Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday updates!~

Yeay.Saje je nak update yg dh beli dh spectra 3 breast pump yg di idam2 kn (idamkan?)!~
Rasanya mmg dpt deal yg terbaik RM400 dpt mcm2 :)

Kitorg pergi kedai ni Sabtu haritu, di ptg hujan renyai2 and main terjah je sb xbrp tahu area Tmn Permata/Melawati etc ni ..

pusing punya pusing baru jumpe kedai, yg sign board nya amatla kecil..
Dh la level 3..and tersorok.mujur ada lift yg mmg memudahkan ibu2 yg sarat mcm sy :)

Klu kwn2 nk pergi, landmark nya mudah shj, Masuk exit Tmn Permata,KL. Right after Giant Tmn Permata ada Old Town White Coffee..kedainya mmg btul2 atas old town nih :)

Kedainya tersusun kemas, dgn byk juga brg2 yg bleh la dikatakan murah dr tempat2 well recommended la kedai ni. Tp ari sabtu aritu xsempat nk ronda abes sb hubby loghat nk blk tgk piala sumbangsih. Aish, ada bola la plak~~~

So grab set breast pump ni..and feeding bottle TommeeTippee yg comel je yg sempat..xpe.beli2 sume dpt voucher RM10 and bib free lagi. cute!!~ Saya suka!! :)

Then terus menuju ke rumah kami yg jauuuh juga dr kedai nih :)Klate vs Selangor beb~ Mmg game yg panas..mesti tonton! (Btw- klate menang 2-0 yeay!!~)

Mmg rasa happy sgt dh dpt apa yg dicari.tgk2 rmai pula yg mmg rekemen spectra3 ni..
So alhamdulillah..a good choice! Harap2 ia dpt berkhidmat dgn bermanfaat utk baby nanti, and bleh simpan utk the coming babies juga.hehehehe.. Insyallah~

RM400 set from onebabyworld
Still dlm mode happy yg sgt wpn at this time still in the office release dwg2 :)

ps - wk 36 this week. Braxton Hicks Contraction makin kerap and slalu.xsuka!!  :(

Friday, January 28, 2011

Next Hunt : Breast Pump Packages!

In my 35th week now..going to 36. So after 36, everything must be ready as the baby could pop out any time by then..(maknanya sume kna dlm kereta, no more baby bargain hunting and no more vendor visits(unless u nk terberanak di kilang vendor!~..)and also..the list for pending jobs and issues dh kna ready!-sian boss, mesti pening dibuatnya!)..and it sumtime freaks me out juga.
yelah.first timers.

So the last thing on my list before baby's out is : Breast Pump!!~

Search punya search then I bumped into this website which gives me a quite clear comparison between breast let me share it here :)

This led me to choose spectra 3 as a good and affordable opt for me.( Bagus2, akhirnya jumpe juga pilihan hati :)  ) Even my bestie use it for Alif as well..which made me more confident in getting 1 whole set together with the ice-packs and bag which is on sale. Yeay!~

Xbeli dh tahu kat mana nak beli.
So after persuading my hubby, we planned to go there tomorrow :)

I'll give a review on how's the sale and what is included..but so far as advertised the package includes:
  • 1 unit of Spectra 3 Breast Pump worth RM388.00
  • 1 Autumnz Cooler Tote worth RM46.90
  • 3 packs of Autumnz Reusable Ice Pack worth RM23.00
  • 8 bottles of Autumnz PP Milk Storage Bottles (with FREE 2 bottles and 5 pcs Autumnz Double Ziplock Storage Bag) worth RM38.90
  • 1 pc of Autumnz Nursing Bra** worth RM39.90
The Chosen Set!~

which is quite a when total up costs only RM400!~

Ok got to grab it! ASAP!! relieved sebenarnya dh jumpa yg berkenan :)

The website offers free delivery..but for me its best if these kind of things; you have a  look on the bargain itself and judge to your own suitability and preference..

For more info check out this website!



