Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Hi peeps!

The last day of February already. How fast time flies does it? trying to living in equilibrium and manageable each day by now as we adjust to the daily routine :) Zainab n kids are already back weehoo! and we had some great family quality time last weekends with makan besar and Iman's birthday celebration and all 7 mak's grandchildren were present. Alhmdulillah.


I just want to mark it here that February marks the end of my milk pumping journey (EBM collecting) for mikhail and just continuing on breast DF only when im present (weekends and night feeds). Too many things in my plate I'd say and I dont want important things to spill, so letting go few things is the best for now. Mikhail is on FM during the day (1time feed) by now..and sometimes on fresh cow milk. Well, that little muchkin..its good that he's not that fussy and easily adapts. 18 months young this month my lil #zulhayqalmikhail :)

Happy mommy for now.Aha..

March is another story. Iman's first primary school assessment, Amsyar's school registration and also the LHDN refundable claims for PCB among many in mind. They said that the election is also in March but there is no official announcement yet. I plan for a wet trip to wet world for Iman's birthday as well..but we'll see how.Be kind to us March, together inshallah may Allah ease our ways.



Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jln jln TBNSA - Taman Botani Negara ShahAlam 2018 trip

Last CNY holidays, we were just chilling out in town and decided to go no where far so that everybody could get some rest and just relax and whatnot. Day 1 ok lah duduk duduk guling guling tgk tv. By day 2 dah bored our selves out. Mommy pun dah bosan hadap mainan bersepah sepah and the trio bergaduh bertendang masing masing menyakat adik abang..maka jomlah keluar jalan!

decision made selepas discussion : jomlah jalan jalan Tmn Botani Shah Alam.

Ni lah first time mommy menjejakkan kaki ke TBNSA ni or dulu dikenali dgn nama Bukit Cerakah.. setelah 10 tahun tggal di Shah Alam dan beranak 3.kikikiki..

Kitorg plan keluar sarapan heavy heavy and terus ke TBNSA seawal 8am! sudahnya.. sampai dlm kul 9.30am juga ke TBN ni..hehe.Masih ok sebab tak ramai org sgt lagi masa ni. Tapi orang mmg semakin bertambah and ramai, kebanyakkannya dtg mmg utk beriadah and berbasikal. Kami nk berjalan tgk kawasan aje.

Tiket masuk TBNSA ni takdelah mahal. And kebetulan mmg tgh musim salji di rumah 4 musim, so kita beli skali tiketnya. Masuk utk dewasa RM3 seorang, kanak kanak 2-12 thn rm1. Untuk rumah 4musim pula sebab skrg musim salji, untuk dewasa rm5 seorang and kanak kanak rm3. So total tiket untuk kami masuk haritu cuma (Rm3x2 + Rm1x2 + Rm5x2 +Rm3x2) RM24 sahaja ...murah betul ! Mikhail belum 2 thn so smua free..

Masuk masuk saja ada tmpat menunggu tram. Kalau nak berjalan  bercinta juga tu sebab kami mmg target first first nk ke rumah 4musim yang nun di hujung TBNSA ni. Tunggu tram oklah dalam 15mins dah dpt naik tram after berator menunggu.

Tram TBNSA. Boleh muat dlm 30 org juga rasanya

Menunggu tram. ada kipas and tempat duduk.

Perjalanan naik tram ni xlama. DLm 15-20mins gitu dah sampai rumah 4 musim. Ni..yay! Rezeki kami agaknya, dirumah ni pun tak berapa ramai org. Sampai x de beratur beratur pun, terus dpt masuk and di brief sedikit sebanyak tntang rumah ni. Dia allow sekali masuk sekumpulan dlm 30-40 org. Memang takde pun diberi baju sejuk ke apa sebab katanya kecik sahaja tempatnya and max org selalu bertahan dlm tu ialah 10minit. Sejuk. Maunya tak.

Menurut peg bertugas tu, musim musim ni ikut kutub utara punya perubahan cuaca, so  November- March Musim Sejuk, March-May musim bunga May to July musim panas and last but not least August-Oct musim luruh (autumn). Musim puncak pelawat biasalah : Musim salji lahh.. Musim panas mmg krik krik je rumah ni..xdak org dtg. Yelahh..siapa nk.haha Nasib baik lah kami g haritu mmg dah last week untuk winter. So yay! Sian anak anak mommy xpernah lg dpt peluang main salji. Nanti ye sayang. Kita pergi.

Masa kami masuk ni, pegawai ni kata suhu rumah haritu ialah -2 darjah celcius. Mmg kat tempat briefing pun dah sejukkkkkkk ja.. buka pintu je. Angin diaa..hmmmm..mmg -2 deg celcius lah.

Ok dah sampai Rumah 4 Musim.

Snow boxes

Ada budak kenit sejukkk

Cantik dlm ni and agak panjang juga laluan dia. Sempatlah budak budak ni main main sambil menahan sejuk. Saja lah kan dia xbg proper attire nk main salji sebab nk bagi semua keluar laju laju je xtahan sejukk..hahaha. Tak sangka juga tempatnya besar and syok rupanya. Nanti nak dtg lg musim bunga lah..peg tadi kata diorg bwk masuk bunga tulip!

Licin laluan laluan ni..the boys beberapa kali jatuh tergelincir sb ais dh byk kali mencair kot. Dah hujung hujung 'musim' lah katakan. Ada juga sungai buatan yang beku dlm ni and igloo yang diorg bina khas saja saja untuk pameran.

