Saturday, June 23, 2018

Ceritera Raya 2018 kami (part 3)

Hi semua.
Tak habis lagi cerita raya kan kita?ahahahah.
Kita buat byk parts sebab kita tulis sikit sikit.bila berkesempatan kita tulis..bila ada waktu senggang sikit kita tulis.ha gitu.

Raya kali ni aritu dah cerita kan..raya pertama sampai raya ke-6 kita di kelantan. di bumi pasirmas tempat tumpah darah cik abe kita. Merasalah kiranya anak bandar mcm sy ni..beraya dikampung..aceh. Iman n amsyar n mikhail anak anak bumi shah alam pun dptlah merasa juga.

Mcm mana raya kali ni?
Fuhhh meriah! sikit lagi nk roboh rumah tokpa n tokma dibuat dek iman n amsyar. Smeua lapan lapan org adik beradik daddy berkumpul kali ni..ada juga family ayahngah (adik mama) from Bangi beraya sekali dirumah meriah!

Tahun ni mcm mcm ada alhmdulillah. Masak beramai ramai mlm raya wpn ada kejadian blender membuat ona tak mau berpusing..jadi juga semua nya. Pagi tu kita ada nasi minyak, ayam merah and kurma daging, ketupat and rendang ayam pencen, ketupat palas pun ado! ehehe..

Seronok makan makan pg raya. Alhmdulillah

Makanan dah terhidang jom lah kita menjamu selera, seronok semua meriah raya kali ni sebab semua balik beraya. Jem tak raya semua ada. Kul 7am lg kami sekeluarga dah bersiap siap mandi sunat dan hidang makanan nak beraya. Kalau tgk iklan teratak ajaib TNB yang ramai and meriah tu..ha mcm tulah suasana kami ramai ramai..ahahahah..makanan n air dihidang pun mcm chipsmore. Sekejap ada..sekejap tak ada..kikikik

Tok Nebe merasmi dulu seusai solat sunat aidilfitri pg tu..

Mikhail pun bukan main enjoy lah raya. first time dia merasa beraya beria.dgn duit raya nya..songkok raya.baju raya..solat sunat raya pun dia pergi! Amboi amboi amboi!

Mommy with my heroes : dgn si cilik - Zulhayqal Mikhail

Dgn si abanglong dak hensem- Zulhadzrey Iman

Dgn abgngah manja mommy - Zulhafidzey Amsyar

Dgn my bff : Zulhalimey Zulkipli.

One potrait pic with tokpa and tokma :)

Our big family! Missing Fahmey and Iman. 

 With everybody else!

Selamat Hari Raya semua! Sambung raya raya lagi di KL weekend ni :)

till then,



Friday, June 22, 2018

Ceritera Raya 2018 kami (Part 2)

Harini just nak simpan cerita tema warna warni raya. Saja utk ingatan anak anak kalau terjumpa blog ni satu hari nanti.

Baju raya kami biasa biasa aje..takde nak berjenama mahal mahal. Butik butik no.Just apa yg ada, alhmdulillah.. Mommy tempah satu baju je, yg lain semua RTW sahaja. Ready to wear ..mujur ada size lagi.kikikiki..

Yang penting semua selesa and happy

#Teamhijau untuk raya pertama! Semua satu rumah adik beradik hubby team hijau tahun ni. Rasanya xramai team hijau 2018 . So takpelah kita lain sikit!

See..semua hijau! Meriah!!! Yang pink pink tu keluarga ayah ngah (uncle)

#Teammerah untuk raya kedua !
Raya kedua ni kami beraya pusing kelate sampai nun ke Kuala Naal, Kuala Krai. kampung gemuloh mek (nenek) hubby.

nanti kita cerita pengalaman ni,,

Raya ketiga kita pakat #teambiru !
Raya ketiga ni tak kemana sangat. Cuma ke Kota Bharu g beraya rumah toksu kotabharu.
Hajatnya nk ke PCB, tp hujanlah tak jadi.kita patah balik je.

 Raya ke-empat ni kira hari last beraya kat kampung dh ni..sebab esoknya dh nak gerak pulang ke KL. So raya keempat geng kita #teamhitamkelabu !
Yay! Raya ke empat ni kami beraya dekat dekat je..dekat kampung tokpa iman - Kg Lubok Kawah. Kita g mkn kambing aqiqah n beraya 3buah rumah keliling tu je. Jumpa mata orang kata. Alhmdulillah~

Macam macam ragam raya ni kan? 
Ok cukup sini part 2. Nanti kita cerita ceriti part 3.Inshallah.

Weekend ni smbung raya dgn geyma KL pula.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Ceritera Raya 2018 kami (Part 1)

We're back! Post raya blues..
So kita compile compile gambar gambar raya!

