Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Milestone Iman : 11mths :)

Happy tuesday peeps!~

Smlm MC. Mommy hi BP sb jaga Iman yg dmam and muntah2 whole nite before.
Terus rasa darah tangkap kepala (ada ke such ungkapan?huhu~)

Hari ni nk update milestone Iman. Anak bujang mommy yg makin bijak pandai ni.
Sian Iman. Mommy busy xsempat nak update Iman's milestone.Sorry sgt2 Iman. mommy always sayang Iman..tp kdg2 mommy jd pelupa.Xmenang tgn :)

At 11mths Iman dah pandai :

1. Pandai minum guna straw. skrg juices mommy dh kna share sejak dua menjak ni..:)
2. Pandai make use of everyday tool. Eg remote control (hala ke tv then tekan-penuh gaya tau). comb (use comb to stroke hair wlu kdg2 missed..haha..so funny this boy). senduk (pura2 ceduk kuah dr pots and bowl ms play masterchef while mommy prepare dinner)..byk tiru gaya cmane org
3. Emotionally developed.Bila tgk mommy nangis (ok easily nangis these days even tgk drama melayu pun..), dia pn start cebik and kdg2 nangis. Klu daddy marah, jengil mata sket..sb mommy marah dia xheran..mula cebik muka..then meraung la..
4. Wants mommy in the room at ALL times.Klu mommy nk g toilet pn nak ikut..daddy xpe.xde hal.
5. Use everything as walker.Pushes furniture around and also laundry basket.Chairs esp.
6. Panjat segala furniture..katil mommy.sofa.dining chairs.sume dh kna panjat.OMG!
7. Xmau naik walker dh..kangkang kaki xmau kasi mommy letak dlm walker.
8, Bila mommy larang kata no..dia akan ckp "e eh..e ehh.." repeatably. mcm gaya2 org marah blk bila kna marah.belajar kat mana ntah ni..
9. Dah ada 5 gigi atas (still halfway..) and 2 yg bawah. Next mission : toothbrush and toothbrushing classes!!~
10. Iman weights 9.8kg as for 11mths!Way to go baby..as for a picky eater.Kurus je anak mommy ni..mkn byk, tp pastu work-out nya mmg mommy xmenang tangan..aduyai (--"). Alhamdulillah~

As Iman now suka sgt main air..mommy plan nk beli ni la..utk Iman. maybe after his birthday. Cute sgt!~

Froggie Pool!!~

Ai xsabar nak masuk rumah baru and can have Iman playing in this pool in the lawn.Aha...

Skrg ni tgh memikirkan mcm mana lah penerimaan Iman nanti bila adik dh keluar. As of today Iman and mommy still have 119days lagi to figure that out and have time of our own. Mmg betul la agak nya org ckp yg hati seorg ibu ni sgt besar..cukup kasih sayangnya utk semua anak2nya eventho byk bilangan anak2nya.

And mmg lazimnya lah..the first one will always be the special one and irreplacable no matter how old the chils has become.The first one will alwayd have the special place in his Mother's heart :)

Insyallah..everything will be arranged accordingly by Allah's will fixing each piece of the puzzle at the correct moment when we least expected it.



Baby no more :'(

Mommy's lil helper.Suka sgt fresh laundry.amek semua yg mommy dh lipat nk pakai..

Count down for 1st birthday in 21days!!How fast time flies..
Poor baby down with fever last 2-3 days..sb gigi atas naik 5btg skali gus..biasalah nk membesar :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pregnancy at 22weeks ;)

Assalam wbt.
Selamat hari Jumaat!!~
Sukanya! sb dh hari jumaat!cepat je rasa dh jumaat (hehe..dh kejenya 2hari je..cepatla jumaat..haha)

Pejam celik, this week dh masuk week 22! Aha..18weeks to go..and still Im in normal uniform.huhu.Klu ada colleague yg tnya, I jawab lah pregnant.tp klu xbertanya..xkan kita nk buka cerita pula.mcm minta simpati..sb kdg2 org pndang mereka2 yg pregnant ni as OKU.hehe..org kuat upaya sb bleh bw sorang lagi hamba Allah attached dlm perut kemana2..heheh.

