Friday, March 1, 2019

Walau apa jua.. Ibu bapa kita tetap no 1

Hello March! I didnt realize i left February without any entries! My bad! A lot of things happened on February and we're still struggling our routine. Talking about routines, i can now whip everything up in 45 minutes in the morning and get everyone out the door at 6.30am! Yes we leave the house at 6,30! Early right? Yeah..

So back to our topic, Mom's finally confirmed her retirement at 55 on February marking the end of her almost 30 years of career. I had this kinda oath to make her happy starting this year onwards, so im quite worry she'll be a little tad bored knowing that she had never had so much time like this before being a working mom. So starting a few weeks back i tried to build up a routine of at least meeting mak and bapak at least once a week be it a little lunch meet of swimming session. I hope we could continue our routine throughout the coming days and years. Mak always complaints that she cannot diet when im around, we'll i know how to cook her favorites and up to her likings . So i just told her that each time we meet will be her cheat day. And she agrees to that. Hehe.

This coming May she'll have her trip to the UKs for my little sister's convocation (Aliyya) and go backpacking to the Balkan's as being planned. I hope she enjoys her trip and may Allah protect her all along the journey as she deserves to have her own time now after all those years serving the natiom.

Well. for anything that comes around we will always try to make her happy. Make my dad happy. And I believe, that is my key(s) to happiness and barkah in life. Inshallah. I always believe that all the happiness i have now are from their doas. May allah always protect them.amin.


It really saddens me when my dad WA all of us telling us that one of our aunt is in dire of money due to her unpaid bills and the needs to pay for her son (a grown man!). May Allah forbid us for a being such a nuisance child and protect our children from being one either.


Just jotting down a little to fill in the long hiatus.

I'll write again inshallah
