Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bunting what if you didn't get the chance?

Fikir macam2 skrg sb dh terasa mcm nk else i think its what ppl call as braxton hicks.Mmm..tgk calender br 34weeks :) so not time yet lah kan? kan?mm..

Crossed a few entries about PTPTN, about merancang anak.
Hmm..not much comments about anak.

Then it brought me to this girl's blog.
Well, I'm not opposing family planning.AndI'm not condemning this girl here.

Just it seems to come to my ke yang xbunting pelamin tu, then claim themselves to be family planning sebenarnya plan from day 1?Mmm.. I mean malam pengantin hulur a box of 'protection' to your partner before starting the game?Or you telan pills just starting before the majlis?...aha..

I bet most of the newly-weds x.kan?Tell me who does?
Main redah je..yelah dh halal kan?Nama pun mlm pertama :P
haip..jgn tipu..baik ngaku.xbaik tau!

Frankly speaking, i kenal nama most of the contraception pills on the pharmacy shelf pun after Iman was born.

Just if you're not lucky enough to get pregnant on the first try.
Just admit it..xyah nk berselindung behind the phrase family planning.
Then cerita keburukan org xplan. Cerita pasal regrets of not having the chance for a honeymoon year..aha.
Gaji byk pun xcukup...aha..

My advice, pray hard (and also play hard) so that may Allah bless you with a small baby who will enlightens your life and open all your rezeqi doors. Once the baby arrives, you'll know how complete your life will be with his presence.

For friends out there still TTC. Keep trying!!The time will come.
Allah knows what's best for you :)

Sorry. Sometimes i'm reallly frank.
Esp when you're used working with men who 99% doesn't understand the meaning of being subtle.

I don't mean to be harsh.Really.



  1. suka dengan perkataan pray hard & play hard!

    siapa lah yang kahwin tak anak ade zuriat kan.. kalau tak berjaya masa 1st shoot or 2nd or 3rd 4th 5th 6th...10th...100th.. jumpa lah doktor minta khidmat nasihat.. buat rawatan ke... jangan suka cakap sebarangan sbb semua tu doa..

    apa pun semuanya daripada Allah.. doa doa dan doa :)

  2. Actually masa mula2 kawen pun kitorg planning coz mmg tau kewangan masih belum stable. But takdek lah melampau2 kira mcm dia kot.heh.Spend for baby ape yg kita mampu jeklah kan. Anak memang pembawa tak perlulah berkira2. I dulu from no scholarship & on the day Adel was born, my first scholarship money pun masuk..

  3. aida : yups..semua dh dlm aturan dia.kita ni mmg slalunya merancang, tp tuhan yg dh tentukan dulu apa yg terbaik utk kita :)

  4. nadya- i believe in that too.rezeqi anak adalah betul2 rezeki dia, yg sometimes parents apa ikut yg kita mampu.bukan ikut org lain mampu. klu minum susu mahal and pkai pampers mahal pun klu parents 24-7 bekerja, balik rumah asyik marah2 dgn anak2..still anak akan rs kekurangan.

    better bersederhana in segala hal.

    klu bajet kecik, belilah stroller, car seat, baby cot, hi chair economy.

    klu ada duit lebih, belilah sgala stroller carseat cap lamborghini skali pun :P

  5. aku lah orang nye yang sebelum kawen dah makan OCP. hehe. aku planning sebab kawen mase belajar. nak pregnant mase studi xde la kot. sekarang pun plan lagi sebab irfan ligat sangat, kalau ade adik xtau ler. tp paling utama sebab suami xde di sisi. xnak woo pregnant & bersalin sorang... bout dat girl yang kawan die punye story tu kan, sape suruh bersalin kat private? hahahaha

  6. nak planning pun berpada2.. nak berkira pun berpada2. kalo beranak kat gomen pun ok ape. Tapi ye lah kan, perception orang. bende murah/free ni tak bagus. aku beranak kat hosp serdang sihat je anak aku. baik je sume nurses n doc.

    Pegi checkup rizq kat gov clinic n also kat KPJ damansara. kalo ikutkan waiting time kat KPJ damansara tu laaaaagi lama drpd kat gov clinic. ade orang komplen? xde kan.. sebab ko dah bayar beratus malu la nak komplen kan. kat gov clinic free je, lambat sikit entertain terus komplen dalam paper.

    yes, money is important, but it isn't everything. When the going gets tough, i think we are mature and pandai enough to come out with plan B kan? So far, my small family is surviving well, walopon selalu ada laundry 2 mggu x berlipat.. haha. Tapi, lain orang lain lah pandangannye. asalkan bahagie.

  7. aniem - ko exceptional ko dpctor..heheheh jd dh biasa dgn ubat ubatan ni.aku bukan nya apa..kdg2 diorg ni mcm takut sgt xberikan yg terbaik utk anak2.or somtimes even think that money is the main key to happiness..

  8. ain - betul la kan, lain org lain la cara..lain dasar pemikiran.kena pilih2 bende yg mana btul2 xworth pun even if byr mahal2.cth nya hospital la :P

    even klu tgh dlm family money crisis..cuba time kita smp umah tu ada huge sincere smile dr budak kenit yg happy giler nmpk muka kita dh smp umah.pastu smbut dgn 1kiss kat pipi.bahagia je rasa..ilang semua penat and probs :)


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