Pregnancy kali ni alhamdulillah so far so good..but now I developed some rashes kat underarm (read: ketiak :P). Gatal dia..klu time gatal..mak aih!Masa tgh meeting selalu lah dia start gatal.kelakar la pula nk garu2 ketiak..haha.. Rupanya mcm eczema tuh.

Dulu masa pregnant dgn Iman pn ada juga.tp time tu kebetulan tukar jenama deoderant-ingatkan itulah culpritnya.lama2 hilang..xperasan bila hilangnya..ni ada la pula balik..
Bila tnya makcik urut..dia kata pembawakan budak la tu.Aha..yelahkot.sb jenama deoderantnya xpernah bertukar2 pun.Gatal nyer..

Cuma kali ni..mujur la leher, peha and perut  xmenggelap mcm dulu.Ada kot, tp xdelah gelap mcm dulu.Hormon-biasalah. Alhamdulillah.. :)

Cuma kali ni dh lebih bersedia and tahu lah apa yg perlu apa yg tidak utk both mommy and baby.
Pre-natal massage adalah perlu yer..lega betul urat2 kaki and belakang lepas mengurut. Balik kg mmg amik kesempatan la as u could easily find a good makcik urut for as low as RM 20 for a session (dlm 2hrs mcm tu). Makcik urut siap naik kan sket kedudukan baby sb katanya, rahim rendah sket gamaknya. Mmg lepas 2x sempat mengurut CNY aritu-terasa perut terletak sket. Terima kasih makcik. Klu x..mmg rs berat kebwh.Baru 5mths xkan dh berat kebwh kan??Nak book makcik teruslah utk mengurut lepas bersalin..sb dia mmg akan dtg KL klu kita pggil :)Lepas bersalin Iman aritu mmg xterjaga sgt..sb byk xtahu..Skrg dh tau sket2 :)Rambut kna ikat tinggi, pkai stokin, mm..mcm2..

Mak mertua mostly jg on pemakanan side aje..and mostly penjagaan baby. Bila sekali sekala mak sendiri dtg melawat masa tu-terkejut dia - mak mertua bg I mandi air sejuk and xberstokin..masa tu manalah tahu, mak mertua dtg tlg jg baby pn dh bersyukur sgt2.huhu~

Barang2 baby pun dh start beli-sket2. Cari tilam kekabu kat Rantau Panjang utk baby..most kedai dh sold out and out-of stock. G hari Isnin CNY mmg org rmai ya rabbi..Mundok pula dh xleh g,imigresen mmg jaga so sume mmg berpusu ke Rantau Panjangla gamaknya. Susah nk cr sb kata kakak jual2 org xpakai tilam kekabu lg (yeke?old fashion nya rs still nak tilam kekabu). Tp tilam kekabu la bagus..xsenang lembik..and boleh tahan 10yrs++. I like..

Pusing segala ceruk barula jumpa.Tu pun RM30 satu set.xbleh kurang..dgn sarung satu set Rm 53.Bleh la. Online jumpa plg murah RM100 satu set.Pilih2 design-amek purple ada cartoon pooh..eh boy pun boleh purple kan?hehehe..blasah la labu.sb aritu scan xnmpk lagi gender nya. lagipun sarung nya bleh beli lagi bila2 masa :) Purple pn boleh utk boy..asalkan bukan pink.Puas hati jugala..dpt bende yg dicari. wpn blk kaki bengkak sb byk sgt jalan... :)

Nk kena update list baru utk baby and mommy la pasni.
Dh masuk 22wks dh ni..masuk 28wks dh tentu2 xbrapa nk berkudrat.
Wish list birthday party Iman xbuat lagi ni..list before moving in rumah baru pun belum habis2 lagi..
Ai mcm2 agenda 2012 ni.

