40 worth of chocs, i might be ended up getting all rm40 in my system....BIG NO NO!!!! Ehemmmm 

As the trip was quite shop, most of the families headed next to Pusat Science Negara. Kita beranak kecil kecil lagi takyahlah nk pusat science lagi sebab kecil sgt nak paham konsep sains in the National Science Center.

So kita g mana?? G Ikea!!!!Daddy ngidam sgt nak meatballs.

Kemain mkn meatballs with the jam. :)

All in all, the museum was ok lah for a short visit. Saya bagi 3bintang!! Sb ada mousse yang sedap.hehehe.
Nice place yang penting..ada aircond..kehkehkeh.

Well, panjang berjela dah entry for today. Dh rugi waktu nak tido ptg2 jumaat yang hujan ni.. ;p

Till then,
Happy weekends lovelies!
