Monday, January 21, 2013

Why do I blog...

I blog because i feel calm and much happier afterwards doing so.
And i just want to keep a fresh memory of the happenings of my children.
Maybe one day they'll read this when i'm not here anymore.Maybe.

Initially i have no intention to have my own readers..but i enjoy having ppl reading my thoughts, once for awhile (don't we all too-that's why we update our facebooks?)

I feel that, there is no point of writing some things in the 1st place when all you want to say is a secret. For example writing out ' Azam saya thn ni ialah rahsia.Azam ke-2 juga rahsia'. Get the point?

But that is her/his own personal thing la..who ask you to read his blog on the 1st place.haha.

Some bloggers, tho writting only the simplest things in life are those being missed so much when entries are too far apart from each other.yang ni mcm tulis best-jadi kita tunggu tunggu dia nye tunggu tunggu tunggu..takde pun..heheheh

Serously, ada yg just write about life and happenings around them, the experience, etc-but you keep on waiting for their next entries, bila ada update terus buka.teruja.
Bukan sb entry best saje suka nak baca.kan?me too..hahaha

Some write to please.
Some write to piss.
Some-i don't know what the hell they're ranting about.

But all in all..i think.people just blog to share.
it's just natural.
to share.

and the readers, read to stalk.hahaha.

ok.keep on writing friends of mine.
have a beautiful monday too.




  1. bila kita blog kita kurang sikit share on fb kan? kurang la... takdeklah tak share langsung. hehe.. teruskan berblogging my fellow bloggers!

  2. I stalk u! hahah
    Hi Zara.. reading all my frens blog keeps me on track..i mean i am grateful alhamdulillah that u r all doing fine..eventhough i dont say hi so much on fb/blog comments...n keeps me going that we have children and family that keeps us going!

    luv shima

  3. hi korangs!

    tia- betul tuh.. :)
    Shema- hi shima!mmg- kdg2 just to read how other moms keep their sanity in raising kids..and also to keep up with each other kan?eh,shema xde blog ke?apa link?

    Huda- aha..yg biskut tu mcm ko.hahaha.cerita HK dh 3 kurun xsambung2..hahaha


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