Byk pula coret-coret arini..
Byk nk tulis..nk share, yg plg penting -nk bc semula nanti bila2 dh tua atau dh 2-3 thn akan dtg nti.. :)

Ok lah.
Till then.


Ps- Jgn lupa ceramah azhar Idrus masjid negeri SA pas maghrib Ahad nanti..jgn risau Muzik2 akhir start kul 9pm..hehehehe~

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hp sudah jumpa!!!Yeah~

Mode: Happy blk sblm blk jmp Iman. Dh 5hari dok dgn Iman..jd rindu pula :)



Back fresh from Pasir Mas :)

Salam peeps :)
Just a quick update.

Alhamdulillah, I had a very nice balik kampung trip..and got a backache as a bonus.
Jenuh aih bwk an 11 mo baby yg xreti dok diam dlm 9hr journey to and fro..mmg xmenang tgn mommy.
Sibuk main gear shifter..tekan2 button radio..ON-OFF kan A/C...aduhai..daddy's lil co-pilot nama Iman ni.
Iman pn skrg dh pandai guna straw utk minum..so byk la option air kotak utk dia minum skrg esp juices and ribena :)..tp sb br amatur..biasalah tersedak2 on the 1st place.hisap kuat sgt..harus lah air keluar laju..

Almost all my cravings dh difulfillkan in my 4days stay kat kampung.ni mmg happy sgt..tQvm mr hubby. Mama mmg laju je g cr bila abg sebut kita nk mkn apa2..yelah anak menantu blk 4bln sekali..hehhe.

Cravings/wishes yang dh fulfilled :
1. Pulut Durian!!~ :) Hasil tgn makcik hubby mmg marvellous!
2. Buah delima :) Yg ni mmg murah kat klate sb dkt dgn siam. RM5 bleh dpt 3biji yg besar2 :)
3. Shopping tilam (lambed) baby xie :)
4. Berurut :) Dptlah 2x urut and betulkan kedudukan baby dlm rahim :) alhamdulillah..mmg lega rs tulang blkg..
5.Cream Puff sedap..drp kedai kek zaman childhood hubby.Owh yg ni extra sedap..siap beli 30biji lagi..haha~
6. Sup Tulang/Daging fresh..owh yg ni mmg kat kg je ada..nyumnyum..

Mmg best la bila lama xblk..hari2 family berkenduri masak sakan.Shopping, jalan..mmg seronok.Sb xyah g kerja.Seronok dok mesia ni..byk cutinya :)

So dah blk ni kenalah bekerja dgn lbh semangat! Pagi2 mmg dh bersemangat..tp bila dh ptg ni semangat dh luntur sket..sb handphone hilang :( Sedihnya..

Ok lah nk g cr hp.Nanti kita cerita cmane hp bleh hilang plak.Wpn bukan smartphone..tp mmg semua ada dlm tu numbers, planner/appointments, notes on budget, wishlist..sedih nya.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Jom meramaikan majlis :)

Salam Jumaat semua..
Hope that this week ends well with no pending issues bg yg nk bercuti raya lama-lama :)

Just to share today majlis agama yg akan diadakan next week..
Jd sapa2 yg berminat mari lah meramaikan majlis.

Ustaz ni mmg terkenal and best ceramah2 dia..

Yukk jom!!yang dekat-dekat Shah Alam and sewaktu dgn nya :)



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Raya CNY. Apa plan kawan kawan ?

Plan : 
Chiow esok masa semayang Jumaat. Ponteng half day (konfiden je boss xbaca blog ni).
Pick up Iman. Pick up bags.Singgah Salak Tinggi pick up things. Then off to Kelate.Balik kampung! Wippeeeeeeee.......

Mode sepatutnya :
Excited!Yeay!!!~Sb dh 4bln xblk kelate.

Mode sebenar :
Xde perasaan. Malas nya nk blk kampung sb sakit pinggang jalan jauh2 plus mesti jam gila.
Nak packing pun malas.

