Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Iman kena gigit!~

These were pictures taken yesterday after we picked him up at Kak Zu's house.

pecah darah..kena gigit. Rear view

side view

side view.zoomed out.hehehe~

oblique view.[apakah?]

I think ini kes gigit menggigit ni..sb Iman skrg pun boleh tahan mengetest power gigi dia 7btg tuh!
Poor baby! Mujur x berdarah..pecah darah aje.

Xpelah..boys will always be boys kan?tempat mengasuh tu pun semua yg dia jaga adalah boys 4org age ranging from 7mths to 4yrs..

Iman kan anak mommy yg tough?hehehehe  :)

** just figuring how to teach him to brush his teeth. last time he saw me brushing my teeth and stared.mcm heran.cute betul! Just maybe for now there might be more toothpaste swallowing kot drp teeth brushing! OK-mommy's next mission :: toothbrush & toothpaste hunting for Iman!!~




  1. mcm view part chassis kat catia plak dah..hehehe

    sian iman

  2. itulah..ada lovebite plak bdk kenit ni kat telinga.pengasuh dia pn dh apologize.nak buat cmne budak2..

  3. sarah-cannot help la bila mommy dia engineer.haha~


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