Thursday, March 11, 2021

Ku ingin dicintai

 Assalam peeps,

Kemain tajuk kan? Hahaha..nak tulis sikit luahan hatilah sejak dua menjak ni tak berapa rasa seronok. Rasa tertekan je dengan situasi semasa. Kerja memang sentiasa banyak tu mmg lah adat kita makan gaji. Kalau ikutkan dah dua minggu lebih rasa tak berapa seronok ni. Tapi bukan sebab rumahtangga ke apa..tidak! Alhmdulillah 10thn masih lagi seperti dibulan madu.acehwah. 

Rasa mental stress ni byk dipengaruhi oleh tempat kerja khususnya sebab sekarang 98% bekerja dari rumah, terbawak bawak kestressan tu dkt anak anak. Astaghfirullah.

So kita tulislah sikit sikit, luahkan rasa. Supaya tak jadi kanser dlm hati. Nak luah kan di social media macam tak patut. Kdg2 org yg tah mana mana yg baca. Skrg ni pun i byk tulis dlm status whatsapp je..sampai 24jam ia hilang. mmg suka je dia hilang.jarang nak tulis tulis dlm ig story or fb sebab rs platform platform ni dah terlalu open..terlalu public.jadi tak seronok.

Cerita dia mudah, cerita kita kerja benda boleh buat dan dah terbukti pun boleh buat, tp kita ni muda (muda muda pun takdelah muda sgt), senang je mereka mereka yg baby boomers/earlier X generations ni singkirkan kita, rasa kita ni muda banyak lagi peluang akan dtg, dan letakkan org yang dulu tak setia mana ditempat kita dulu. 

Bila ditanya byklah alasan nya.biasalah siapa nk mengaku salah kan? Cumanya selama dahulu yg org tak cukup kita duduk berkhidmat di tempat kosong tu dgn cemerlang *cemerlang ok* ! tak berapa dihargai.

Tulis sikit lah dulu. nanti kita sambung lagi luahan rasa ni. Tu belum lagi diskriminasi jantina. 

Ya, kdgkala bagus sebab bila kau sorg saja bunga yang dihantar bercerita kisah dan memerintah kilang buat sesuatu yg lain, automatik semua lelaki lelaki yang sebelum ni keras suara (dan hatinya) berlembut. Apa saja perintah diturut dan semua automatik lebih bersopan. Ini realitinya, kuasa wanita yg menggoncang buaian boleh perintah kan perubahan pemasangan dari station atas ke bawah. Rezeki juga ni alhmdulillah..

Ok to be continued..


Mommy Z

Monday, March 8, 2021

Time for Tax (claim) again! Cukai pendapatan 2020

 Assalam peeps,

I guess blogging is no longer popular nowadays, but yet for people who just loves to write, we cannot seem to stop right? so yeah..Its March already and i have just completed submitting my e-filing to LHDN. This time around it is quite saddening to just think about all those people out the affected by the pandemic and was paying tax values at 100 thousands each year are now with no income. Sedih kan.

But yeah on the other hand for those with still incomes coming everyone, some with the privileges' of working from home which literally means sleeping from home, some are not even concerned with those less fortunate. The key is actually to feel grateful with what we have and what we could help to others. and yes paying tax/zakat is one of them.

This year's tax relief includes some new items like claimable tourism (domestic travelling) (up to 1000) and additional device claims (Up to 2500).The first 2500 can include any internet subscription, books, magazines, bicycles, shuttlecocks, handphones and all throughout the year. The second 2500 is for devices bought from July 2021 till Dec 2021. So the total round up for lifestyle is up to 5000!  so yeah i got to cut a lot from the actual monthly deduction (PCB) and have some excess to be paid back. Alhmdulillah. This money shall be for the people around me inshallah~

So yeah..lets pay tax (and claim if any ) everyone! And pray he money rolls properly for the better future!!



Friday, March 5, 2021

PASTI ALQUDS Boy! Zulhayqal MIkhail

Assalam all, just keepsaking this here for my memorylane. Its March 2021 already and despite the pandemic, Mikhail had started his kindergarden (On March 1st) alhmdulillah! This time around we chose PASTI for mikhail as he is already a part of Taska Proton and we will always be in morning rush so, we decided to send Mikhail to PASTI after good reviews from my friends.

He's a good boy Mashallah and always cheerful and helpful, i think mostly from where he was cared of (Taspro) as they always focuses on akhlaq mulia and kindness in addition to self independence and discipline. As his name goes (Mikhail), he is always with abundance of rizq along with every steps he takes..inshallah!!

Mommy hopes all the best for you sayang. Yet these years of millenials, every child is really brilliant and a fast learner, so being the smartest kid is no longer a priority. However, what means most is to be a balanced kid- iq intelligence, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. So yeah, we can do this Mikhail! Enjoy your kindy years and with the vaccine already here in Malaysia, Inshallah we all can live a normal life again soon enough..


Mommy Z