Wednesday, November 10, 2021

2021 TRIPS - To make up what is left out of the year!

Alhmdulillah we had the opportunity to fly in our Pasirmas Clan to KL just right after the government announced permission for state border travel.

So yeahh..we MUST USE that opportunity. After all that had happened, and despite full dose vaccine, 90% of the people in the picture below are Covid19 survivors. Syukur alhmdulillah. So this will be the intro for all the upcoming details of the trip (KB-KL_MELAKA_PD 2021). I really hope this shall be areminder for me to write up our travel experience inshallah.Syukur for all the happy faces for the trips. Syukur for the opportunity and rezeqi that was intended to be shared with the loved ones. We had little, but so much love.alhmdulillah

Pictoral summary of our 3days +1day(KL) trip 28-31st October 2021. Zuri's and Yayang's family did not follow us this trip around. Instead we brough in Che Ngoh (mama's sister), Adik We and Iffah. 

Inshallah next year will be full house.

Bayview Hotel Melaka (We checked in 5rooms!)

Muara Sg Duyung

Shabby 3bedroom Apartment! haha but the beach was awesome!!!!

Chill by klcc park eating Aunty Anne's. Nice!


For all the upcoming holidays to come!!!