Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Resipi Muffin Oatmeal Raisin w Choc chips yang moist!

Hujan hujan mcm skrg ni budak budak cpt je lapar. So, nak tak nak ptg2 wajiblah ada kudapan kudapan ni utk diorg..sb dah lamaaa betul x baking, makanya terlintaslah nk buat simple muffins bersama sama them two.curi2 masa smentara adik tido..jejommms.. Resipi ni sbnrnya modify ikut tekak sendiri dr hasil googelan jugee..let's cekidaut!


*1 1/4 cwn tepung gandum
*2 sdk baking powder
*1 sdk garam
*1/4 cwn Milo

1 1/4 cwn instant oats
1 1/2cwn susu segar
1biji telur
1/2 cwn minyak masak/jagung
1/2 cwb gula pasir

*1 cwn raisins
*1cwn chic chips


1. Campurkan semua bhn yg bertanda (*) dan ketepikan.
2. Rendamkan oats ke dlm susu segar sebentar, seblum dicampurkan telur dan gula. Gaul sebati.
3. Masukkan minyak masak dan kacau lg.
4. Campurkan bahan (*) yg telah digaul td sedikit sedikit sehingga habis.
5. Masuk kan ke dlm bekas muffin yg disukai 2/3 dr muatan dan taburkan sedikit chip di atasnya.
6. Bakar dlm oven pd suhu 200degC slama 20mins
7. Enjoy!!!!!

Makes 12-13 muffins.

Selamat mencuba korangz!



Saturday, November 19, 2016

Breastfeeding journey 3.0

50 days post partum, the journey this time has already its ups n downs. Mikhail had been a good boy, latching directly from day 0 alhmdulillah. I've been given the chance for skin to skin from birth for him tho I had a c-section delivery which led to direct milk production alhmdulillah.

Mikhail had some jaundice problem for his first 2 weeks of life which needs me to wake him up every 2hours and sometimes my condition had made me too tired to wake him up. Ending up to my breasts to swollen and engorged. I had to pump out some to lessen the pain. But the colesterum is thick so I managed to get 2-3oz only despite the engorgement.

I had issues with cracked nipples as well! Sob! And it was really bad I cried on each feed!! I tried few tricks including putting a lil bit of ebm on the tits and let it dry but it didn't work. Then I tried bepanthen, and tried proper areola latching and voila. Elok kejap ja.. Bepanthen mmg jadi la..alhmdulillah. If baby develop merah merah pre nappy rash pun elok cpt. One time sapu dh OK. Alhmdulillah..

10 days to go to start working guys! I had to stock up some ebm at least for baby Mikhail. The .trick is actually to pump the excess milk after each feed. Every feed if possible. And keep the yield to be stored together. I'm not an oversupply mom so my daily excess yield would be around 7-8oz only (200-250ml) but that would do good for 3 feeds inshallah. and by emptying the breast, the refill would be much more. And of course I need my milk boosters as well. As for now, oats, hot Milo, coffee and red dates tea works for me alhmdulillah. Kena mkn nasi for quality thick milk for me. Adoi.. Lapar every time, all the time..

I guess that's for now.praying hard for this journey around at least for the first 180days (6mths). Inshallah.



Friday, November 18, 2016

I miss blogging...

As I went through my long abandoned blog, I just realized that I have quite a lot of things I didn't blog about especially on happy-nings around me.

Raya haji pun xdak cerita, my bro in law wedding, mom's return from hajj..the birth story of Zulhayqal Mikhail. Hmm nanti kita cerita satu satu inshallah.

My HP previously was not really in a good condition.ni dah ganti baru tp yg biasa ajelah..lenovo juga. But with better selfie feature n internal memory..hehe. So time tu mmg xdaklah mood nk update apa apa dgn hp.pdhal..kat Hosp punyalah lapang ms smpai xtau nk buat apa SB xbersalin lg :)

This time along, baby Mikhail alhmdulillah manageable n sangat behave! Fully breastfeed as for now dh masuk 50 days of life. Biasalah, kena jaundice juga smpai kna stay nicu daycare and berulang ke KK smpai satu tahap mommy dh xlarat nk g and treat kat umah dgn mandian nuraz sahaja.alhmdulillah..hilang kuning nya dh..

Dah beranak 3 ni mmg pantang pun mcm itulah..I concentrated on the first 3weeks. Pastu oklah celup celup sikit, xpkai socks sb panazzzzz..food pun dh ambik yg pedas sikit2 mcm sambal tumis sikit or kuah asam pedas skit.try dlu..tgk OK.br boleh repeat.tp bab bersejuk sejuk ke, ambik ais ke, fruit n vege yg sejuk mmg jaga betul la.alhmdulillah OK ja pantang sendiri pun.

Cerita sbnrnya byk update kat ig..dh mcm daily diary dh. Boleh nanti tgk kt IG zahra_memey tau.OK Mikhail nangis plak.nanti kita cerita ceriti lg..