Friends and Faith~

Well it came to me to write this entry after reading a blog of a dear friend of mine who's deeply sad of not being able to conceive yet.. yes-not yet pregnant yet! How she pours out her heart of how the questions keeps on boggling her..and ppl around her are already awaiting having their own bundle of joy. 
Thats quite stressful indeed. I'm dreadfully sorry for her. But I think that's the best for her as it lets her to grieve for her father even longer..and a mommy to be in grievance and sorrow is not a good thing for the baby.(I'd rather not tell this to her..and just pray for the best for her)

I feel her so much as i had the same feeling before, when I had no boyfriend that time and friends around me were either planning weddings or even few were rambling about pregnancies.
Alhamdulillah, Allah grant me all in a bundle. And I'm grateful for what I have and have not :)

But I had nothing to say to her. Well, I cannot find the best words to comfort her, as maybe without realizing, my words shall create a deeper damage.Same situation when my friends lost their parents. I have so much to say. I cannot visit them, as i cant hold my tears up and ask them to be strong. And at last I felt that the best condolences is silence.

Lovely dear ol friend,
(yup really old-like 11yrs of friendship considering my age now!~),
Be strong and have faith in what ever Allah has laid up front you. He has he's own way of managing what's best for you at the time being. Don't look upon what He didnt gave you, and others have..but what He already given you and others did'nt even get to taste. Not everyone is as happy as you could be when your happy, so Allah sent you sad times to think it on and be grateful for His bliss. Look around and you'll find all the love that had been surrounding you all around.

Have faith, I knew you knew that before as you're always smarter than i am.
Take care.

I'm praying for you all of other friends for their happiness and joy throughout life~
Especially for my best best friend ever : Zulhalimey Zulkipli.



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Baby Checklist Saga : Last Hopefully~~

Things in the list mmg byk..and byk dh beli alhamdulillah.. :)
dh dkat nk term ni (lg 2wks!~ hoyeah!)..mmg wajar la byk bende dlm list yg dh dicancel kan?
Mostly beli pn blue color..xpe..klu baby girl pn, blue is definetely still a nice color :)

Jom kita tgk checklist kita..

1.Baby clothings-Baju lengan pnjg, seluar pnjg, baju lengan pendek, seluar pendek, barut, topi, mittens and booties,socks,rompers newborn(nanti beli lg.. ;) ).
2.Baby wajib gear - bedung, selimut, towel, lampin,pampers (CD nantila..), bath tub.
3.Baby bedding - bantal, tilam, kelambu, bantal golek.
4.Baby equipment (newborn xperlu pn) - stroller, bouncer, crib(ni still lg di fikirkan nk beli or x..), car seat.
4. Mommy's confinement thingy
5. Breast pump - still searching!~

Macam sikit la pulak.Hmmm~

And another 6wks waiting for baby haruslah dh xbrapa larat nk berhimpit2 membeli brg baby lagi..
Most dlm list dh cancel.Cuma brg 'besar' aje yg still belum dpt bargain yg best and berbaloi :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Quest for the Perfect Name (s) . . .

Sebenarnya dh lama mencari and terus mencari nama yg sesuai, menarik dan dlm maknanya utk permata hati yg maseh ada 6wks dlm perut ni :) Yelah, baby sulong, mmg la excited yg amat..bkn mak ayah nya neneknya..moyang nya...pakcik makciknya..sumenya excited and mencadangkan mcm2 nama..thnx sume :) Tp biarla nama tu kami yg bagi..(eksyen je padahal still mencari nama yg perfect and menepati citarasa ibu yg mngandungnya dan ayah yg menanggungnya..hehehe) ..

baby org lain ;)

Bukan mudah nk mencari..susaaaah.
so dlm spnjang 8mths of pregnancy last we found the best name for the baby (skrg still the baby~) Dh keluar nanti baru bleh announce nama :) For us, the name must be simple, meaningful and mudah disebut. It must also be significant, and mudah di ingati.
Macam mommy nya Zahra and daddy nya Zulhalimey :)

Byk nama2 yg sedap di dengar and bermakna baik yg sy suka mcm, irdhani, sophilea, wafiQ, rayyan, darwisy, salsabila, adreene, maryam, batrisya, irfan, amani, kita buat satu list and eliminate mana yg yg rasa dh byk sgt, nama baby2 org yg terdekat dgn kita dan yg kita least minat.

tambah pula kna tuggu jumpa face to face dgn tuan punya nama mestilah kna padan dgn tuannya :)

Namanya?Hehehe... Tunggu lagi 6weeks insyallah :)

On the time being, jom kita baca apa yg saya jumpa...

