Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cuti Sekolah 2019 : Farm in the City Visit

Thanks mak uteh for the treat! We love you sooo mucho! I was keeping this post in draft or soo long, i decided to just post it before 2020 comes along. So yeah... mak uteh and all 6 lil kids and asyu Kinah only for the day at the farm in the city. Yeah..the boys were really filled in with activities i guess for this school holidays..

Lining up by age! 8,7,5,5,3,3..tuudiaa

Lil kawsar so brave. Yang ni mmg Doc Dolittle

Till then.. Next trip please mak uteh!


Mommy Z

Thursday, December 26, 2019

1st marathon. Kenangan 2019

First 5km fun run for Iman and Amsyar.

5km yer. Boleh tahan juga kuat dua anak mommy ni. Iman lah relax jer. After run boleh smbung main basikal. lol. bravo for geyma also at 56 selamba je tapau. Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal.

The boys post marathon!

To more marathons and runs to come!

ps- byk kenangan 2019 ni alhmdulillah. we're leaving this decade with a lot to remember.



Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Birthday Mak. Happy Birthday!!!

5th December 2019. Mak turned 56!

We love you mak. Simple celebration with Belgium Choc Cheesecake from Bib&Bake.

May Allah bless you with health, contentment of the heart and the strength to do ibadah with ease.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Iman & Amsyar - Berkhatan untuk penutup 2019

7hb December 2019 yg lepas, kami berkesempatan menyertai acara berkhatan beramai ramai anjuran taman perumahan grandma iman & amsyar. Kali ni biar dua abg abg ni yg bersunat dulu. Mikhail tunggulah lg 5thn lagi kita buat pula. Meriah juga rupanya di kampung Dahlia ni rupanya. Bayaran pun tak mahal..dan kalau untuk mereka yg B40 hanya dikenakan sebanyak RM50.

Yang paling best ada acara perarakan dan kehadiran abg bomba. sarapan beramai ramai dan goody bag pun ado

Baru sampai. ms ni dedua berdebar debar

Daddy pakaikan pelekat yg pihak surau bekalkan dlm goody bag


Tok Imam bg ucapan. sebelum berarak

Bergambar kenangan dgn pihak bomba sebelummm...

...kena siram!!!!!! Syok nmpak depa ms ni

Satu dgn fire truck sbgai kenangan

Tunggu turn. Total 26 org haritu..Iman number 19 and amsyar number 20

Dah settle!! Abg iman ada drama sikit so gambar nanti kita up :)

Alhamdulillah..selesai juga ... catat disini sekadar kenangan penutup 2019. Makanan mommy allow mcm biasa mkn kecuali yg pedas pedas berbelacan, seafood mcm udang kerang sotong and also telur. Yelah ambil langkah berjaga jaga sambil top up kan vit c utk percepatkan penyembuhan and also add kan lebih air masak.

Day 5 dah boleh pakai seluar dan bermain bola. Kira cepat lah juga kesembuhan tu..walaupun day 1 qeyau jugalah kata org 

Semoga cepat sembuh anak anak mommy.
Tahniah boys. Bujangan dahhhhhh!!!!!!

Till then. See ya!


Friday, November 1, 2019

Hello November! Long time no see

Its november guys! Halloween deco has already started to change to Christmas setting in some places.I always have a soft spot in my heart for Christmas as its always had been a merry and warm celebration and commemorates a new beginning of the consequent year :)

We celebrated the arrival of our new family addition baby Tasneem end of last month alhmdulillah. Zainab gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last Tuesday and named her Tasneem. Such a beautiful name mashallah..We'll try to make time to meet her tomorrow inshallah. Im just too occupied these days that i feel like hugging a baby and smelling her hair will just soothe all my worries inshallah.

