Wednesday, November 10, 2021

2021 TRIPS - To make up what is left out of the year!

Alhmdulillah we had the opportunity to fly in our Pasirmas Clan to KL just right after the government announced permission for state border travel.

So yeahh..we MUST USE that opportunity. After all that had happened, and despite full dose vaccine, 90% of the people in the picture below are Covid19 survivors. Syukur alhmdulillah. So this will be the intro for all the upcoming details of the trip (KB-KL_MELAKA_PD 2021). I really hope this shall be areminder for me to write up our travel experience inshallah.Syukur for all the happy faces for the trips. Syukur for the opportunity and rezeqi that was intended to be shared with the loved ones. We had little, but so much love.alhmdulillah

Pictoral summary of our 3days +1day(KL) trip 28-31st October 2021. Zuri's and Yayang's family did not follow us this trip around. Instead we brough in Che Ngoh (mama's sister), Adik We and Iffah. 

Inshallah next year will be full house.

Bayview Hotel Melaka (We checked in 5rooms!)

Muara Sg Duyung

Shabby 3bedroom Apartment! haha but the beach was awesome!!!!

Chill by klcc park eating Aunty Anne's. Nice!


For all the upcoming holidays to come!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Jaybee Trip 2021 - Part 1 : Lotus Desaru Beach Resort and Spa

 Alhmdulillah! Kebenaran merentas negeri was given on the end of 11th of Oct 2021

 It was like...FINALLY!!!!!!!!! 

We didnt plan for Klate blk kg trip yet but set plans for JB and some other plans to bring the Klate clan here instead. JB was long planned as i was keen to meet newborn baby Hilya for the first time. and it was a Johor visit since like 7years ago..lama betul tu.

Short but memorable was the theme this time. KISS - Keeping It Sweet and Simple. We had so much fun jalan2 cari makan and checked in Desaru for one night. Im still in holiday blues now.

We arrived JB midnight of 22nd Oct, spent one night at Zakiyya's Seri Alam crib and later that day we checked in Lotus Desaru Resort. It was a great stay for all of us, especially the kids. I enjoyed the beach and sun, and the BBQ food was awesome! BBQ was rated at Rm480 for 10person comprising chicken (2kg), lamb (2kg), Saba Mackarel and Hotdogs, everything was being set up by the hotel including starting the fire. Alhmdulillah i was really happy and unwinded.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

To all the things we took for granted before 2020

10/9/2021 - After 3months plus, we finally had the chance to cross district border. DISTRICT crossing only which includes Putrajaya-KL-Selangor. And we were sooooooo relieved!! State crossing has been banned since the beginning of 2021 and no signs of opening yet

This is a tribute to all things we took for granted before. The freedom we had not appreciated al this while, the places we neglected to visit, people we forgot to engage with and miss all human interactions. The perks and downs of working from home to keep up with the motivations and work stress multitasking.

Embracing the new norms and the new endemic stage of this pandemic. Decide and do things with your heart and eyes. If you feel its crowded and not safe, revoke mission. I really would like to write more, we had our family episodes of being tested positive (papa,mama, ika, adik elvina, fahmi, mimi, peney. adik zafrieyl, adik wae, adik ifaa.. :(  )

 but maybe in another time...nak tulis blog secara konsisten lepas ni sb sgtlah inpired dgn bloggers yang masih lg gigih menulis mcm mcm wlupun sesibuk mana pun diorg. ye betul, blog ni lah simpanan kenangan kenanagan gambar2 anak, trips trips and peristiwa semasa waktu tu.. I kept one post when we hit 5000 cases per day. Skrg?? 21k ok ....5,000 tu selangor je ..huhuhu..

So for the sake of memories..lets write them down!

Take care all, stay safe u all

Bagan Lalang, Sept 2021


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

A veeeeeeeery late post for AidilFitri 2021

Assalam semua! Salam September dah kita dah Q4 2021 dah sedar tak sedar. Jadinya sebelum terlalu lewat nak upload gambar raya..marila kita jgn bertangguh lagi dan upload lah gambar raya kita utk 2021. Raya dlm kesyahduan lock down. Tak boleh berziarah, tak ada raya raya dgn keluarga. Memang sangat sangat down dua tiga bulan kebelakangan ini. Tapi tu cerita lain..nanti kita cerita juga sini plannya.. 

Memang syukur sgt sebenarnya yang raya thn ni kita betul2 meraikan kejayaan habiskan Ramadhan dgn KPI yg kita dh letak alhmdulillah. Mommy sempat khatam sekali, daddy 2x allahuakbar alhmdulillah..aaaaaaaaaaand most importantly all 3kids completed 30days puasa ramadhan thn ni. Mikhail for the 1st time ever habis kan puasa. 2weeks jugalah sempat berpuasa di skool/taska and he nailed it alhmdulillah at 4yrs+. betul kita tak paksa, and galakkan dia.perhatikan mcm mana dia punya tolerence to the introduction to puasa. Mikhail alhmdulillah, energizer bunny ya till 7-ish. 7 tu dia dh start counting seconds to berbuka and almost every day daddy treat him boleh beli apa apa pun di kedai but only 1 benda sahaja..hehehe

Harapnya tahun ni lah yg terakhir sambut raya dirumah sendiri, tak boleh berziarah, tak boleh balik kampung. Syahdu ja..alhmdulillah i have overcomed some of my darkest days of being depressed and cannot keep myself together, macam macam rasa in one. These times i am so very grateful to my partner. Memang saaayang sgt inshallah sampai bila bila...



Mommy Z 


ps- i owe this blog some post of our lock down home make overs. DIY ja byknya..syukur Allah for the ilham and ideas. songkok bersusun di atas kabinet tv kenangan sebelum make over :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

We have been vaccinated!

First dose for us : 12th July 2021. Sinovac via PIKAS program

Hope is what is left.

Them we went for 2nd dose : 2nd August 2021

Towards herd immunity!


*i really owe a whole lot of 2021 entries. but i just feel not ok and down which efffects my mood for everything actually.sis cuba..maybe this shall heal me a bit who knows..