Snow on branches

A white atmosphere


Keluar tu kejung beku dah semua. Hehehe. Kita gerak tgk apa lagi ada di TBNSA ni. Kalau ikut mommy..dah capai KPI dah tu dh melawat rumah salji tu.haha.

Further front, ada byk kwsn yg menarik juga. Jalan ajelah ke main entrance sambil explore lagi. Kawasan nya hutan yang agak tebal juga and berbukit bukau. Ramai juga yang ambil kesempatan utk jog and berbasikal kat sini. 

My boys

Tgk ikut peta ada taman rumah rumah malaysia. Tp rupanya tutup utk refurbish kot. Tak ditulis pula. Tak berani lah nk masuk. Yelah rumah rumah kosong tgh hutan ni..ada benda benda yang kita tak mau jumpa kang payah juga. Byk juga tandas awam along the way and di kebanyakan stop. And alhmdulillah semuanya bersih2 belaka.

Kami berjumpa dgn jambatan gantung ni dlm perjalanan ke Taman Haiwan. Wah best! Jom naik! Goyang goyang. Adik naik dgn stroller aje. boleh je muat laluan. gantungan nya pun tak brp tinggi mcm di FRIM Kepong. Tidaklah menakutkan utk anak anak kecil :) just nice..mommy approves!

Ada org ngadu penat jalan. Nak aiskrim..hehe

jambatan gantung.

Jalan depan lagi ada Taman Haiwan. Oklah juga..sebab mainly haiwan disini ialah rusa, kuda dan itik. Ada juga landak and kura kura tp tak byk. Burung burung pun ado. Haa mcm mini zoo tp boleh touch and ride the horses. Mikhail paling suka sini :) 

Boleh improve lg sini. Tp untuk entrance tix rm3 for all this..mmg dh lebih dr berbaloi :)

Nyk betul rusa. Ada kot dlm 50 ekor

Ada dijual daun umbut kelapa ke nipah untuk beri rusa makan.

Mikhail suka tgk itik and kuda. Byk kuda. Boleh buat activity memanah berkuda

Keluar dari taman haiwan ada juga kawasan boleh try memanah. Murah murah saja sini. RM5 utk 7 anak panah. Iman n Amsyar try memanah..boleh dtg main lagi lepas ni.

Ada tempat dewasa and tempat kanak kanak (jarak dekat sikit)

Jalan jalan lagi jumpa rumah padi and pintu masuk td. Jauh jugalah nak berjalan di tengah panas terik dekat dekat tghari dah masatu. Tapi mmg berbaloi lah bwk anak anak kesini. The kids were happy sebab byk juga boleh buat rupanya kat sini. Nanti kita dtg lagi ya.. cari kolam mandi pula. Masa pergi ni xjmpa mana tmpat mandi manda nya.

Tgh sawah padi yang tak ada padi..kikikiki

Hitam dh mommy terik oi!

We enjoyed ourselves here. Byk berjalan tp syiok sebab bentuk muka bumi tempat ni mcm berbukit bukau naik turun tu yang jadi best tu..adventurous sikit. Ok daddy dahhh jomm balik! Cari aiskrim mcD! hehehe

Bye TBNSA! Semua dh mashammm..

Inshallah kami mai lagi yaa..mommy nk tgk bunga tulip plak pasni.
bye bye TBNSA



Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Happy Birthday Iman!

Alhamdulillah. 21.02.2018.
7 years already upgraded to mommy! Happy 7th Birthday my dearest son Zulhadzrey Iman.

I have so many wishes for you. Like your name we chose for you, we hope you are always strong, powerful and leading the way (Hadzrey) and is always a person who is submissive to the only One (Iman).  Mommy wish you become one wise one young man, who knows to differentiate which is good and which is bad and always fight for the truth. Mommy you all the health and happiness in the world that will will bring you to achieve all the happiness in akhirah as well. And may you grow up, a good man, who knows his responsibilities and always performing his best to achieve what you desire. 


7years is just a blink of an eye. My first born. The main reason i was called mommy :)
Love you Iman. Study smart and excel. Mommy wants you to be at your highest potential and there's no turning back :)

Oklah to be fair, a little bit about Iman now :)
At the age of 7, Iman is already a quick sprinter, a fluent reader and also dah pandai baca jawi. His ustazah in sekolah agama also kept on praising his khat writings and asked for permission if we would allow her to train him more in khat writing. Alhmdulillah.

For sekolah kebangsaan, he seems to get along well by month 2. Well, there are some ups and downs and tumbles along the road which i do not like because i know he could do better. So we'll see Iman. I have all eyes on you now. Please behave.hehehe. 

A picky eater, he loves his ayam masak kicap manis and sambal ikan. And asks me to cook for him every day. Yes every day tuan tuan and puan puan. hehe. Ok Iman as long as you eat well, mommy will cook. He hates fresh milk, but drinks chocolate milk, and prefers coffee over chocolate for flavors.aiyoo..

23kgs now, he's all muscle built and alhamdulillah sihat. And lucky me, he's not fussy at all when it comes to waking up really early in the morning for school. A call or two..Iman bangun assalamualaikum..Iman bangun jom g sekolah.. he's already up and heading to the bathroom. So not like mommy.hahahaa.

Ok a good boy Iman.