Talking about year end, the kiddos are celebrating hari kanak kanak today at school. Three weeks more left for school before the long holidays yay!!!!!!And i feel like going for a loooong weekend off. Too tired to think and too many things happening at work leaving me stressed out by Friday. We'll see how things goes on and maybe plan for a short getaway inshallah :) Iman will be in standard 3 next year and amsyar in standard 2. Plan to sort out few things with both of them and see how they have achieved.I hate the new system as it is really difficult for me as a working mom to monitor the kids work and what nots by daily basis. Yes, call me a bad mum. I hope all those stay at home mums have equally no time to monitor as well to make us look not that no just kidding!

Ok then, Just wild ramblings from me. Enjoy your november and the weekend ahead! 



Ps- my parents are celebrating theire 37th anniversary this coming 7th november. Alhmdulillah! 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tb #aistingkap penang

Totally will repeat. Next trip in March inshallah!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Self challenge

Hi guys

Hows life..I know its October and things are quite rough to meet year end's targets. Ive started a challenge to myself to list 3 simple things that made me happy that day early this month. Well today is day 23 and it is alhmdulillah still consistently being written everyday in my whatsapp status. Yes public! haha. Actually Ive started two challenges this month but lets talk about this one first.

Well, as the name goes, it is as simple as writing 3 things you feel happy/grateful/syukur for the day and it should be continuously written every single day for 41 days consequently to make it a habit. At first yes, its really hard to start with. I was too stressed everyday, i had so many unhappy things happening making it so difficult to write even a single happy thing. But i started with simple things like, i'm happy i woke up breathing today, my kids are happy and healthy, and my husband is beside me. Yes those kinda simple things. And yet it became much more easier by day. And to date, some days i have more than 3 things to be syukur of for the day. Alhmdulillah. 

Well, i am quite aware that by now mental health level of Malaysians is at a very alarming stage. People are too immensely stressed with work related tasks, economical issues, and also unnecessary competitions between kids they have. Everybody wants to be supermom, everyone wants their children gets the best of the best and be the creme of the crop, but this is actually very sickening and in fact the main factor why some fall into the mental disorders without even realizing they are. For me, its better to follow the low and live. Let it be and move on. Be positive, think positively and try by all means to ease other people's way.

 And I pledge to myself to try to heal myself, avoid all stress factors and take this matter seriously for the people i love. Let it be a small start like this :) Keep in mind peeps : I matters. 

So, let keep all writings sweet and simple. may i reach the 41st day of the happy list campaign.
Oh for the 2nd campaign is to achieve 10.000 steps per day challenge. yes that is a whole different thing. so let write it may be in another time.

Happy working uols.



Saturday, October 12, 2019

Penang..again! Coz we love Penang!

Assalam guys!

So well, it has been days (or months) of hiatus, but im still determined to write. Kalau tak banyak sedikit pun tak apa kan. Janji the spirit of writing is still there and somehow i loved to read up again what have happened to me before. Kinda diary writing juga. Inshallah bermanfaat for my kiddos once they've discovered this blog.

So then, we went to Penang for a short staycation away from the hustle and bustle of the city. This time we tried Copthorne Orchid for our economical stay and would like to see what they can offer. Alhmdulillah everything was up to expectation. The pool, the private hotel beach, the bathtub, even the breakfast spread was really nice.4 stars from me indeed!And to add the excitement, this time around my sister Zakiyya and family came together and we agreed to book the same hotel. I could say this hotel is just worth the stay.

Well, we went to the famous eatery spots for foodies, and tried ais tingkap (sarbat). Had really awesome char kuey teow at Shamrock beach, and also went to visit the disco pasemboq uncle in Gurney drive. Sedap baq hang. That's really the main actually what Penang could offer. Food! The closing was of course our favorite Nasi Beriyani Kambing Kapitan, heaven on earth this one!

Balik naik feri for the kiddos experience and then the Pak Ali Jeruk pit stop..then back to Bukit Merah before heading down south to beloved KL!

Sikit sikit jalah kita tulis. Nanti kita tulis lg nah..refreshing trip alhmdulillah! From all the smelly tap water, haze lagi and the #uninstallfoodpanda campaign lagi..i really had a good time..yeah!

Lets definitely do Penang again!

