Saturday, December 8, 2018

Mikhail's 2nd Birthday!!


Mikhail turned 2. Quite a while ago but still mommy wants to post this. Better late than never kan? :)
So we had a quite family party just to keep the memories alive, one pre birthday with Asyu around. My youngest sister, Aliyya (Asyu) turned 22 last 13th Sept as well so it was a combined celebration. Kebetulan masa ni asyu belum fly back to UK yet so Mikhail actually had two parties already. Mommy bought a cake for him on his Real Birthday (30th) later on, just for fun. i actually planned for a birthday celebration at his playschool. but due to time limitation i guess tak year lah. promise tau mikhail :)

So here are some of the pictures . Enjoy!

With asyu! Happy birthday both of you!

with abg amsyar..

Birthday boy malu

Well baby. Hope you enjoyed your birthday syg!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Our Family Genting Trip 2018

#longpost yg dah lama sgt tak terpublish!

Hi uols!

Cuti lama kita raya haji aritu..terasa lama but worth it because we had so many plans executed yang membolehkan those 5 days being well used up. Quality family time I'd rather say. 

Saja berjalan makan angin dekat dekat..beraktiviti and makan beramai ramai. It's fun you know sebab its just like a special small gathering where everybody gets to spend time around you. and you enjoying the company.

Well, raya first kan dah busy gila.. so the next day tu everybody was tad bored, we decided to go sightseeing to : Genting Highlands! Rupanya ramai family members kita yg xpernah sampai pun Genting lagi mohlahhh :)

TBH, GPO was not really our family forte sebab all of us were not really into brands. Plus it was a school holiday (long 5 days weekend) so the GPO was quite full with people shopping and window shopping. We were there because the Awana Skycab access now is only from GPO. The old station has already being close down. This was my first time with the new skycab, and my first time at the GPO :)

The unseperable three

The line was quite long but moving and the kiddos were cooperating so, it is ok. It took us around 30-40mins juga in line to reach to our turn :) The skycab is larger than the old one. So big that all of us could fit into a single cab..Ehehehe


Inside the skycab. Kesian mikhail - a bit under the weather.

The 20mins ride

Apa yang best nya the new skycab connects directly to the top floor of First Avenue Shopping Mall. So kuranglah sikit nak menapak jauh jauh sebab main attraction and indoor theme park is in First Avenue shopping mall.


Most of the attractions were closed due to renovation at the moment. Well, we just wanted to look around and spend some family time together.hehe. The snow world was open tho, but we decided not to enter as the temperature up there was already freezing, so no need to enter la. Maybe next time, when the mall is re-opened back to public :)

Ripley's Adventure is still opened

Missing another two. Lil miss huurun photobombing!

Hot coffee and hot chocolate please!

We should repeat family trips more often after this. A short trip is already okayy. Nanti kita g lagi okehhhh..bila themepark dh buka :)



Tuesday, December 4, 2018

zahra ooo..zahra

it had been awhile
i owe so many post which deserves a posting.
and yet i have too little time.

we went back to klate back in sept for mek's final 100d tahlil
celebrated mikhail's 2nd birthday.
attended amsyar's graduation
iman got 3rd place in class for the std one finals. 5As so grateful for that seeing to his way of studying (asianmom detected)

..and we went for a short vacay to penang!

TBH ive nvr really explored penang! it was great!
i'll tell you guys maybe later.penang really deserves a post on its own!

ok guys.
pinky promise mommy will right more~
doakan mommy murah rezeki n pnjg umur ya