Tp pack juga lah..sb hubby semangat giler.
Siap tukar segala minyak dlm engine kereta dgn timing belt smp 1am mlm td.

Ok2..kerana kasih kuturutkan jua...

Plan asal : G kuantan tidor smlman at Cherating. Attend wedding kwn satu opis. Then off to kelate.tidor 2mlm.Shopping kat rantau panjang/Mundok.Balik KL.

Mmg kna slash la kan plan ni..sb tidor kat kampung 2mlm ajerr..tp plan yg ke Rantau Panjang tu mmg still ON.Sesiapa nk kirim jersey klate baru?hehheheehe


Saja nk tulis juga rasa terkilan.

Pada adik ipar yg dh berenti kerja lps 3hari kerja tp xbgtau pn xkerja dh.
Ms kitorg dok berulang alik SA-Bangi cr pengasuh.
Sebelum tu dia yg mengasuh. Pastu dpt kerja.Dah berenti xbgtau.
Padahal dia tahu kitorg bersusah payah time tu.
Padahal dia?
Malas la tu..nk mengasuh anak buah sendiri.

Takut abg dia marah dia berenti.
Klu adik sendiri dh mmg sound dh..


Tp mmg hak dia la nk mengasuh atau x kn?
Ai org pregnant mmg cepat terasa.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Iman's 1st day with new baby sitter :)

Sebabkan babysitter lama Iman bersalin-we've gotta change to a new person to babysit him.
Owh, I just miss Kak Wan.

Sending off Iman to his new baby sitter since this morning in Saujana Putra as well.
Hoping that all will be good..

Tapi hati ni resah semacam je..knp ntah..
A motherly instinct yg Iman is not happy over there.
Ntah la..maybe i'll go for a spot check tomorrow.

Mcm2..dulu dgn kakwan xpernah pulak spot spot check ni..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

EL today. Iman & adeQ :)

Assalam wbt peeps..

Online from home.
On emergency leave..biasala..mcm2 halnya bila dh jd ibu ni.
Anak demam, pengasuh dmam,ibunya demam..sume kna amek cuti.
So cuti sgt2 la berharga utk seorang ibu.

Abang Iman & sofa merah geyma yg beli.. dh besar dh Iman bila nk dpt adek.

Mujurlah juga ada webmail..at least bleh juga jawap2 email yg urgent.
Nama je ber EL tp otak still melekat dgn kerja2 opis..klu ikutkan hati nk aje activate 'remote PC' mode dr umah..tp xpela..email online pn dh cukup dh..

So how's your Tuesday so far?
Harap2 nya ok..and bersemangat waja.no more tuesdays blues.

Awaiting for this coming CNY. Plan nk blk kelate..dh 4mths xbalik.seronok juga blk umah mertua ni..sb seakan2 bercuti jauuuuuuh dr bandar SA~KL yg hectic ni..bgn pg tgk sawah,tgk burung..tgk lembu (?)..

Aman je.seakan2 dunia ter'pause' sekejap :) Harap2 iman behave sepanjang jalan.and for sure dh xleh dok depan dgn mommy sb adek mmg sidekick abg iman nya setiap kali abg iman dok atas tummy mommy..hehe.xsabar nk jmp si kenit ni..lasak betul mensidekick berbanding abgnya dulu :)

And good news to share.
Zakiyya is coming home for holidays this June!!!!! Yeay! Ada juga org nk membantu masa confinement nanti :) Xsanggup rsnya nk blk kelate..yelah umah mak mertua-mana nk sama dgn umah mak sendiri.Lagipun berjauhan dgn daddy Iman..mesti nanti Iman rindu :P So no need for confinement lady..lauk2 pantang pn byk dh belajar masa dgn mak mertua last yr. Simple2 je..oats for breakfast, nasi+sawi+ikan bakar for lunch, sups & ayam bakar/kukus for dinner :) Cuma nk mencari tukang urut and top-up stock new born baby items for adeQ.Jom pasni kita buat new list..bestnya nk shopping2 :)

Excited pn ada.Every baby is a new excitement. 133days more to go!! :)

Ok la. Puas dh berebut lappy dgn Iman ni.