Banyak gambar raya..kita up raya pertama je dulu :) Kita geng raya rumah mertua tahun ni dgn tema hijau!..Yups #teamhijauraya2018 tahun ni..yay!!

Selamat Hari Raya Semua!! Selamat kembali bertugas dan sambung raya di KL! Ting tong sikit dua hari kerja je minggu ni..terkena 17jam jemm KB-KL kelmarin (adoi!) ..

Yang paling seronok beraya tentulah bebudak ni..haih! Sampai xmau balik ke KL! Amboi!

Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal..

weekend ni kita sambung raya lagi!!

Nanti kita sambung part part seterusnya..6hari di Kelantan! Seronok tak seronok kami beraya..!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Salam Aidilfitri 1439h dari kami..

Salam kemaafan dan penuh keikhlasan,
Maaf Zahir Batin.

Selamat Hari Raya semua!!!

Zulhadzrey Iman
Zulhafidzey Amsyar
Zulhayqal Mikhail

Love and kisses..
Kita nak balik kampung kelantan dah malam ni!


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Four Guys and Our Ramadhan 1439

It had been awhile and finally comes to the end of our Ramadhan this time around. Awhile due to long days at work with the scorching sun and really early mornings preparing sahoor whilst needing to work later that day too. You know.. But i really miss the nights. The happiness when food is served. The rush hours rushing for the surau for taraweeh and the race of reading the Qur'an, and the eagerness in giving sadaqah's due to the Holy Month.The happiness in preparing for Eid to celebrate what we have successfully endured during the whole month,yay!. May all of us stay Istiqomah in seeking his pleasure for the coming months left of the year till we right again meet up with Ramadhan.

Ramadhan Kareem everyone (of the 3 days left out of it!)!!
I'm a energy conservator. I rarely cook on weekdays, well -the bazaar is available all month, only this this is the time to spread some love to the bazaar vendors..eheheh. For the ummah's economy growth. It might be not that economically healthy for our pockets tho..but at least u can save some energy for the ramadhan nights. Inshallah. I dont know but the hashtag of #saynotobazaarfood is crap..nak masak, masak lah..pastu jgn komplen penat..kikikiki 

homecooked meals for iftar. This is so jarang jarang so we need to post it

So, hows the Eid plans going so far?It's Kelantan turn for raya this year. I'm as always happy for any turns now, as i have already my own little family, and being together no matter where is what matters most to me. My mom is his mom. And his mom is my mom, so that is fair enough. We've done with shopping so far alhmdulillah. Beli berdikit dikit so that we do not feel the money flow (ah!) No bonus oh whatsoever for me, so bye bye designer clothes! Hehe just kidding! i can say that me myself, i am not a brand conscious person. But for the kids, yes..i'll look into brands as from lesson learned, clothings brands like osh kosh and H&Ms can really last for years despite how frequent the boys wore them. And this year all of us are wearing green! Yeahh #teamgreenraya2018 anyone?

Mikhail in one of the ramdhan buffets.

Ramadhan had been quite tough for the kids tho..
Iman is in sessi petang school, so his energy level by then has already been half than it should be. But he's a fighter alhmdulillah. No rompong yet this year. Yes, 23 straight days, mid term or not.. and travelling or not! that's my boy! Ah yes, his mid term was in the middle of Ramadhan. We didnt do any revisions this time (poor boy) as we were busy balik kg with all the funeral, tahlil and all, but so far 4As already in hand. Mashallah, tabarakallah this boy. But there are days when i just feel like crying raising up boys..boy, its really tough with all the technology around and exposures. You dont know what to expect. I'm really expecting to deal for the worst, really. And try to prepare myself physically and mentally on whatever will happens. Oh my.

Some days, I really drag myself at 4.45am (snooze 15min lol) to cook and whatnot for him. Yes this lil guy named Zulhadzrey Iman. May you grow up well and become a righteous mu'min iman. 

So then, i guess we're all in the raya mood this week already..we had really some birtday celebration pospone-ments to get to with post raya..Amsyar's..daddy's..the anniversary trip! Yeah! so we'll see how things come along and all. 

Zulhafidzey Amsyar's pra birthday celebration at home. This lil guy is already 6!

Ok guys, preparing for the worst for the upcoming journey balik kampung way up east coast to Pasirmas tomorrow night. Better night travel lah kan to ease on nak makan ke apa esp for the driver. And for the better peace inside the car with the mini people who can sleep themselves all the way to tokma's house. I am mentally ready already (together with food, minyak kapak and whatnots) for what we anticipate a major jam of what can be like 20hours? If less then, alhmdulillah..but that is definitely the norm. So..yeah.. i brought few books to keep myself busy. A journal for the boys to draw and write along the way and books for them of course. And of course few powerbanks just in case..

Selamat Hari Raya in advance guys! 
Have a safe journey back home and prepare for the worst and enjoy your journey!


Mommy Zahra