Di dalam Islam, kita dianjurkan supaya memilih nama-nama yang baik untuk dinamakan kepada anak-anak kita. Ini kerana nama itu akan menjadi pengenalan dan panggilan kepada anak kita seterusnya melambangkan dan membezakan antara kita dengan orang lain lebih-lebih lagi antara Muslim dengan bukan Muslim. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda bermaksud:

"Sesungguhnya kamu akan diseru pada hari qiamat dengan nama-nama kamu, dan

nama-nama bapa kamu, maka perindahkanlah nama-nama kamu itu." (Riwayat Abu Daud)

Dalam menamakan anak ini syarak telah menetapkan beberapa panduan untuk memilih nama anak sebagai berikut:

a. Hendaklah nama yang dipilih itu memberi pengertian dan maksud yang baik. Sehubungan dengan itu kita dilarang untuk menamakan anak-anak kita dengan nama yang buruk yang boleh menjejaskan kehormatan dan mungkin menjadi sendaan dan memalukan anak tersebut.

b. Jangan namakan anak dengan nama-nama yang khusus kepada nama Allah seperti Ahad, Ar-Rahman, AL-Khalid dan sebagainya. Sekiranya nama ini hendak diberikan kepada anak kita maka hendaklah disertai dengan nama lain di hadapannya seperti Abdul Rahman, Abdul Khalid dan sebagainya.

c. Jangan menggunakan nama yang dikaitkan dengan Abdul (hamba kepada lain dari Allah seperti Abdul Uzza (hamba berhala Uzza), Abdul Nabi (hamba kepada nabi) dan sebagainya.Ulama bersepakat mengatakan bahawa menamakan sedemikian adalah haram.

d. Elakkan dari menamakan anak dengan nama-nama orang kafir atau nama-nama yang menyerupai nama bukan Islam seperti Jon, Sally, sebagainya.


Mmm..bagus and betul juga apa yg penulis ni tulis.In my opinion betullah least sy pn bleh menumpang menyebarkan apa yg ingin disampaikannya dgn menempelnya disini.. :)

Ok lah, selamat berhujung minggu bersama keluarga tersayang  :)

ps-Happy je rs bila husband xkerja di hujung minggu..yelah..just hangout kat umah doing nothing with your love ones is always the best thing to do ever :)

Till then..


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lelaki Sejati, Jodoh & Pertemuan

Topic yg menarik  sebenarnya ni. That's why it came to me to write about this. 
As a muslim, kita mmg wajib percaya yg jodoh pertemuan ajal and maut mmg ditangan Nya. Tp kita diunjurkan utk berusaha and mengubah diri sendiri.

I’d like to open the topic for this week with the fact of BANCIAN PENDUDUK MALAYSIA 2010 that concluded yang jumlah penduduk lelaki lebih ramai drp wanita di Malaysia dgn nisbah 105:100!!(WHI-TV1, 15.01.2011) this fact should close up the discussion of men who are certain that they could marry more than 1 to help the women in need of the so-called limited amount of men!Aha! And it made us woman out here to open our eyes to the fact that kita mmg ada byk pilihan skrg. Cuma kita je yg kna tahu macam mana nk pilih antara yg kaca and permata. Chehh!! :)

And yet that would bring us to another issue : how many of the fraction of men in Malaysia are qualified as good men?

IPTA/IPTS pn mmg lbh rmai girls drp boys in overall..(I’m in Mech Engineering –so mmg lbh rmai boys up to 1:10 in class, so that doesn’t count la)- klu tgk in most other faculties esp Economics, English Literature, Law, Architecture, Medic..rmai nya girls!

Klu di UIA dulu…dhla rmai girls..comel2 plak tu! (mmg dolled up and pretty la g class xmcm kami engineering students yg comot dgn baju workshop and jeans kotor) So women ending up in the white collar section lbh rmai drp lelaki. While blue collar workers are dominated by men (bleh nmpk jelas if in manufacturing sections esp).

gambar hiasan :) source

And at the end more women membujang smp umur yg lbh tua drp zaman dulu sb bila dh jd boss2..susahlah yg amat, men yg jauh lbh rendah tahap kerjayanya nk mencuba nasib :P. Ideally, mmg women yg berjaya and berkerjaya ni mengimpi2kan pasangan yg katanya sekufu dgn meletakkan target yg tinggi utk pasangan, tp tak kesampaian. Sb utamanya : these men aren’t sebenarnya quality ppl. Umur sebaya or dekat2 sebaya, tp tahap kematangan..aduhai. Mungkin sebab in realitinya, mereka2 ini belum cukup matang utk memikul tggungjawab sbg ketua keluarge. Adakah kerana pekerjaan and 4flat CGPA menjadikan mereka ini makhluk yg berquality? I think not. As for me, excellent on a piece of paper doesn’t makes you a good man. Baaaanyakk lagi you need to know and learn before you could expect a woman to slave her whole life by your side as your wife. Tp xsemua yg segolongan dgn mereka2 ini.. :)

Maybe dulu, I’m not this sensitive to this issue, but since pregnant : I kept on thinking on how to raise a boy to be a responsible and quality young men (If the baby's a boy, Insyallah v(^.^)v). And I think mothers with boys lbh byk cabaran drp lelaki since the very beginning. Girls are more sweet and obedient to their mothers.