Till then.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Cerita Mengidam

Sweet tooth cravings. . .

Hari-hari mau!!Aiyaaaaaaa...

One day in a Baby Shop

This happened in a baby store/shop in BBST yesterday.

I went in with Iman & hubby to find a new gift for our nanny's newborn. The store was basically full with nice baby & toddler's clothes in many ranges. Two sales assistance were present. One was at the counter, another was folding clothes at an aisle. Customers mmg xde.

Sale banners were everywhere from front to the back of the store indicating sales up to 70% off.

Me : Kak, baju newborn ada byk kat mana yer? (muka lost)
SA1: Area situ juga, tp byk stock dh habis (bibir menjuih to where i was standing).
Me : Owh, bila sampai?
SA1: Ntahla.
Me: Ok 

(starting to feel annoyed but still looking onto other clothes)



Me : Harga rompers ni brapa?Xde tag harga la.
SA1: Owh area tu sume RM30 keatas, yg murah dh habis.
Me : Ok. Mahal juga rompers skrg ye..(buat muka bodoh2 alang mcm pekerja kilang pompuan turun bas kilang).
SA1: Tu lah baju baby mmg semuanya mahal2.
Me: Yang sales yang mana?
SA1: Sales dh habes dh. Baru je habis sales. Skrg sume harga biasa. Normal Price.
Me: (Amboi sombong nya minah ni..jg kedai baju je pun!) Abes banner ni utk kedai waffles depan ke? (Tunjuk banner merah sebesar alam atas kepala)
SA1 : Owh tu xturun banner lagi.
Me: Sales nye smp bila sebenarnya?10minutes ago ke?(Berasap dh ni)
SA1: (Blank).




I just want to comment on the way of this shop operates shows our people's mentality.

1. Stereotyping your customers. Suka pandang rendah org.
2. Xhargai org yg dtg bwk potential rezeki pd kita.
3. Xkesah menipu, asalkan bwk untung (banner dh basi still gantung utk tarik perhatian org)
4. Xsayang pelanggan, tawakkal lebih dr usaha..OMG!~
5. Suka melabel org lain.

Inilah difference of peniaga melayu and peniaga cina. This shop is owned by a Malay.
From what i have gone through, klu peniaga Cina, diorg seboleh2 nya melayan kita sedaya upaya and senyum.
I'm not stereotyping, but this is not the 1st time kna dgn pekedai melayu yg mcm ni. Yelah, tp bukan sume lah pekedai melayu yg mcm ni,kn?

I think you also might have at least once experience something like this.

Padan lah org melayu klu berniaga, jarang ada yg berjaya.
Padan lah bila anak bangsa sendiri buat kereta - mcm2 nk kondem, nk kutuk nk keji.

Ai mcm mana lah nk berubah.. :'(

Friday, January 13, 2012

13th January - 15yrs ago :)

Just a small token of appreciation..for a remembrance of a special day.

This day-15 yrs ago was our registration day to a new world.2007!~
A world that had definitely changed the path of where we are today.
The day we met true friends who are still friends up till today.
Friends whom we could blend in to any topic of conversation- though 3yrs tak bertemu.

Yelah..those five years were the toughest years in shaping our personality. The endurance years of being what we have become today. What we believe of today. Building our foundation, our character -of what to keep us on the true rails for our lives ahead.

During those rebellious days, we are still finding ourselves->searching for persona and inner strength. Not only the tickets to university from how many As we could score in our final year.

Thank you teachers, thank you friends : for building what i have become today. For the years if God will I live ahead, I am always grateful of what i have learnt during those teen years.Appreciating every second, every moment though struggling just to strive those days weren't that easy. I will always treasure the virtue and values learnt during those days :)

Once upon a time, we named ourselves Gundalerz..But as time goes by, i think the name is no longer relevent to us. Yet, deep inside every each of us ; the spirit of one-sisterhood|brotherhood is always there.

