Friday, April 27, 2012

Homecooked Meals?Every day?Hmm..

Salam Jumaat Everyone!
Jumaat is always the highlight of the week. Penghulu segala hari. The day we want to do everything.
The closing day.

Just not feeling that well today. Runny nose since yesterday. Body aching everywhere.
Walking funny like a big huge mother goose all day long~
I just feel not me these days.

Even in some (ok lah most) of the days, I just feel like not cooking. Eating icecream for dinner.
Sometimes just simple egg sandwiches for me & Iman, and maggi+telur for hubby. Even one night we only had KokoKrunch..but Iman loves that. So what to lose?

What to do..sometimes the pang of 'malas' mood just swings in.

Did I ever mentioned ever before that hubby is such a picky eater?
Which makes me more 'malas' to cook.I'm not complaining, but if I'm a housewife, I'll cook lavish dishes for you everyday dear :) You pick the menu.When you complaint the dishes i demotivates.

Options are quite limited :: kalau tak sup ayam, ayam goreng, ikan goreng, ayam merah, gulai ayam.Telur dadar. Telur dadar. Telur dadar.
Telur rebus masakla apa pun xmakan. Masak lemak cili api xmakan.Bakar2 xmakan.Udang xmakan. Sotong?kdg2 je mkn. Spagetti, macaroni, lasagna, spirals, shells, fettucini, lamborghini dan sewaktu dgn nya semua xmkan. Mac&Cheese? Lagi lerr..Xmasuk dek tekaknya..
Klu mi,mihun, kuey teow bleh.Oh My!~
Hmm..Sayur?Ulam?lagi la.. My hubby is a carnivore.

Frankly, I enjoyed cooking more in my mom's house than in my own. Why?because my siblings and mom loves whatever i cook.I mean what ever.
Well, ok la kan?Dh dia xsuka makan, suka pilih2..beli ajer yg mana suka.
Sonang keje eden.Nak complaint apa2 sila ajukan kpd abg gerai yer.
Then balik umah i cook pasta with a simple sauce for me and Iman. Aman hidup.
Pasta is super duper easy :)

Ok lah..cukup la my wild ramblings for today.
For wifeys out there with non-picky eating husbands yg hidanglah apa sahaja-tolak-batu-and-kayu jer out there..bersyukurla :)

Let's just be more positive.Maybe I just need to be more creative and improve each time.
It's good to have a get reviews from an open hearted critic. Perhaps being pregnant just triggers more the sensitive side of me.. :'(

All in all, I'm just grateful my hubby is always there for me each night without fail, for dinner.
Despite the dinner is homecooked or bungkus from the stall nearby :)




  1. my hubby also a picky eater..worse than his kids.. hehehe

    what to do hari2 order nasik goreng seafood from nearby stall..naik tebal muka but that's the only food he enjoy for dinner other than mc D burgers.

  2. tu lah...kna doa byk2 iman x ikut jd picky juga.. lotih!~


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