And the fact that some men are not sensitive to pregnant women and their limitation esp at the workplace lagila membuak2kan rs menyampah pd kaum lelaki yg education level nya tinggi tp, in terms of keperihatinan, sarcasm and humanity values : aduhai.. I’m working in a community and industry that is dominated by men and women are seen as not as competent, made me work with a lot of men of many kinds.Well sebenarnya these men rs tercabar bila women could be as good or even better than them.Bila dh tercabar..mcm tu la..girls are tough now! hehehe :)

A lot of incidents made me understand more of  men, Malay in particular.

In one occasion, I had to attend a meeting in an office 15min away (walking distance)from my office. After the meeting, I waited for the bus (Exora in actual that circulates the main plant and transfer employees from one location to another). Yelah, tho its only 15 mins walking to my office, but it’s 12 o’clock in the middle of the day and I’m 8mths heavily pregnant! When the bus approached, it was full. With all MEN in the exora (circa 8ppl kot kat dlm) and another passanger kat seblah driver. The driver was giving hints for the guys to give a place for me. Tp xde sorg pn yg nk berganjak. Siap ada yg pandang luar lagi, buat2 menguap konon2 terlena..ok fine.

I told the driver – ok xpe sy bleh jalan.. And he said he will come for another trip in 30mins.30mins??baik jalan je.. and drove away.

And I walked (well at 8mths dh bleh considered as peddled).Teruk x?And those in the exora were healthy strong men yg mostly wore executive and engineer titles on their back (klu bbdk kilang-diorg pkai bj kaler lain kat proton!). X considerate langsung..ish3! Buat malu jd jantan je..If I’m not pregnant lain la cerita..

Bila cerita kat kwn2..diorg pn slalu kena. Lelaki2 di Proton mostly mmg mcm tu (well I could say lelaki melayu).wlu bkn malu la sket. Muka berjanggut berjambang, misai bergulung bagai dotdotdot.huhu..

Personally for me, I really don’t think that level of education of pekerjaan menjanjikan sekufunya pasangan. And quality comes in many ways. Bijak menjawab soalan spm, blajar jauh2 ke hujung dunia or even bijak bercakap doesn’t perfectly reflects a person’s IQ.

Kecantikan juga bkn kekal selamanya. Tepuk dada tnya just know it, when you finally found the one.

Pokoknya kna rajin berdoa and bersyukur dgn apa yg ada. On the time being, I’m still clueless on raising one to be a good little khalifah di bumi tuhan. May Allah help me always.Amin!

Just my 2cent to share with. No offence kpd mana2 pihak either yg maseh hidup ataupun yg sudah meninggal dunia...


me+my other half

Friday, January 14, 2011

Why I like Proton's Family day? :)

Assalamualaikum WBT,

Just another entry to end this hectic week :)
Well, and i'm as usual still in the office clearing up for week2 2011.
Next week dh week 3..task dh bertambah. Dgn project baru ni..workload pn bertambah2.
Biasala..hidup Proton!~~

Then I came to this idea, of why I like love Proton's Family day ever since. Well since I start working here la. Tho the paycheck here is not that fat, but the fact that the teamwork and officemate's yg somehow supportive made me glued to as Proton's employee longer than I think I could stand :P

Starting from 2008's family day (held at Sunway Lagoon) I had a blast of my time at the event. Well, masa tu bujang lg..and I went with my bestie Shidah (who's also single at that time :) ). Mmg syiokk Proton sewa 1 Sunway Lagoon, so all of the rides (wet+dry park) was free!~

Then came the 2009 Family Day.
I think this is the story that was never it is... :)
This time it was held just in Proton's Main Plant in SA. So not that much fun for games what so ever.But that was the time I first met my husband :) Who was (and still is) also RND staff. Tp xpernah langsung jumpe at work.Boleh x?But was'nt love at 1st sight as I mmg sceptical sket kpd lelaki2 yg xdikenali nih. I was penat giler also that day, as it was my 1st day of school ( UPM M.Eng) I was comot and grumpy and hungry. But he liked me (yelah day 1..xkan terus nk love plak :P).
satu tika dahulu.ehemm :)

And the story starts from that day.
Org kata dh jodoh.Mmg tuhan mudahkan jalan nya, bukakan pintu hati kita.
He accepted me as I am. And I accepted him as he is.