Let me share a link for living a good life that i find quite useful coming from the school i went 15yrs ago :) Jom click here :)

"Tempat yg jatuh lagikan dikenang...inikan pula tempat bermain". School memories, sweet or bitter are always fun to remember back. Where all innocence plays a major role in almost all decisions :)

Enough said.

Happy Anniversary my Gundalerz family !! :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Amboi yg kat dlm tu.....hebat ye bergendang gendut harini.
Mommy tgh berfikir keras cmane nk ubah design ni pn terganggu2 dgn flying kicks adik.
Joget2 yer..amboih!~
Kalah abg Iman ni..
Abg Iman mommy tgk berjiwa sentimental-rock-kapak mcm daddy.
Yang ini..bleh thn juga kicking skill nya..
Brutal mcm mommy ni...hehehhe..

Ok back to design work~


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kisah anak anak :)

Just to record progress week 20 anak..and 10.5mths for another anak...

As for baby...
Intense kicking and movement already felt rapidly by this week.
Especially when brother Iman is on top of my stomach.
Alhamdulillah.Baby is actively growing :)

" Ya Allah, aku begitu kepingin inginkan seorang puteri utk kali ini. Yang dpt mewarnai dan melengkapkan hidup kami sekeluarga. Seandainya, seorang lagi putera adalah lebih baik utk kami, maka kami menerima segala ketetapan-Mu dgn hati terbuka. Berikanlah dia kecerdasan, kecergasan dan kesempurnaan fizikal dan aqal fikiran. 

Sesungguhnya, Engkau Maha Mengetahui apa yg tersirat dan terbaik yg telah engkau janjikan untuk kami.Jadikan lah anak2 ku ini dr golongan yg engkau lindungi dan sempurnakanlah hidup mereka.Sesungguhnya engkaulah yg Maha Mengabulkan segala permintaan hamba-hamba-Mu.

Seronok jd ibu ni..seronok tp letih..letih pregnant, kerja and blk play role of a mother pula.
Wonder how my mom did this once upon a time dulu...
letih2 masak tetiba iman dtg tepuk tgn :) mulut becok mcm appraise mommy 'pandai!' :)
Sejuk hati tgk..terus hilang letih..rebus 1000 biji keledek, 100 periuk bubur nasi pun mommy sanggup..
Xsabar nk tunggu Iman pandai sebut " Mommy ni cantikla.." hahahaha...dream on...

Abg Iman pn dah 10.5mths this week :)
Dah besar dh anak mommy..Jom kita update milestone for abang up to today :

1. Gigi still 2.Berjalan still on progress :)
2.Dah pandai merajuk!!!Kalau nak apa2..mesti nk dpt klu mommy xbagi.ambil brg lain campak2.bila mommy bagi-dh xmau dh brg tu.hehehe~
3.Pandai tepuk tgn applause bila org ckp "pandai"!~
4. Bye-bye org yg dia nk je..klu xsuka kna tggal->xmau byebye..
5.Panjat tgga sendiri smpai atas..masuk bilik.turun tgga belum pandai :P
6.Suka baca buku.ada 3buku favorite..favorite sgt smp koyakkan buku2 itu!!OMG!~
7.Suka bergendang.
8.Baru discover yg pintu almari boleh dibuka..dan byk interesting stuff mommy simpan dlm kabinet2 itu..huh (--")
9. Suka bila mommy buka peti ais.Mcm mommy buka peti harta karun ;P Merangkak laju sgt..then stand by kat tepi mana tau mommy buka peti ais lagi dlm masa terdekat..No no baby-I know your tactics! ;p
10. Dah pandai panjat keluar walker...aisehmen!
11. Picky eater dh..klu xsuka sembur2 kan keluar semula.amboi-amboi~
12.Suka sangat sangat sangat dgn Upin & Ipin. Boboboy xlayan :P
13. Suka ajuk mommy masak..klu mommy bg senduk plastic and periuk..kemain lagi keletang keletung..mommy ingat nk beli kan Iman set masak2 mainan..bg jd masterchef junior.tp daddy takut tok ayah pengsan tgk cucu jate dia main masak2.hahaha :P

