Friday, April 6, 2012

Before we go back ...

Not very long ago a male colleague of mine was half complaining about his wife to me.

"Most of the time, i start having headaches the minute my wife enters the car when i pick her up at her office"
"Oh really?Kenapa pula?"
"She will talk non-stop. Sharing every details of what happens in the office that day. She expects me to share the same with her. Does that really happens with every woman?"
" long will you be driving alone before you reach her?"
"Around 15mins"
"Well be grateful then, that you have the whole 15mins to yourself. My husband works in the office just downstairs.We walk to and fro to the parking space together everyday :) "

Have a nice weekend friends!
Enjoy your weekends.




  1. Nice one! My fav!! He learnt his lesson x? :p

  2. heheh..

    dia bersyukur pas tu sb tuhan dh atur dia jmp wifey just the last 15mins journey back home.

    baru tau ye tak?


sharing any thoughts about this?