5mths afterwards we were married!~  :)

still at the masjid.after nikah.

after reception @enstek N9
Prepare apa yg patut. But we had a wonderful wedding! Simple & Nice.
Well ada bende2 yg I regret xbuat on my wedding I was happy.Ala org yg merancang bertahun2 ada wedding planner bagai..not all their dreams came true pun..mesti ada cacat cela disebalik tabir nya :P
Mine was perfect for me. Alhamdulillah, everything went well and I loved every second of it  :)

And then 2010 Family day!
This time was extra I went as a wife and a mother to be :)
As we got extra tickets (both of us were Proton's staff- so extra 2)..ajak la my bro and lil sis Alia ikut.

The event was held in Stadium Shah Alam..which I thought was the best idea ever.
Org kan rmai, jd mmg patut la sewa satu stadium to fit everyone and everything. Games were awesome..concert was awesome (Amy search rocks..yeah!~).. and the best for me was the free foot massage booths..hehe~

Well, for others was the car lucky draw la..when 1 of the winner decided to give away her present ( An EXORA mind you!) to another lucky draw winner..huhu. xpernah dlm sejarah!~
Even Farah Fauzana who was the MC for the event was shocked!~

Enjoy the pics! :)

abg ipar mithali.with bro ali and lil sis aliyya.

me 7mths pregnant.pooh.aliyya.

Dh letih.muka penat tggu amy search nyanyi isabella :)

Well, klu org nk kutuk proton ke..nk kata kereta proton xbest pedulik apa!
Dgn proton la rmai anak2 bangsa kita berjaya and berpeluang buat mcm2 and mengembangkan minda..
Org kata, bila diberi sume, kita mmg xnmpak..cuba bila sume subsidi,benefit ditarik balik..barula terasa.
Yang nk mengutuk tu mcm2 tu..bijak sgt ke?Klu kita kata ada opening kat proton, u berminat x..sure semangat gila hantar resume.hehehe..

Tepuk dada tnya selera..
Mana bumi dipijak disitula langit dijunjung
Ok be hubby dh ajak blk..tata!~

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Second check up for 33wks baby :)

Sebenarnya dh xsabar2 nk tunggu baby keluar..apatah lagi kepala baby dh bleh rasa time berjalan~
Feels like a bit funny and a lil bit peddling (mcm itik) tambah2 plak bila kena jalan dr ofis 10~15mins(rate ibu mengandung nye speed) to the parking lot.

Well another 7wks! Which is greatt! Hurray!~
Another 3wks nk wk36,so dh bleh beranak bila2 masa...

Ok, back to cerita check up..

Last Tuesday was my 2nd check up at Hosp Putrajaya..appointment kul 11am,so kami dtg la kul10.
Spt biasa..parking full gila3..smpai ada yg parking kat pdg heli.ada ke patut..huhu~

Daftar.Tunggu.OK.Baby tendang2.

Nombor kna pggil.
Bayar RM25 for MGTT test and pendaftaran..which was quite shocking. Hospital kerajaan pn kena byr ke.. maybe sb ptrajya hosp ni partially private kot tu yg kna byr. xpela byr jela..

Then tunggu..rmai sungguh warga malaysia yg pregnant di ptrajaya ni rupanya..

11.30..tunggu.dh xberapa nk sabar.and lapar.soh hubby tlg beli pau ayam yamyam.. :)

tunggu lagi..

12.00..lagi 100 number..then baru perasan.ok, numbers by case.xikut turutan.mujur :)
12.30 -yes nama aku dipanggil! akhirnya.....90mins tu.lama betul.

Check berat -naik 1kg drp 3wks ago.
Blood pressure -OK.
Urine - Excellent!~ hehehe

Tunggu lagi.