Tu je lah kot utk hari ni..
Klu nk senaraikan mmg xabes2..hehehhee...still kecik lagi nk fahamkan concept " ada adik ".ai entah bila la tuh :)

Ok.till then.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Week 2 = new routine :)

Assalam wbt peeps!~

Hectic days as usual :)
Hitting my 20th week today..alhamdulillah..
Love to be in the 2nd trimester sb rs ala2 muka glowing gitu..
Rambut menebal.
Rasanya ajelah..heheh

Iman's pengasuh dh bersalin today..

Cari-cari nursery xjumpa yg sesuai.
Semuanya menakutkan.8hrs in full A/C room?haa...
Semuanya unreasonably mahal. 
(2012 dh naik harga ke RM330/baby for under 1yo???.WTH???)

So after musyawarah suami isteri.
We decided to send Iman to hubby's aunty's house nun jauh di BBBangi.
Ease on mind when your baby is with a relative's hands.Better off.
Bermulalah episod 6.15am kami dh turun dr umah.1hr 15min to Bangi then straight to Proton SA :)
Dah mcm U-turn.
Bermula hari ni.

Alhamdulillah I'm not driving.. :P
Thank you Allah for such a sweet life partner.

Oklah..just simple words to start the week off!
See you then!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Hitting the 20th wks line soon!~

.....and..we're already halfway through :)

Assalam WBT and  a very lovely Friday my dears~~

Just a quick update for me to remember myself dates and goings around me..

Yesterday was our 5th mth check-up..and alhamdulillah everything was fine.
Baby Xie has grown to 250g already..with strong legs kicking and heart beating ferociously :) Suka sgt..
Still floating as still very2 small. All features are so tiny and cute..only +/- 25cm in length our baby is there. I kinda brought up to tears to see him moving, tossing and turning as we sort of need to suck up the news that we lost him several months ago.. A miracle of Allah.Alhamdulillah~

As for mommy, I have gained 4kgs in 1mth.(OMG!~). Need to control on that for sure.
Sugar level OK.Hb count 11.9-OK.
Just BP a lil bit high..130/80.Maybe as we went for check-up at 4.30pm after a stressfull day at work.
Need to control on that as well.Susah tu >> sb we're in the midst of our biggest project ever-> the global car..hmmm..Perut pun dh nmpak..but still i'm in normal uniform..still keeping my tummy undercover.tunggu buttons pop off..haha

Being pregnant is really a good feeling.Another baby for another year.I am so glad that we have you baby. Syukur sangat2..though some naughty comments of being too soon -> sy xkesah :)
For those out there who are still trying to conceive..try hard, pray harder.Insyallah, Allah always knows the best for all of us :)
We're due end of May : If Allah's will..will be our second's anniversary gift for me.2yrs of a wonderful marriage and 2 beautiful babies..Insyallah..

I don't care how the mode of delivery will be for this one..Saya redha and pasrah...
as long as baby Xie is healthy :)Amin~



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Another Thursday :)

Working mode today : Bersemangat!~
Maybe sebab smlm cuti :)
1st day of school so kerajaan Proton bg Proton off satu hari..heheheh

And semalam dh hand banker's cheque settlekan byr baki urusan umah -> xabes2 lagi hal umah.
1st time buat banker's cheque ribu riban haruslah jakun sikit..siap bwk Iman g bank sb baby-sitter minta day-off ..haha~

And smlm juga baru shj tgk cerita Ombak Rindu :)
Beli DVD, padam lampu then buka speaker surround..baru syiokk..
Iman excited lebih sb gelap and bunyi berdegar2 kot..joget2 and nyanyi dlm gelap..
Dekat kul 12 br tidor..padahalnya the whole day dh ngikut mommy and daddy ke ASB, ke Maybank, lunch nasi ayam @ seksyen 18, lawyer's office @ Puchong , clinic and lastly grocery shopping at Hero. Mommy pn dh loteh..dia bleh lagi joget2 goyang bontot panjat tgga panjat kerusi gendang tin cocoro daddy..fuhh!~
Full of energy->mommy suspect the nasi ayam we ate for lunch was drugged laa...

