Friday, October 27, 2017

The Awaited October

Hi there!

It has been awhile, yah for me not to blog. Kadang kadang mmg rasa dh tercicir sikit dr dunia blog sebab byk lg socmed yg lebih ke depan and straight forward and mudah utk kita track bali apa yang jadi semua. Salah satu yg i loike is instagram. Ha yg tu mmg mudah. and kdg kdg xperlu caption kan pun.

Sedih juga bila byk peristiwa yg x di abadikan dlm blog. Lebih lebih lg pasal mikhail. Sikit sangat lah yg mommy cerita pasal dia. Sian anak mommy sorg ni..maybe kah yg bongsu dah kot..tu yang semuanya pun suram je..heheh. Xdelah dik mommy syg semuanya sama. Pam susu selagi mampu utk semua. Belikan brg brg yg dihajati seadanya hehe. Mikhail ni pun mmg pembawa rezeki kepada mommy mcm namanya. Satu, bila daddy dpt rating cemerlang this year (alhmdulillah!) and dua bila at 13mths mikhail dh dpt masuk taska Proton Taspro yg mmg kuotanya mashallah..payah bebenor. Mmg dh tertulis lah rezeki mikhail alhmdulillah. Nanti bulan january kita akan start hantar adik mikha sekolah baru yekk..Mikhail doa doakan mommy yek dimurahkan lg rezeki. Amin amin.

Sentuh pasal syarikat, skrg rmai di ofis ni yg kna berhijrah sementara ke Zhejiang China utk support technical partner cum owner baru proton -Geely. Jangan pandang enteng syarikat gergasi china ni..dia punya techno...fuhhhhhh! mmg berbesar lah hati kitorg ni nak tgk apa yg diorg nk offer kat kita. org melayu ni gini lah...suka sgt main belakang, main org dlm, main kroni mcm mcm lah so kita tgk siapa yg kna lepas ni :) Tp hopefully mommy takdelah kna ke China. Risau juga tu..kalau kena seminggu takpalah.. kalau sebulan mcmana lahhhhhhh...bebudak ni inshallah ok ok saja. mommy sendiri ni yg akan mandom sedih. sunyilah.. aritu ms bulan puasa tunggu diorg ni blk solat terawih pun dh kesikkk..isk isk hati tisu betul ;p Apa apa pun inshallah bende positive je from diorg ni.. and i will be here as long as i can to support. Inshallah kita tak mudah lupakan kulit. Inshallah~

Sebenarnya the perks of the year mmg ditunggu tunggu is October. Satu - esok my sis zainab akan convo terima PhD nya! Wahhh ni mmg besar beb. PhD tu...mommy mmg tak mampulah kot dh tua tua ni rasa cmnolah nak stadi lagi. Tapi masa depan kita tak tahu lah kan. I love to learn and i love universities and books and convocations, so who knows one day. Anyways..congrats to my lovely sis zainab for the PhD! Esok nak tumpang selpie topi Phd hehehehe..kita tunggu esk cmne..

The next thing is - menanti nephews from my BIL. yang ni dua org ..sorg due end of this month, sorg lg february. SIL pun expecting dued by February so nanti rmai lah babies! Yay! Saya sukaaaa :) Babies ni mmg angelic je kannn cute sweet gerammm je.. tp you wait bila dia hit je 1year old ongoing to 3 tuuuuuu...Allahu.mmg sabor jelah mommies dgn makhluk kenit yg rs dia dh besar ni..the terrible twos ni..hehehe..byk akalnya. Mikhail so far ok lg under control lg... lari pun terkedek kedek lagi..kita tggu dia sprint..fuhh mau berpeluh mak ko ni nak!

Apa lagi ekkk hmmm...iman pun nak convo dh ni. 5th november nanti. Believe it or not he's leaving arif minda dah. Since 2014, then 2015,2016 and now 2017 dah 4years dh dia kat arifminda. Is he bored? naahhhh i dont think so. hari hari happy nak g school..well ok lah tak masuk hari hari yg tersentap tanpa sebab tu mmg dia genuinely happy nak g school. nak belajar... i can say he's looking forward to it lah. Ni nak masuk std 1 dah. 1st of november nanti baru tau dpt ke tak sekolah rayuan tu. minta sekolah A dpt sekolah B yg jauh gila berpusing tak tau arah tu haihlah..haraplah dpt sekolah impian nya..

Ok lah panjang dh ni..nanti bebila kita tulis lagi. Oh ya satu lagi why its an awaited october..bulan ni kereta last byr! Yay! 9 years beb and its still running good alhmdulillah. Super blacky dh hit 250,000km few mths back dah and is still standing good! Dari zaman bercinta, kawin..anak sorg dua ni dah tiga. this is the best it can serve us and we are really thankful for that. ada duit sikit kita mekap mekap sikit and nak tukar suspension sikit. cantik lah kau nanti superblacky..handsome dah :)

Ok ok dh brp kali ok dh ni..
C u guys soon!



Monday, October 16, 2017

Post shout out #tb for Amsyar's 5th bithday!

Happy Birthday my sweet Amsyar!!!I owe Amsyar a birthday post way back in May! (OMG lewat gila dh ni...sorry baby!) His birthday was in May..May 23rd to be exact and i had made some goody packs for him and asked my friend to make him a batman cake! Amsyar turned out to really really love the cake! Sold out katanya among his friends..licinnnn! Alhmdulillah. A lovely cake mashallahh :)

This cheeky boy is really my sweet boy. Dari kecik smpai besar jrg demam, fully BF-ed and is a sweet talker too. Suka kiss org.. hehehe Love you Amsyar to the moon and back and to again!


A bad blogger i am these days. I guess blogging is no longer the in thing and people ig-story most of the time by now. Well i will try to keep on updating as long as i can as i guess this would forever be my online diary of my babies and me! I love to go through back to their baby pics and read stories i wrote about them and i would like to just read them back maybe in the future. So toodles my blog readers (if there are any btw! lol!!). See you again soon!!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pictures :UK trip 2008

And i was 23...this was my first on job testing experience :)
A long time ago.

there many pimples. and the camera was 2mp. and there were no beauty filters.hahahaha
OK fine. Miss those naive days, where im the one with questions..sekarang ni, i plak yang kena jawap soalan soalan adik adik