12.55 -baru dpt jmp doctor.laaaaaaaaaama btul!habes energy aku.klu ikutkan hati malas masuk opis balik.
- doc amek bp lagi. tgk test MGTT. fasting sugar 4.3. 2hrs after glucose - 5.3.which is OK. Kata doctor.
rsnya normal >7 kot..aku pn xpasti. yg ni kna tnya doc anem. tp yg pasti kata aku OK..yippee..

-pastu scan, terus nmpk gender baby ;) so confirm kali ke-4..hehehe, tp still lom confirm klu ikut hubby :) jantung OK.kepala bwh..liquor OK.uri atas. ok in engineering terms durability and endurance for 8mths test lulus!~ Product ready for production..hehehe~

ALHAMDULILLAH, sume ok.looking forward for the next check up at week 35 :) ~~~

So penantian selama ~3hrs berakhir dgn check up dgn doctor selama 10min.
ok la puas per expectation for time line :) <--jahat ayat ni

Baby pn dh puas kicking kat dlm tu~.
Siap timbul2 lagi kaki dia sebab dh sempit agaknya ruang. Dia pn dh 2kg++ skrg.
Another 7wks ni xtahu la brapa berat dia bertambah.

Xpe.mummy xkesah.asalkan anak mummy yg teman mummy hari2 bina kereta utk negara ni sehat  :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year Eve Celebration @ 32wks!~~

Although its already the 7th day of 2011..but still nk buat entry new year.. This week was a littlle hectic for its the new design roll-out week where I have to duduk bersila di prototype work shop mensettlekan problem dr yg besar hinggal sekecil2 masalah - parts2 yg xbleh psg, xcukup sifat, xsampai lagi..sampai dh tp patah pulak..huhu~ smpailah sekecil2 part sampai dgn tag salah and 4-5 kali pusing storage carousel mencari screw and bolts yg sepadan..aiya~
Biasalah..1st build up and most parts baru..inilah rutin seorg enjinaya kereta malaysia.

And i did it with my 32wks stomach yg dh terjojol kedepan nih..berpeluh2 la juga.
Tp nk buat cmne..
At least I'm proud I did something for the nation! Yeah!!~~

Till it got me to the idea of resigning. Disebabkan dulu Proton full sponsor pengajian, saya telah di ikat..But the best part is the 3yrs tenure contract dh nk abes.yippee! Ok..keep the resigning story behind dulu..

So back to the new year eve celebration!~

Well, as Proton was celebrating the new yr in conjunction with the Festival 1Malaysia closing, kami pn nk join sekali la celebration ni sama2..Well, it was surely safer for a 8mths pregnant mummy (rather than bersesak2 dgn siapa ntah kat I-City or Dataran mana2) the artist list was not that  bad.Ada la Awie, Jac Victor, Faizal plus..sape ntah..

Muka dh slalunya time ni dh tido :)
Well the crowd was mostly families and org2 proton. Yelah buat pn depan COE (main building) Proton SA.
The concert was Ok..Farah Fauzana was the MC with Ally, so mmg havoc la sket suasana nya (apasal ntah Proton suka sgt hire fafau ni~~).But stalls jual food mmg hampeh la..utk mereka2 spt sy yg perlukan 24-7 food supply, that was really disappoiting!~~

Pentas Utama. Org sesak juga la ..

Kami. Dibawah iklan Inspira.

Us.Again.With the car innovation 2nd runner up winner
 And the next agenda was, spt biasa = amek gambar sendiri..bila dh letih dgr org nyanyi. And the last presentation before the 12midnite fireworks was.....

MAHER ZAIN!~~~ Mujur la ada maher Zain!! At least ada la penyeri concert tu (for me la~~)
Well thanx Proton for the free concert!! Yg ada Maher Zain!! (and there goes our bonus money! :( )

Maher Zain!~~ From tempat duduk je sb malas nk bersesak2 nk amek gambar!

Laaast..spt biasa fireworks!!~
Cantek and it lasted for 15mins la juga..
But frustrated with the un announced bonus..all I could see was our bonus(es) burnt in red, blue, yellow and green sparkles..

So peacefully ended memorable year 2010. The year I met the light of my life, married my best friend and got pregnant with hubby jr.
 And yes we met last yr :P 

Mm..just a simple review I guess..well maybe next time I'll post something more informative and eductaive sket..

Till then.
Welcome 2011~~ ;)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


New Year!~~

Tutup diary lama..simpan bwh meja.
Buka diary 'glow-in-the-dark' Proton baru bagi..hehhee :)

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!