Back to Ombak Rindu.Nice storyline-> tp mood spoilt sb SIL yg dh tgk and peminat tegar the novel version dok komen scenes yg ditambah atau xpatut ada yg xsama dgn novel..alahai..so buat dek je apa yg dia ckp and try to concentrate..hahaha
Actually-I don't give a damn pn klu xsebijik sama..sb I xingat details pn in the novel yg dh 10 yrs++ dibaca..hahaha..

All in all->the movie was quite nice and interesting 4stars for 'Ombak Rindu' from a novel non fanatic :)
Tgk kat umah mmg syiok..mmg worth la home theater pioneer yg hubby beli-sy-marah-sb-membazir itu! :)

Today's plan is to go for our 5th mth check-up with baby Xie :)
Excitednya sb nk tgk arini boboi or gegurl...we'll update later.

Excited mode.Agaknya harini bersemangat pun sb ini juga kot.
Smp ada major prob part detached in testing car pun bleh cool lagi.. :P

Ok peeps..have a nice thursday!!
Dh mcm diary update dah :)



Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 : A good beginning :)

Assalam wbt

Alhamdulillah.. a new day. a new year. a new reason to live.
A new baby to come :)
New resolutions.

Alhamdulillah that Allah had opened my path to celebrate new year with ESQ training.
3days 30th Dec to 1st January 2012. 7.30am to 7.30pm, SACC Mall.
An eye opening.
A motivational inspiration from deep within :)
I'll try to share to inputs from time to time..but everything was clarified upon me..where 5 years in SMAP and 6yr in IIUM haven't taught me before.

The clear releation of ihsan, iman and islam as pillars in our daily life encounters.
Why we are here today? Why you?Why not somebody else.
And who we really are.. :)

It is not a new finding, not a new dakyah, but to find and re look into what we have been taught before.
Yup,masa sekolah 10-15yrs ago.Bila last time kita belajar ttg perang badar? Perang Uhud?Mcm dh lama sgt xdgr kisah kisah tu.

Sometimes, its quite sad to find some negative comments about this training. Pelik, of how other people see the initiative of others in trying to lead the way for people to realize themselves the strength of being a Muslim, without being too extreme, something baru and mengada-ada kan perkara2 yg br. Ada ustaz2 yg kecam kata program ni xsyorkan wanita tutup aurat (no-obligations), and terbuka even for non-muslims..
Ai ustaz, klu mcm tu-smp bila la dakwah ni nk smp ke target groups yg gol ustaz2 ni pandang enteng dan sesat.Ramai je golongan ustaz ustazah yg mcm ni..sy tahu!~

Bg saya, pendekatannya berbeza. Dr Ary Ginanjar pengasas  nya xpernah kata dia yg jumpa ayat2 yg tunjukkan bukti2 kekuasaan Allah. Cuma dia tunjukkan kpd golongan yg jrg bc tafsir dan buku2 agama mcm sy, yg sbnrnya ayat2 Al-Qur'an itu adalah benar.Not too extremely religious..just a relaxed 3-days training of how to know yourself and why we exist.To be grateful of where we are now, and how small we actually are in compare to the universe.

A good start indeed for 2012 :)

So happy new year peeps!!
Happy working today...ah yes Proton is working as usual today.. :)
May this year become a memorable year and a better year for all of us to give more than take, to seek our inner strength within and stop all the whining ;) !!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~

