Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Parenting Views

I always prefer the traditional way of upbringing.
I prefer story books, puzzles, paint brush and crayons over i pads and tabs for my children.
And playgrounds and bicycles over angry bird games.
And getting messy playing with ants and leaves in our small yard.
And play-doh over cartoons.

And yes, my boys have no cartoon idol.
And knows about ultraman via masks i bought for role play instead of Mr TV.

Call me backwards. But this is my way.
Let it be this way. 

Have a nice week ahead peeps. I'm off for two days thursday and friday.
So yeay!! We're on holiday mode!Balik kampung yeay!!
Selamat mengundi in advance to you all on this coming Sunday which happens to fall on my birthday ;)
So happy birthday to mommy in advance tooo...

Take care peeps.



  1. zaman terus berubah..harapnya perkara yg elok dikekalkan...=)

  2. irfan suka upin ipin
    upin ipin aku xkesah
    jgn sinchan. huhu

  3. iman suka boboiboy, tp time lagu je lah..kartunnya xlayan.kena berusaha keras melayan lah baru diorg ni minat selain tab/ipad/tv.

    tp apps yg menarik/educational mmg ok je..cuma kna limitkan ajer la.


sharing any thoughts about this?